Well, mutant super villains in Marvel have a reason; they want to wipe out the mere human beings and repopulate the earth, for mutants alone. It's not nice, but it is a comprehensible reason: they believe in evolution and in the struggle for survival.
(The funny thing is that MOST people who believe in evolution think that they are in some way 'superior' to everybody else, but will not dare to actually do what evolution says they must do, kill the weak and inferior, because of social reasons, like going to jail. And we even have laws that protect the weak and those with hereditary diseases, and they are legally allowed to keep on reproducing their defective genes! Do you think that we will someday have laws allowing the rest of us [I'm ASSUMING that you and I don't have any undesirable genes!] to kill those who have genetic defects, through no fault of their own...? That way, we would stop going against evolution!)
In DC comics, most of the would-be world destroyers have been either aliens themselves or were dying super villains who wanted to take everybody else with them.
2006-08-20 23:44:55
answer #1
answered by cdf-rom 7
To get an audience on it's hero/heroine's side, entertainment often presents a simplistic version of good vs evil. They do seem to go way overboard all too often. It's as if THEY slept in class and can't tell the difference between a well writen story that sends a believable message and bogus trash that simply entertains. The reality is closer to psycholigical manipulation. You, like many others, have seen the clearly defined line between reality and fantasy. In reality, truely evil beings steal tangiable items such as your wallet, your stereo, your future, or your good name. Fantasy mags, repeatedly pull the same emotional chain with pretty much the same story by depicting the worst possible scenerio. Sad to say, the common response is to continue buying the zine to "see what will happen next." I think it's far better to venture out of the fantasy realm, write your own story, and see what happens next.
2006-08-19 18:38:12
answer #2
answered by elge13 3
Destruction is necessary because of the instinct of a villain to ensure that *only* his/ her genetic material survives. The supervillan thus destroys the world, but will keep some survivors to breed with, and produce offspring to enjoy the spoils under the supervillan's sole parenthood.
2006-08-19 15:02:18
answer #3
answered by Tuna-San 5
Sometimes it's better not to ask questions and take things for what they are. LOL, I guess it would be boring if they tried to take over McDonalds. Maybe then we have good service.
Hey SHORT great minds think alike.LOL
2006-08-19 15:00:51
answer #4
answered by Josh S 7
That's just it----they are insane, not to mention stupid. They tend to want to destroy the world for percieved injustices slighted against themselves. Silly rabbits.
2006-08-19 15:04:44
answer #5
answered by me 4
Because there crazy and they are maniacs....villains are born to destroy the world of comics.........ha.ha.ha.ha.ha...
2006-08-19 15:29:55
answer #6
answered by nathaniel b 2
because it wouldn't amke for a good dtory if they were trying to take over a mcdonalds
2006-08-19 14:59:54
answer #7
answered by Short 2
i know! it's so stupid...where would they go after they destroyed it, they would die, wouldn't they? well i guess it's just there jobs to always destroy the wolrd heh heh ^.^
2006-08-19 15:03:17
answer #8
answered by Structure 5
beacuse theyre evil
2006-08-19 15:49:28
answer #9
answered by hugeluigifan 2