Buy little stinkbombs from a novelty or joke shop. Those things smell like rotten eggs and will clear a room!!! Also rotten fish would work. Soak a rag in rotten fish & rotten fish juice, aim a small fan out your window towards him and hang the rotten fish rag on the side of the fan blowing towards him...ewwww, stinky!!
2006-08-20 16:25:39
answer #1
answered by boxerpitk9 3
Complain to the Homeowner's association. There are always rules about times of day for making noise. Then call the cops for his 5 am guitar ritual...disturbing the peace. As to the smoke? Don't start a war. It isn't worth it. Run the air.
2006-08-20 23:27:04
answer #2
answered by Stargatebabe 4
A wonderful odor that a man does not like is cheap perfume Also if you go to the sporting goods shop you can get urine odors for deer hunter. That might drive him off. Sounds like he is ornery. He thinks it is cute. It also sounds, like he is trying to get you to move. Spray deer urine on him with the help of your fan. That should make him stop and if he doesn't just keep spraying. Or you could set a radio in your window and play opera music. I always say be good to your neighbor, but he is not being good to you.
2006-08-20 23:32:46
answer #3
answered by Norskeyenta 6
Report him to the homeowners association. Of course the alternative is to raise skunks and train them to spray the bastard everytime he sits out there by your window.
Seriously, the homeowners association should be able to do something about it. If you live in a townhouse you are paying a monthly fee so that they can handle things like that.
Good luck
2006-08-20 23:26:47
answer #4
answered by NyteWing 5
It is unlikely that you are going to find something that is not going to offend you as smoking deadens the sense of smell anyway. Good idea not to hurt your neighbor as that is illegal. The only thing is to contact the land lord as you have already approached your neighbor with no avail. Stand up for your rights and follow the legal process
2006-08-20 23:33:28
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Dead fish? Rotten meat? Mix milk, eggs and beer?
2006-08-20 23:26:21
answer #6
answered by Jeff M 2
you can talk to your landlord, or call the cops when he starts the concert at 5 am,
2006-08-20 23:33:08
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
lmao this has to be the best one ive seen ever.... wat you need to do is throw some stinkbombs (more then 1) then set some axe cans to go off automaticly and throw them his way too.....this really really sux i have done it before it smells like axe and **** mixed together it will make u puke......
2006-08-20 23:38:11
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
ever heard of dog crap?
2006-08-24 19:31:18
answer #9
answered by painterman19723 2