hey.go to start,control panel,Network Conection,right click to Lockal Area conection,porperties,go to internet protocl and click porpersties,then change your ip address.
if it not works:
go to start,control panel,Network Conection,right click to Lockal Area conection,porperties,go to internet protocl and click porpersties,use the fllowing ip address,enter ip address,enter subnet mask,enter defoult getway.
2006-08-21 05:17:50
answer #1
answered by Bledi Shaqiri 1
Locate where the old Internet IP address is in your router. Usually it is called WAN IP Address. Erase what is there and type in the new Internet IP address you have. Be sure that the new IP you have is obtained from the same ISP and within the same subnet, else you have more things to change later.
If you use a computer as your router (proxy server or IP sharing PC), then simply access the TCP/IP Configuration window and change the IP address on the Network Interface Card that connects the PC to the Internet.
2006-08-21 05:10:57
answer #2
answered by jomo 2
most ISPs use DHCP to give out IP addresses to their customers. But once a computer registers it's network interface card with the DHCP server, the server almost always hands out the same address again when re-establishing the connection, unless the address has been handed out to a different computer.
The latter can occur, if your PC has been offline for a certain amount of time. How long that is, depends on the number of available IP addresses the ISP has: if there are many, the leaseterm for an IP address will be long, therefor you would have to be offline for a long time. If there are few, IP addresses will change quickly.
2006-08-21 05:07:49
answer #3
answered by pete_can_do 5
This Site Might Help You.
Does anybody know how to change your internet IP Address?
2015-08-12 22:19:08
answer #4
answered by Niccolo 1
that depends on if you have a router or just work off your modem and also if your using a static IP. If your using a static IP then just call your ISP company and have them change it because most likely your paying to keep the IP. If your using a router unplug the router and turn off your modem this usually causes a IP change because it releases the IP back to your ISP provider then after 5 minutes or so restart your modem then router and you normally will get a new IP. I say normally because it all depends on how often your ISP recycles IP. DSL do this more often as you see peoples router reset every day or so this is because the IP is being renewed. if you just have a modem then just turn it off unplug it for 5 minutes and it should do the same thing. Good luck. to check your ip type ipconfig /all in command prompt.
2006-08-21 05:09:05
answer #5
answered by Jeff L 4
START, Connect To ("show all connections"). Then right click the Local Area Connections Icon and choose "properties". Then scroll down to the bottom and select "internet protocol TCP/IP". Select "properties" and check the box "Use the following IP address" (for example with the "gateway" being the IP address of your router typically. The "mask" is usually
2006-08-21 05:13:04
answer #6
answered by bobweb 7
If you are on dialup, go into the command prompt (assuming you are running on Windows XP) by going to Run and keying in CMD. Press enter.
When the black screen comes up, type this in:
ipconfig /release
Then type this in:
ipconfig /renew
Your ISP should assign you a new IP.
2006-08-29 04:49:00
answer #7
answered by bumpbox.com 2
If you're using Windows and you need to change it in your settings, right-click on the "My Network Places" icon and select "Properties." Then right-click on "Local Area Connection" and select "Properties." Select "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" from the list (careful not to un-check it) and click the Properties button. This will let you see your IP address and DNS server. You can change them on this screen.
2006-08-21 05:09:38
answer #8
answered by Super Flippy 2
For Windows only:
click start/connect to/right click on appropriate ISP/properties/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)/properties or double click the previous options.
Now you are ready to feed appropriate information.
2006-08-21 05:17:27
answer #9
answered by smilingface 3
Go to your dos prompt and type in ipconfig and hit enter. Then type in iprelease and push enter. If you are in a DHCP environment, that should get you a new IP address assigned.
2006-08-21 05:06:48
answer #10
answered by bmwdriver11 7
Ask your ISP to change your IP Address.
2006-08-28 13:19:19
answer #11
answered by alexis 1