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26 answers

I wish we would. Forget the U.N.- it's a useless organization. Get together with the Israelis and other countries that see things our way and go clean the Iranians clock before they nuke someone!!!

2006-08-21 08:12:19 · answer #1 · answered by Coo coo achoo 6 · 0 2

Yes and no. The first problem that the US needs to deal with is the Bush in the White House. I believe that Bush Jr. is only seeking revenge for Bush Sr. Bush Jr. is trying to prove that he can Finnish the job that Bush Sr. started when he was president. I don't like either of them. My Question would be if the USA can have nuclear energy and weapons is if fair for us to tell other countries they can not. Sure Iran is against the US and the US should protect itself from Iran or any other enemy country. But to solve this problem we Americans need to remember what America was founded on. GOD. If America would get back to trusting God and Worshiping God as our ancestors did than I do not believe America would have any problems in the world. We would once again be a great power ( Power of God.)

2006-08-21 08:23:02 · answer #2 · answered by Here's your answer or questi 2 · 0 0

Actually, in terms of killing innocent civilians, the US is right up there with what you term "terrorist" countries..The US is responsible for sponsoring more terrorist countries than any other country in the history of this earth. Do a little research on our current prez and his family and then get back to your question.
It is like the pot calling the kettle black..
PS..the word terrorism doesn't mean "Anti-America".. it is defined as this:
: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion"..please start thinking outside of America and realize there is a WHOLE world out there..

2006-08-21 08:42:41 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I DO evaluate Iran a Muslim u . s . a .. Any fool who thinks Muslims have never invented something no no longer something approximately them. +They invented algebra +They invented surgical technique +They introduced the assumption of mayor to the Western international +All Spanish words that initiate with "al" got here from the Muslims--Moors to be particular The Golden Age of Spain develop into throughout the Moorish administration of the country. The Muslims allowed Catholics and Jews to prepare their religions as they wanted. as quickly as the Moors have been pushed from Spain, Spain went downhill and not in any respect has recovered to the attention days of the Moors. i develop into merely thinking approximately this the different day and that i made this commentary: Muslims of those days appeared greater stepped forward than they at the instant are. What occurred for them to bypass backwards? sure, all of us understand Iranians are not Arabs. they are Persians and talk Farsi, by how. (For others, no longer you.)

2016-12-11 12:44:14 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

to late to stop them while America was looking for none existent weapons of mas destruction in Iraq. little old Iran was tapping away , But well who the hell will trust American government now with anything they announce to the world it seems they shot them self in the foot , closed the stable door after the horse had bolted but it wasn't even the right stable door,if it wasn't such an important matter it would be laughable

2006-08-21 08:20:34 · answer #5 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

each country has the right to develop what they want why do we call people who defend their countries as terrorist. than every single person in the world is a terrorist because we have a lot of people killing each other for no reason why don't we call this terrorism? so dont ask a question before you actually know the meaning of it...

2006-08-21 08:13:46 · answer #6 · answered by melody 2 · 2 0

Not if the current President has perosnal interest in dealings with those countries like Iran.

2006-08-25 05:37:50 · answer #7 · answered by Answer chick 2 · 0 0

Yes....We should! But, terrorist bush has squandered our nations military might on Iraq....creating an uproar in the oil producing countries. This has brought him a very large sum of money, as he is heavily invested in the oil business.

2006-08-21 08:20:01 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If we go in and bomb what we think are the right targets , we better get ready for the third world war , and a draft. We would have to attack North Korea also , they are building towards it and they are just as dangerous. I would rather see it go through the UN and see if diplomacy can work.

2006-08-21 08:11:32 · answer #9 · answered by messtograves 5 · 1 0

I don't think ANY country should have them. Bombs can do enough damage without going nuclear. Sometimes it looks like governments are playing "Who has the most toys", and their people pay the price.

2006-08-21 08:18:29 · answer #10 · answered by Mimiat41 5 · 2 0

Why, because Iran might stop our Nuclear Program?

Gees, let Iran have Electrisity! Jesus God!

2006-08-21 08:10:42 · answer #11 · answered by pickle head 6 · 1 0

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