Because actors (or politicians = same thing) are often modeled by the general public, which, for the most part is not consisted of drunken, Jew-hating, macho phonies who make movies about a Jew named Jesus and hate them as well. Hmmmmm. Think.
2006-08-27 03:44:31
answer #1
answered by heyrobo 6
yes i's because when u are a celebrity, people put u on a pedestal, and u end up having some sort of "social" responsiblity to be a good example. however, i belive his apology *shows* that he Was trying to be a good example; people make mistakes, and mel gibson is a person. at least he is admitting he made the mistake, and NOT acting like he IS on a pedestal, better than the rest!
also i had an interesting conversation w/ someone from bible study regarding this.. she was saying that mel gibson had negative thoughts in his head, and therfore regardless of his movies and actions trying to support Judaism, his words were negating his efforts. and my point was, only God could judge whether a person is "good" or "bad". so instead of judging mel gibson as if WE were God, we have to judge him as a person. as ourselves. therefore, sure, he made a mistake. learn from it and move on. we are not God, so we can't say "how dare he say this, he's a Catholic!" or "he was trying to make Jewish projects on tv, but he really hates them!" we are not perfect, so we cannot judge him so absolutely as what his thoughts and actions are, and if they are Pure or not. therefore, we can only judge him as we judge ourselves, as human beings..and we all know that getting drunk is pretty easy to do, and stupid to do, but doesn't negate all the good things we've tried to do when sober. anyways, moral of the story is, let's just understand that people are people, and that we all make mistakes. it's what we do AFTER that really shows what kind of person we are.
2006-08-21 03:13:34
answer #2
answered by sasmallworld 6
drunk driving is a serious offense but his behaviour while being arrested compounded the situation with his vile anti-semetic one is commenting in terms of his ability as an actor...his high profile life is always going to be a source of curiosity like any other celebrity and he should've known better than to get drunk and drive a car and behave that way after getting arrested without thinking that there are dire consequences for such acts especially for people like him....that is the issue here and there is hardly any connection made by most people as to his ability and quality of his work as an actor
2006-08-26 11:01:16
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Racist and anti-semitic outbursts by celebrities are career suicide because it affects their marketability. Film companies and distributers only care about the image of their actors in order to attract cinemago-ers to latest releases. Image is everything in the Film Industry. Conversly, they say that there's no such thing as bad publicity.......
2006-08-27 14:44:30
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Because people don't have enough going on in their own lives so they have to have some sort of importance through someone elses mistakes...
2006-08-21 03:08:33
answer #5
answered by Whatev' Yo' 5
i don't care what he thinks on the personal level.
Mainly I like most his films, that is what i care for, good films and good actor.
2006-08-27 04:36:45
answer #6
answered by Wadjet Eye 2
It's not that it affects his acting ability, but many of us don't WANT to further his career by patronizing his movies. I'm Jewish, and it offends me to hear what he said.
2006-08-21 03:08:58
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
That's old news, yet your question is only 4 days old?
2006-08-25 12:30:58
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
because people have nothing better to do with their lives other than obsess over the kind of lives they will never have.......
they are only jealous......
2006-08-21 03:10:30
answer #9
answered by Valyn 1
Probably cos his acting career hasn't been that great anyway?
2006-08-21 03:09:06
answer #10
answered by Anonymous