The state I work for changed medical plans, so I had to chose a new doctor. The closest to me was a female. I've never had a woman doctor but I told myself I would try it out. Women are supposed to be better listeners. Anyway, months later I go in for a checkup. This old lady comes in and I assume she's the doctor. Nah, she's the nurse. Then this hot white woman, maybe 41, comes in. She seems pretty thorough, asking alot of questions. She checks me out completely, starting from the head and works her way down. When she asks me to drop my boxers, I try my hardest not to be turned on. I'm not a pervert, but sometimes things I'm thinking about basketball, music, anything to distract me. This doctor takes my meat--with no gloves on!--and looks closely at it, taking her time, and I swear that when she let go she stroked it, like from one end to the other. Jesus, has anyone ever had something like that happen? I sort of felt turned on, and sort of felt violated.
22 answers
asked by
Darious C
➔ Women's Health