Hi, hon. You are right, abortion is not okay, but that doesn't have to have anything to do with religion. It has to do with the fact that every abortion kills an innocent human being. We have laws against the murder of people who are already born, against rape, against child molestation, etc., because one person should never have the "choice" to physically harm another person. Abortion is no different. It should be illegal. See:
Photos of Abortions, Including 1st Trimester Abortions:
A Four-Minute, Must-See Video on Abortion:
Information on All Aspects of Abortion:
Photos and Facts About Prenatal Development:
Pain Perception in the Unborn:
Pro-Life Answers to “Pro-Choice” Arguments:
Rape and Abortion:
Is Abortion Ever Necessary to Save the Life of the Mother?
2006-08-22 02:37:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Abortion under any circumstance is wrong. Abortion kills the most innocent of children. To address the right of women to choose, the woman’s’ right to choose was not to have sex in the first place. Even in the case of rape it is still unacceptable because murder is murder and the baby can always be put up for adoption after words. People often forget that the child is living and that just because it is not talking does not mean that it should be seen as non human. This mindset of seeing certain groups as non human was what lead to the Holocaust, the mass genocide in Rwanda, the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia and many other atrocities. Also the issue of abortion is not a religious issue but it is a moral issue, if you believe the murder of children should be acceptable then support abortion; yet if you are a person of characters and morals then you should never support abortion because it is killing. The bottom line is we as Americans should raise our voice and help to get abortion outlawed in all states and set an example to the world to show that we truly are the land of the free.
God Bless America
2006-08-21 15:14:25
answer #2
answered by Matt 1
personally, I agree with abortion for certain circumstances. If a girl is too young and unattached to the father. I would support a 14 year old girl for having an abortion. Mistakes are made and having that baby would be a bigger mistake. If more girls had abortions when they truly in their heart of hearts don't want the baby, there would be less child abuse, neglect and inevitably less dangerous criminals created.
If you look at EVERY serial killer or pedophile, they all have abusive homes, whether they were neglected or beaten or their parents were alcoholics, etc. If these parents had never given birth to that child, many many serial killers would never have been born.
I realize this is a dramatic approach but it's true. If you don't want the baby, either give it up for adoption or abort. There are plenty of good families that will adopt a baby. When I think of these poor babies being beaten and tortured, I wonder why did these people have these babies!! Children deserve laughter, love, play, sunshine, education and safety. That is just SOME of their needs. If you are 14, you have no idea how to provide that, you are still a baby yourself.
I won't even comment on the rape thing. Your suggesting that a woman should keep a product of rape?? She will look in the eyes of that child every day and see her attacker. That is a horrible thing to expect of any woman. God forbid you are ever raped, you may change your tune. I sincerely hope that never happens to you, but if it does, I can guarantee your attacker had a terrible childhood because his parents should never have had him. It may not be the child's fault, but it's not the woman's either.
Abortion is a choice, you are right about that. Personally I think women should reserve this for rape, teenagers, severe abnormalities to the fetus, mother's health in danger, etc.
A married woman who is established and has a secure husband and family has no reason to abort. The only thing I could think of is her state of mind. Every woman knows her limit and if having another child puts you over your limit, then don't. All the children would suffer for it.
2006-08-21 14:40:16
answer #3
answered by nick031297 3
I don't believe in abortions unless it could kill the mother or their is a very young child pregnant with a child.Their are a lot of good people out there that can't have kids and would just love to adopt a child.I personal think abortion should be illegal because after 24 hours that unborn child has a heart beat and anything with a heart beat should be considered living.If a mother gave birth to the child and killed it,it would be considered murder.What is the different's?The baby does live inside the mother so should be considered living and if their is an abortion then that should be considered murder.Just my opinion....
2006-08-21 14:43:22
answer #4
answered by Kuch 2
I think if your an adult and are married and want a child keep it.
If your two teens messing around for fun and games and get pregnant give it up for adoption or be the best parents you can be.
If you've been raped I say abort it.The only reason why I say that is b/c it was brutally concieved and wouldn't want to live knowing the father was a horney jackass.Buy I am an active Catholic and on't believe in abortions unless it's rape.I think that rape is the only one for abortion in my book.Abortion is murder,it's wrong and people that are wimps that can't go thru with pregnancy are losers.Do they think sex makes them impressive,well abortion should make them feel like murders I mean its your own "Mini Me of God's wonderful creations" you killed,you kill a baby you kill God. I know many friends tat have had babys young or aborted them unfortutley.It's sad these days.
2006-08-21 15:23:28
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I really don't agree with abortion either, but if the mother's health is in danger than she may have no choice. If the woman is raped, I could understand why she may want to have an abortion, because keeping the child would give her a constant reminder of a horrible event.
2006-08-21 14:42:34
answer #6
answered by Green-eyed Nikki 5
I don't believe in abortion either. Although I would have to say if someone where raped and became pregnant because they are not on the pill or did not take the morning after pill because of being scared I would not blame them for it. I also think a lot of women who do have them don't realize the effect a DNC has on your body
2006-08-21 14:31:13
answer #7
answered by Jeffiner 2
Well I also think that abortion is not okay either way (if you get raped, or just have sex). Beucase if you do have the baby and dont want it you can give the baby up for adoption and he/she will be better with someone else. If you want to stay anonymous you can go to a church or police station or the hospital can take the baby also.
2006-08-21 14:31:53
answer #8
answered by chikita4652 2
How would you like to look into the eyes of a child created from such an evil act if you were raped? Yeah, adoption is an answer but do you really want to go through years of trying to get over such a traumatic experience just to have it thrown in your face 18 years later if the kid were to show up.
It's a choice whether raped or not.
2006-08-25 07:46:33
answer #9
answered by Scully 6
Our whole moral value ethic is being challenged as 'religious', with the idea of dropping everything for the sake of the 'separation of state and religion'. I can agree with some of this,, becuz people assume that Christianity would become the state religion,,, but the fastest growing religion and the most ambitious people now to convert the world is Islam and the muslims. Satanism is a registered religion in the USA and I sure wouldn't want to have to participate in that.
However... to say that murder has to be allowed because the Mosaic commandment "Thou shalt not kill' is religious; and to say that it is okay to rob people because the commandment 'thou shalt not steal' is religious,,, would end us up in chaos and anarchy,, in the name of 'freedom' without responsibility.
2006-08-21 14:30:10
answer #10
answered by mary_n_the_lamb 5