Hurt her feelings, the reality check will help her. She has to have solid proof that she annoys the C R A P out of people. Life is too short to be bothered by annoying people. PS Is she Korean?
2006-08-20 12:18:03
answer #1
answered by JVHawai'i 7
I have the same problem. U might feel a little guilty, but try ignoring her for awhile. Don't answer when she calls or if u do answer, say that u can't talk long or ur busy w/ something. It's really hard, but try it. It's prob better than telling her off. Maybe she'll get the hint the more u ignore her
2006-08-20 12:09:12
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
it so unds like you don't want this person as a friend any longer. If that is the case then the only way I see of dealing with him/her is to tell them flat out how you feel. It seem slike no matter what you say along these lines may be hurtful regardless. I mean you can tailor your words and use less painful inflection when you speak to him/her but you aslo don't want to leave room for them to misunderstand and continue to bother you.. Good luck.
2006-08-20 12:09:04
answer #3
answered by kitkool 5
Well Just Tell Her How You Feel..If Shes A True Friend Then She'll Leave You Da Hell Alone ;)
2006-08-20 12:15:38
answer #4
answered by ~BrooklynChick~ 2
If polite sudden hints do not work be perfectly honest. You do not have to be rude, or intentionally hurt someone's feelings but tell the truth and be direct and explain that just because you are annoyed does not mean everyone else is.
2006-08-20 12:08:49
answer #5
answered by Tiff C 2
This is how you approach the situation.
1. Find reasons why you are not able to talk for long
2. Limit your personal contact.
Take control of the situation. You have allowed the situation to take control, which is causing you distress. Release yourself, if not, you may end up being ill and miserable.
2006-08-20 12:17:30
answer #6
answered by enigma 3
The best thing to do is express your feelings right away rather than letting them build up. Otherwise they will come out unexpectedly, uncontrolled, and that's when you might hurt someone's feelings.
2006-08-20 12:10:09
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Doesn't sound like a friendship to me. Be like, hey girl, you're annoying me so leave me alone.
2006-08-20 12:07:11
answer #8
answered by sam 3
Stay away fgrom her. Don't talk 2 her no more. Tell her that u don't want 2 b her friend or talk 2 her tell that she's...........annoying.
2006-08-20 12:12:04
answer #9
answered by hotty 3
Well just try to stay away from her. if you can say something like oh i gotta go somewhere an dthen leave her.
2006-08-20 12:06:38
answer #10
answered by crishbk 3