In 1948 the UN gave Israel and Palestine land to develop and have as their own.Israel built there's and developed while Palestine whined and complained.Now Palestine wants to take what was developed and not have to work.
2006-08-22 02:14:55
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It’s a fight between cousins.
Both Jews and Arabs claim Abraham as the first of their tribe. Both claim that God gave the land to Abe.
Abraham had two sons.
Ishmael, the son of Hagar.
Isaac, the son of Sarah.
According to the Arabs, Abraham chose Ishmael as his heir.
According to the Jews, Abraham chose Isaac.
They have been fighting over the inheritance ever since.
Abraham should have had a good lawyer (probably a Jewish one, his mother would have been so proud) to draw up his will. Then the problem would have been resolved.
BTW. The international authority (UN) in 1948 partitioned the BRITISH Mandate into Israel and Palestine. (UNGA Res 181). So, according to international law, Israel does own that particular piece of real estate.
To peace-loving Muslims in the Middle East. GET OFF MY LAWN.
Compare the maps of Ancient Israel (Kingdoms of both Israel and Judah) on the first map to today's Israel.
2006-08-22 02:28:50
answer #2
answered by SPLATT 7
Entire books and websites are dedicated to the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict. In summary, the UN partitioned Mandatory Palestine in 1947 into an Arab country and a Jewish country. The Jews created Israel. The Arab dictators rejected the idea of infidels in their midst, and six of them invaded on the day Israel was born. Jordan and Egypt annexed the so-called occupied territories, and the rest as they say is history.
2006-08-22 02:39:27
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
the place/while there is conflict you will no longer locate an honest answer from a muslim/arab they stick to the prophet: Hadith 4:269 Narrated Jabir bin ‘Abdullah: The Prophet (Muhammad) reported, “conflict is deceit.” so to detect a suited historical past of what has befell you will would desire to locate an independent source, of which there are none. the suited you're able to do is to take it sluggish, in accordance with how stable your prefer to appreciate is, and study some previous texts. try "The historical past of the international" from the 1960's, or an Encyclopedia Britannica from the early 1970's. The library on your section could additionally be an fairly stable source. maximum issues you examine on Yahoo! solutions would be stilted to the attitude of the author. stable success.
2016-11-05 09:09:32
answer #4
answered by ? 4
Jews were a people without a state for 2000 years, all that time the Jewish religion forbade any action among jews to return to their historical homeland unless the Messiah took them there, and prevented Jewish integration with local, non Jewish people.
about 100 years ago, as a result of growing religious animosity towards Jews, the Jewish Zionist movement was established (zion is another ancient hebrew name for Israel and Jerusalem). this resulted in small numbers of Jews immigrating to Palestine.
Though the land was largely empty, and Jewish immigrants brought with them substantial development to this land, the local inhabitants objected to the continued immigration, mainly for religious reasons, and thier religious leader, the mufti al hussaini, instigated attacks against Jewish communities.
the hostilities reached their peak on 1948, at the establishment of the state of Israel, when all palestinians and all armies of neibouring arab countries attacked Israel.
The story would end there if arabs had won, which was more than reasonable, since no Jews would remain alive, but the arabs have suffered a major defeat, which resulted in a lot of palestinians escaping the land and a feeling of humiliation throughout the arab world.
The state of israel soon recieved millions of Jews, escaping from muslim countries, and these refugees were soon an integral part of Israel.
Not so with palestinian refugees, most of them were not accepted in the Arab countries they escaped to.
that alone was a cause for the continuation of the conflict until today, with no end in sight.
2006-08-22 02:45:18
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It's a long story, and each side has a different narrative about it - Israelis and Palestinians will tell it differently. This is a complex conflict where both Palestinians, Israelis and Arab nations share the blame (some might add the US and Europe as guilty parties as well).
The conflict will be solved one day, but it won't be very soon.
2006-08-22 02:18:44
answer #6
answered by PoliSciFi 4
We can thank Adolf Hitler, Britain, and the UN for the mess we have today.
Hitler because he was a lunatic, began World War II and the massacre of Jews that caused so many of them to flee to Israel - remember that many countries rejected Jewish refugees, including the US and other European nations.
Britain because they did in Palestine exactly what they did in India/Pakistan - drew up arbitrary borders (often intentionally, as part of their divide and conquer strategy). Britain withdrew from Palestine after World War II because the UK was in bad shape and not able to maintain its overseas acquisitions.
The UN because the UN drew up the official boundaries of Israel in a very thoughtless way that inevitably led to the conflict we have today.
2006-08-22 02:21:23
answer #7
answered by jenms1277 2
-1890 The International Jewish councel convenes in Pal Mal, Weiterland and decide they would like to establish a state for the Jews. a Few countries are choosen and after long debates they settle on two (Argentina and Palestine).
-Due to the Jewish history in Palestine, they decide it would be the more appropriate choice inciting the biblical days.
-1911 Arthur Belfour (English foreign minster) promises the Jews to help them create a state for them in Palestine if they support the upcoming war in Europe (WWI) financially.
-1920 The Enlgish mandate over Palestine. Jews start imigrating by the thousands to Palestine, creating armed gangs and confiscating land from the unarmed farmers.
-1926....present Jews capture more land from unarmed Palestinian farmers, kick people out of their lands and make refugees out of them.
-Palestinians living under Jewish occupation are subject to horrible daily treatments, complete isolation from the rest of the world and from each other due to walls surrounding towns and villages, not allowed to creat any kind of indeustry other than farming industry....etc.
If your people suffered what they suffered, would you be a little pissed off as well?
2006-08-22 02:28:04
answer #8
answered by Z-Man 2
the roots of this problem is the occupation, that means their was no Israel before the occupation of Palestine,
Palestine is Arabic land , and all the countries surrounding Palestine are Arabic countries, so the roots of Arabs and Palestinians in their land are too deep.
after the occupation USA and Britain supported Israel as they are doing today
Israel can not live without the Americans support , with weapon es and money.
2006-08-22 02:25:19
answer #9
answered by osama 1
Post holocaust we returned the Jews to their promised land. Displacing the Palistininian people who at one time displaced the Jews. This "Promised" land was surrounded by Muslim countries most of which ended up with leaders whom used their hatred for the Jews to rise to power. Hence tyrannical Muslim regimes were empowered to build their militaries up simply to rid the world of the Jewish state. The poor Palestinian people have been used as pawns since they had Jewish leaders placed above them by the allies of WWII. Israel offered up 90% of the West Bank and the Gaza strip as an olive branch to peace. America gave them hundreds of millions of dollars to help them start there own government only to have it embezzled by Arafat. His rich widow now lives in France. The Iranians, Syrians, Egyptians, and Saudi's have only offered these poor Palestinian people Terrorist organizations in an effort to incite war and to finally bring deat to the Israeli government. Being that this goal is impossible to achieve because of American support of Israel the Terrorist extremist widened their goals to rid themselves of Israel and dragged the USA into It's scope of death. Their goal is to change American support for Israel so that Israel's destruction is at the least a possibility for the Tyrannical regimes in the region to achieve. The goal has changed from simply killing Israel to what they believe will be the true Jihad and the return of Allah. Bottom line they pray for Iran to get nuclear weapons and welcome a world wide nuclear war. The critics who say "Why shouldn't Iran have nuclear power?", need to wake up and see that they are digging a deep grave for all of us.
2006-08-22 02:39:22
answer #10
answered by Anonymous