From my understanding, acupuncture is a method used in Chinese medicine to help balance the body's energy or Qi. By using the needles in specific points, it helps to reactivate or stimulate the energy and bring back that balance. Once the body's balance is restored the disease or problem should be lifted. Sometimes chinese herbal remedies are also used in acupuncture sessions to assist with the body's return to balance.
I had several acupuncture sessions when I was suffering from gallstones. I had always heard that the needles didn't hurt, but the first time I went in - there is slight discomfort from the needles being put into position. Once the needles are placed, the pain went away and I became very relaxed. The needles did not hurt when they were removed.
2006-08-20 17:25:00
answer #1
answered by Unity 4
I've had it before, but only in electronic form. I spranged my ankle playing baseball and I had to go in for physiotherapy. It's a small device about 6" in length and it has a 9V battery in it (now that I'm talking about it, it sounds like a vibrator but it isn't, lol).. what they do is they send small impulses through your muscle in order to relax it (and eventually it should feel better.) It doesn't hurt, it just feels weird. You might feel a little pinch but that's about it. I think traditional accupuncture is the same idea, only they stick a bunch of needles in the area where it hurts to relieve and relax the tension in the affected areas.
2006-08-20 22:33:12
answer #2
answered by DJ 3
My mother used acupuncture when she was in labor with my sister in place of pain medication. She was very pleased with the result!! My understanding is that the needles do not hurt as long as the person knows what they are doing!! Acupuncture is good for a variety of ailments.
2006-08-20 22:32:10
answer #3
answered by treasuregirl66 2
I went 12 times. It does not hurt. It is good for different ailments if you go to a good one. I went for tension in my neck that made it difficult to look either direction.
2006-08-20 22:33:30
answer #4
answered by David 2
i heard it doesnt hurt but if u are not relaxed, antsy and stressed out it might hurt a little. i have never had it but i heard it does help, its great but u need to trust the person who is doing it and not be worried.
2006-08-20 23:20:45
answer #5
answered by EventNewYork 3
I had it for headaches. It hurts a little bit, but not as much as the headaches
2006-08-20 22:29:43
answer #6
answered by sharkgirl 7
had it for asthma and it hurts, or maybe I cannot stick the pain!
2006-08-21 09:16:35
answer #7
answered by Little miss naughty 5