You are definitely not overfeeding him. My daughter is 7 months old (tomorrow!), and I started her on cereal at 4 months with her doctor's permission. Always give him his bottle (or breast if breastfeeding) first, that way he is getting the nutrition he needs from it, and then when he is done, you can offer him the cereal and let him eat as much as he wants. He will stop when he is full by turning his head, or not opening his mouth when you offer him the spoonful. Once he gets the hang of swallowing the cereal, you can try other stage 1 baby foods. Or, try making your own food, it's really easy. I love the website:
Some people think you should start veggies before fruit because they prefer the sweetness of fruit and won't want to eat veggies, but I started my daughter on bananas first and she hasn't had a problem eating veggies at all. She is now starting to learn to eat finger foods, but doesn't always quite have the coordination to pick them up! If you are ever concerned, don't hesitate to call your doctor, they are always happy to answer questions by phone! Good luck with the new stage in his life, it's a messy one!
2006-08-20 19:04:45
answer #1
answered by fiestagrill 3
He should have way more than that if he likes it. You should start out once every day and give him about 1/2 cup. Eventually, bump it up to twice a day. 2 weeks after he's been on rice cereal, introduce some oatmeal and barley. You should always wait 2 weeks before introducing a new food so you can check for allergies. Once he is used to all the cereals, start him out on a jar of veggies. Orange ones are the best: carrots, squash, sweet potatoes. Then the green veggies, then the fruits. For a more detailed menu you should ask the pediatrician.
2006-08-20 16:55:03
answer #2
answered by Mischelle 4
You can give your 5-month-old 1/4 cup of cereal mixed with breast milk or formula (no cow's milk yet). My 4-month-old started cereal and vegetables because 40 ounces of breastmilk a day still left him hungry. Do not worry about overfeeding him, he will let you know when he is full - pushing away the spoon, batting at the spoon, turning his attention away from you while you try to feed him.
Right now the American Association of Pediatrics reccommends baby have only breast milk or formula for the first six months. If your baby is ready at 5 months, it's okay to feed him the cereal and start feeding him some baby food vegetables once a day or every other day before he gets his milk or formula.
Best vegetables to start with are pureed carrots, squash or sweet potatoes.
You can slowly increase the amount of cereal you give him and start to thicken it up by adding less liquid.
2006-08-20 17:10:02
answer #3
answered by iindiigo 2
My daughter is 10 months old I started cereal around the same time. Never evr put in bottles!!
You can start other stage 1 one food as soon as you feel comfy probably about 6 months.
You can also make hoemmade purees in your blender of fresh fruits and cooked veggies. Babies really seem to looove it.
I started off with solids only in the mornign then built up to twice a day then 3 times with 2 snacks. and all small meals baby will tell you when full!!
My baby is already on table food at 10 months.
2006-08-20 16:45:08
answer #4
answered by Sascha R 1
Baby will tell you when he/she is full. Don't worry about overfeeding. my littlest started on cereal when I realized she was greedily eyeing her big sis's cookies one day. She was opening her mouth every time Dad was eating his cereal. She was hungry. Your baby will start being interested in your food. Start with the stage 1 foods, work slowly through the easy to digest fruits (pears, apples, peaches, bananas). INTRODUCE NEW FOODS IN THE AM!!! This way you have all day to catch a food allergy. Keep a bottle of kid's Benadryl in the house, JIC. Once you've gone through the single ingredients, mix apples and bananas together for a bit of variety. Experiment! Keep an eye out for indigestion too! Keep a bottle of Baby Mylicon on hand, too!
2006-08-20 17:46:46
answer #5
answered by carolinagal75 3
That's not to much at all. The suggested serving size for rice cereal is 1/4 of a cup, and you can give it to him every day. Its only about 60 calories for a 1/4 cup serving a little more if you mix it with breast milk or juice. I always mix my babies with 1/2 apple juice and 1/2 water she loves it made that way.
2006-08-20 16:43:49
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
im not really sure how many months ur baby is rite now but cereal is kinda ez to digest some baby's tend to spite their food out when they feel they cant take in anymore
but not too worry if u are afraid of over feeding him just give him the amount of food u r comfortable with than in an hour or two if he cries then just pop him wif a bottle
other foods u have to see how his digestion is if his ok than u can start bout 5 - 6 ur gynae for better advice ...
2006-08-20 16:49:18
answer #7
answered by SexyPrincess 3
It is okay to start out with two ounces of cereal and you should give it to him everyday. The consistancy should be smiliar to runny oatmeal or first foods baby food, not to thick and not to thin. You should also start him on baby food now, remember you only give him one food at a time and do not introduce a new food for one week after you start the first one.
2006-08-20 17:43:38
answer #8
answered by Rachel S 2
for the 1st feedings the directions should be on the cereal package...1tbsp cereal, and 3 tbsp breastmilk/formula/water...the ratio should be should feed him untill he doesnt want anymore or when the serving is done everyday...this creates a schedule and gets baby used to eating from a spoon. then decrease the liquid slowly untill its 50/50. as long as you dont put it in a bottle you shouldnt worry about overfeeding.
2006-08-20 16:45:24
answer #9
answered by lilgreek19 1
I fed mine baby cereal daily when they were 6 weeks old.I mixed it with their milk formula and fed with a spoon, not a bottle feeder. Then , started them on fruit, vegetables later. By 6 months they were on baby cereal, fruit and veggies daily, 3 times a daily. Helped them sleep better at night. I know doctors now don't recommend that, but my 3 children were VERY healthy and still are , now in their 30's. I took bottle away at 8 & 9 months and gave them a sippy cup.And they aren't overweight now either.
2006-08-20 16:45:54
answer #10
answered by beasleylin 2