It is really going to depend on which university you go to. Some have a large emphasis on research and science, and can therefore have a huge population of both undergraduate and graduate chemistry majors. Other schools, such as liberal arts or private institutions, are overrun with business, communication, and education majors. My undergrad had a total of 15 graduating chem. majors. We were few, but mighty! Larger schools will give you the option of specializing more into smaller aspects of chemistry, e.g. biochem, environmental chem, chemical engineering, quantum chem, etc. Chemistry is pretty awesome, though, so even if you are afraid of being in the minority it's still worth it. Besides, if there aren't a gazillion chem majors there will be smaller classes, which is always a huge bonus.
2006-08-19 20:04:07
answer #1
answered by Sarah C 2
yes, but some major in other chemistry majors as well, such as chemical engineering, chemical biology, or biochemistry
2006-08-19 19:13:32
answer #2
answered by Travis 4