There shouldn't be, but adults will sometimes question whether children grasp the concept of love.
Does someone really love an individual or is it merely infatuation?
In a perfect world, there shouldn't be any limitations on love and expression thereof. However, in the world we live in today, people try to define what is and isn't love.
For example, in certain female circles, the advances of a male who may be considered geeky, unattractive, and strange would be deemed as creepy or unwanted.
You can have women that will group together and claim that male is being a Stalker because he won't take no for an answer and he engages in behavior that makes the object of his desire uncomfortable.
There are cases where you'll have such males following the woman they're smitten with around, watching them from afar, and continually expressing their affections.
Depending on the age of the male, it may be deemed cute if he's young. However, the older the age of the male is, the less tolerance that female or her friends will have for his behavior.
An 8 year old male can get away with fawning over a female where it's perceived as non-threatening. However, if it's 38 year old or 48 year old male, that's when it becomes questionable. Add 10 years to where he's 58, and he'd be branded as a lecher or a dirty old man.
This comes back to your question about age limits being prescribed to people on what is appropriate and inappropriate expression of affection.
This becomes even more complicated when individuals themsevles don't know what love is. With all due respect to women, there are women that circulate in society that are told about Stalkers and obsessive men. However, not all women are taught how to distinguish between men who are infatuated or have a puppy dog crush on them and males who would be deemed as dangerous Stalker types.
When the education level of victims is low, a victim can actually transform an individual who was merely in infatuated with them into an obsessive stalker through mistreatment and abuse. Society can literally create Stalkers when there was really nothing wrong with the individual in the first place.
That's the power of thought when it's an ideal or belief embraced by groups of people. For example, if you have an uneducated female that really doesn't know what stalking is but thinks she's being stalked, she can tell all her friends that she's being stalked and all her friends would rally to her support and brand the individual who is supposedly harassing her as a Stalker.
I once witnessed a love triangle where there was a bisexual female who had a lesbian lover. This guy liked her and they had a side relationship. The guy, however, was miserable being second fiddle to the lesbian lover because every time they were together the bisexual female would dump the guy to be with the lesbian female.
When the guy tried to depart and seek out a relationship with a completely new female cutting romantic ties with the bisexual female, the bisexual female turned around and begged the guy to come back to her rather than allowing the guy to leave and be happy with someone else.
It ultimately ruined the new relationship he was trying to establish with the new female because the new female could tell that the guy still still feelings for the bisexual females and the only reason why he was leaving was because of that lesbian lover whom the bisexual female placed more importance over. The new female didn't like being second best or knowing that she was being settled for.
So the bisexual female won the guy back and the relationship between the new female and the guy fizzled.
The sad twist to the story is that the bisexual female years later turned around and accused the guy of stalking her and being obsessed with her, which is unfair because if the bisexual female had left well enough alone and let the guy go on to be happy with the new female, that guy whom she dubbed as her stalker would've been with someone else and not hanging around her.
Should the bisexual female receive any pity or remorse if she claims that a guy is stalking her if she pulled the guy back? If the guy was supposedly an obsessive stalker, wouldn't she have been thrilled or relieved to have that guy out of her hair and where his focus and attentions were on another woman and not her?
This may seem like a topic off tangent with love, but it comes back to the point of how not everyone knows what love is.
There are so many people that ask what love is. Then you have people who walk around trying to define what love is, but their behavior and actions are contradictory.
There are a lot of religious questions floating around about Jesus. Jesus is supposed to represent Love. God is Love. However, I once stated it would be ironic if Jesus Christ was a real person engaging in normal expression of love but his unwanted advances get him branded as a Stalker.
If Jesus Christ got branded as a Stalker, what does that say about society? It would be a huge blow to the Society we live in if that ever happened.That's because if Jesus Christ, who supposedly symbolizes Truth, Love, and Kindness gets branded as a Stalker, what chance to regular men have?
Are the standards of people really realistic, or is this an Social Dysfunction?
The world is becoming a smaller place with the Internet. With everyone getting their own web sites, Blogs that tell the most intimate and personal details of their lives, and where obtaining information is one click away, there's a Social Epidemic that's brewing.
There are a lot of teenage girls that are being handed the power of deciding what is or isn't love. If they like who is courting them, it's love. If they don't like who's courting them, it's not love.
