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wat is bookmarkin?...is the site bookmarked ..if yes then how to delete tht...i deleted all history still its appearing in the address bar

2006-08-20 09:20:45 · 8 answers · asked by dhruv 2 in Computers & Internet Internet

8 answers

This works if you have Internet Explorer as your browser.
The record of search history which appears in the search box on Yahoo and Google pages is actually a feature controlled by your browser.

* Click Tools at the top of your screen, a menu will drop down, click on Internet Options, then click on the Content tab.
Under Personal information, click on the AutoComplete box.
On the AutoComplete Settings window click the Clear Forms box to delete your current history, or you can uncheck the Forms box to permanently stop the generation of the search history. When you are finished remember to click OK.

* If you just want to clear the searches (and don't want to stop the generation of the search history) from the search box menu on Yahoo or Google Home Page or any other Yahoo or Google page, double click the search box, this will make a menu drop down with your searches, put your cursor on what you want to delete to highlight it, hit the delete button on your keyboard. If you want to delete everything just hold the delete button down until everything is deleted.

* To clear searches on Yahoo Toolbar, click the pencil icon beside the search box, a menu will drop down, click Clear Recent Searches. If you want to stop saving recent searches, click Toolbar Options and uncheck "Enable Search History", or check "Auto-clear Search History when quitting IE" to clear history when you close your Internet connection.

* To clear searches on Google toolbar, click "Google" on the left of the search box, a menu will drop down, click Clear Search History. To stop saving searches click options, click search tab and check or uncheck to configure your search box.

* To clear history of sites you have visited on Internet Explorer 6 address bar, click Tools, Internet Options, under General tab click Clear History, you can also set the number of days to keep pages in history, click Apply and then click OK. You may also want to click the Content tab and click Auto Complete and check or uncheck your Auto Complete settings to your preference.

* If you have Internet Explorer 7, go to Tools, Internet Options and you have the option to delete everything all at once with just one click, under Browsing History, click Delete, a menu will pop up, click Delete all to clear everything, or choose what you want to delete.

* Mozilla, Firefox, or Netscape browsers, click Edit, Preferences, Privacy- Security, Cookies and delete cookies, then click Navigator, History and delete history. Go to Smart Browsing in Mozilla and Firefox and clear forms, click Advanced, Cache and delete temp files.

2006-08-21 09:49:17 · answer #1 · answered by hutson 7 · 0 0

click tools-internet options-clear history. If the problem remaining, check ur sistem infected by malwares.

If u dont want to save any history anymore, u can do it. there is option to clear all history when exit.

U can save your favorite sites in the bar. That is called bookmarking. After clearing the history also u can open the sites from the bookmark.

if u are using internet explorer, go to favorites to do the same thing.
Right click the address and select delete to delete bookmarked sites.

2006-08-20 19:37:46 · answer #2 · answered by Ajith S 2 · 0 0

If you are talking about the yahoo toolbar click the pencil and go to clear search history!
TO Stop recent searches from popping up in the drop down menu on a search page.
Go to the search site site, click where you would type then push the down arrow
on your keyboard.
As you move your pointer over a word it is highlighted,
Highlight the word in the list then hold down the delete key on your keyboard.
To turn this feature off Open an IE page go to tools at the top/ Internet options click the content tab/ then click the auto complete button/ uncheck every thing there>
Be sure to come back and vote for the best answer!

2006-08-20 09:26:05 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Depends on the browser...in Mozilla under tools>options>privacy and clear browsing history. If you're lame and use IE, go to options in the same area as "clear history" will be something like clear address line.

2006-08-20 09:27:37 · answer #4 · answered by Bob J 1 · 0 0

Tools => Internet Options => Content => Auto Complete

uncheck Web address, forms , user name and password

Click button "Clear Forms" to remove web address and Click "Clear Password" to remove the passwords.
Press ok

2006-08-20 19:33:51 · answer #5 · answered by ranjuswt 2 · 0 0

If you want to delete a bookmark just right click on it

2006-08-20 09:26:12 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Right click on it and select delete. I am assuming you are talking about the toolbar.

2006-08-20 09:25:40 · answer #7 · answered by Fremen 6 · 0 0

go to control panel
and click history clean out and that will clear it out

2006-08-20 09:27:55 · answer #8 · answered by Jessica C 1 · 0 0

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