I don't think he meant it as an insult. It was more likely supposed to be a compliment.
People often give what they think are compliments without thinking about all of the ways that they can be taken. It's nothing against you, it's just general built-in human stupidity. I do it, he did it, I'm sure you have done it before too, even if you don't know about it.
People are dumb. How we've managed to get this far is beyond me, but here we are.
2006-08-22 07:03:45
answer #1
answered by Brian L 7
It seems like he meant no harm in sharing this information with you but in todays culture it just seems like something of that nature should be kept in. It seems that your husband, in some way or another, gave this guy a change of heart, which is wonderful. This man that approached you could have explained his transition in a more respecting manner and shouldnt have been so quick to assume that your husband must be an immigrant or assume he was here illegally. I think assumptions are the leading cause of ingnorance and poor attitudes this day in age. While this man was probably trying to be honest and sincere, i believe he could have taken a different approach. And it is completely normal for you to feel offended by this statement he made, but at the same time take a step back and analyze what the guy meant. More than likely he was trying to convey how pleased he was by the work your husband did for him and how this changed his veiws...but just couldnt find a better way to convey his thoughts.
2006-08-22 07:18:24
answer #2
answered by kjpierce08 2
These people are trying to compliment you by telling you they think your husband is a good guy. Business is business; to succeed you don't just hire people you like, you hire people who are competent. Be glad your husband is a fine example of the wonderful work ethic that Mexicans have. And be glad that he is more than a hard worker; he is someone who inspires people to make an effort to let you know how your husband has changed their thinking. This is a positive thing, even though you don't like to be reminded that people are stereotypical in their mindset. Congratulations!
2006-08-22 07:11:48
answer #3
answered by ? 3
That's a good thing. When a person goes from hating an entire race of people to seeing something human and relating to a person he doesn't like, it's a pretty mind-blowing thing, I would imagine.
And I'm sure the guilt would be atrocious. Maybe he just wants you to know how he feels...maybe he's worried you've heard bad things about him and wants you to know how much he liked your husband.
I wouldn't take it as an insult. I'm sure that guy didn't see it that way. He thought he was giving you a compliment. So take it that way. Feel better that your husband changed a person's entire mindset. I think it was pretty cool.
2006-08-22 07:06:19
answer #4
answered by still waiting 6
People who never gave immigration a thought before are suddenly becoming aware of the fact that they exist. At least this guy is apparently on the right side.
Get this - my brother in law was recently complimented on his excellent english. Not only he but his parents as well were born in this country. It was the funniest thing I'd ever heard. I hope he remembered to tell them gracias.
2006-08-22 07:11:32
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
No idea why he said that to you but you should not feel resentful. He didn't like your husband but hired him anyway. What does that tell you? That maybe the man respected your husband's skill and labor, hence the hiring. You should feel great that your husband changed a person's negative attitude to a positive one and you should not negate all that by expressing your ungrounded resentment.
2006-08-22 07:07:53
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It was his attempt to make 'right' by you. He thought he was insulting your husband by hiring him while being against immigration. He was also trying to compliment you and your husband by saying it had changed his whole thought process on the situation. As for being hurt that he didn't like your husband......... well, what he actually said was that he was against immigrants. He probably had bad experiences or was raised by parents that had had bad experiences with immigrants. He was uninformed on immigration, but your husband's attitude towards his work and employer changed that. Plus, there are alot of people that don't like who they work with/for. That has little to do with his intentions, or work in general.
2006-08-22 07:08:07
answer #7
answered by Ananke402 5
2006-08-22 12:11:00
answer #8
answered by better? 2
Maybe he had some bad experiences and your hubby treated him good and made him change his mind. It sounds like to me he was complimenting your hubby on his work, his attitude, and the way he treats people.
2006-08-22 07:06:18
answer #9
answered by justaguy 2
He was assuring himself that he is not racist. What a jerk!
As for the hiring when he obviously didn't want to, that kind of says something about your husbands abilities, it's just business. So it's kind of a backhand compliment. At least that's how I would take it.
2006-08-22 07:06:17
answer #10
answered by Marlene 5