This creates a very sad world for the future male by emasculating them because they have to worry about whether their actions will be construed as obsessive hinting toward Stalker tendencies or if it's safe to approach a female.
Females have "Stalker Immunity." The concept of a Stalker Female is foreign. There are movies like "Fatal Attraction" that herald this phenomenon of a Stalker Female, but you would see leniency on the Females compared to males.
If a 35 year old Male was stalking a 20 year old female, it would be a classic case of stalking.
If a 35 year old Female was stalking a 20 year old male, the judicial system wouldn't grade as harshly because females are perceived to be non-threatening or incapable of violent or aggressive behavior compared to a male.
If an ATTRACTIVE 35 year old Female was stalking a 20 year old male, it would either go unreported or there would be extreme leniency because she's pretty. This is an example of Physical Discrimination based off of looks.
If you're physically handsome or attractive, you will receive more leniency if you're a Sexual Predator. If you're unattractive or look creepy, you'll receive a stiffer sentence.
This once again comes back to Love.
What is Love?
How do you know if someone loves you?
How do you know if what you feel for someone is love?
Animals have more simple Love Lives because they're not entangled in a complex Society that creates so many definitions, restrictions, visual cues, and human expressions.
When you throw in words where you can say the wrong thing, that makes achieving Love even more difficult because you have to jump through certain hoops.
In the dating world, your first impression makes a huge difference. If you say or do the wrong thing during the courtship ritual, you blow your chance and strike out. You have to follow a very particular formula to achieve success.
Sadly enough, this is where you come to Social Problems where women complain about how they can't find any good men out there. It's because the men who have the potential to be good have horrible opening lines or opening verbal gambits when engaging women.
Courtship is like Chess. Any seasoned chess player can tell you that if you have a horrible opening game where your chess pieces are out of position and in disarray, you're going to lose the game by the Middle or End Game.
In regards to your question about Age Limits, you can take a Statistical Approach using Fractions.
If a 20 year old claims to fall in love with a 14 year old, there's a 6 year difference. Parents and adults would claim that the 14 year old is inexperienced and doesn't know what love is.
If the person is 30 years old and the other person is 24 years old, there's still a 6 year difference, but that 10 year discrepancy compared to the first example changes perceptions.
It's the flip side of what I said earlier about how an 8 year old male following a 20 year old adult female would be cute, but a 58 year old male following a 20 year old adult female would be seen as creepy.
From a Historical Perspective, the Human Life Span played an important role. In the 1700s, getting engaged and married between 12 - 14 was common place because most people died by the age of 40 or 50.
If you were a 21 year old female and unmarried, you were considered to be an old maid or spinster. In today's society, women are getting married and having children much later in life.
Now that people are living much longer, parents seeing their children attempt to have children or get married under the age of 17 is considered socially irresponsible or financially risky.
The dictates of society in the 21st Century are much different than that of 18th Century or previous time periods.
Is there any difference in the affections expressed by a 14 year old in 1706 compared to a 14 year old in 2006? Does the amount of Knowledge of this century really make a difference in determining what is and isn't love 300 years ago?
Does it mean the more intelligent that Humankind gets, the bar that separates childhood from adulthood keep go up as well?
If people live to 200 years old in 3,000 AD, does it mean that 24 year olds will be like the 14 year olds of today that supposedly aren't mature enough to know about love?
When it comes to love, this is just showing where we came from, where we are today, and where we're headed.
One of the most memorable scenes is when Forrest Gump tells jenny, "I may not be a smart man, but I know what love is."
One of the beautiful things about Love is that it's free and available to anyone. Everyone has a right to love. When it comes to Education and Intelligence, not everyone is smart. However, you don't have to be smart to love someone.
When people try to rationalize love, they're thinking with their heads instead of their hearts. That's how people end up making love more complicated than it really is.
Sometimes people overthink things and love will pass them by. It isn't until in hindsight that some individuals can truly appreciate love when it's gone. That's how you get the saying, "It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all."
The best kind of love is the simple love where there are no strings attached, no politics, no sex, and where you could just love someone because they're important to you, make you feel good about yourself, and make you feel happy when you're with them.
2006-08-20 09:46:57
answer #1
answered by "IRonIC" by Alanis 3