She is not a latina!! She doesn't speak Spanish, she doesn't identify with being hispanic. She dyes her hair platinum blonde, wears fake blue contacts and tries to look Scandinavian. She is latina thinks that she is real.
2006-08-19 13:48:05
answer #1
answered by Carol R 7
I've been hearing alot about christina'a latin album..I personally need to listen to it...I think she is a great singer...I think she has guts to change her image the ways she the clothes she goes out in too.....I dont rate it..I just think she has guts...Itz not that I dont believe that she is of latin descent..she well could be..half latino which isn't mixed with any other blood.which is a caucasion latino...maybe her dad is fair...her mother is irish and irish is a pretty strong maybe she inherited more of her mothers genes...I DONT THINK SHE LOOKS THE SLIGHTEST BIT LATINO be truthful......AND I COULDNT STAND that fake latin look she had..puttin on loads of weight and claiming itz due to her latin side...she doesnt have the physique of a latin woman..AND piling on the fake tan wiv the black hair and mexican chola style makeup...her skin is naturally very fair.....But u neva kno ppl come out all different..Tho we are the same race i'm half mumz dominican and my dads english.....i'm olive skinned with dark/medium brown wavy hair and blue eyes...PPL COME OUT ALL DIFF I SUPPOSE....BUT SHEZ A GREAT ARTIST NO DOUBT....WHO CARES ABOUT HER ROOTS WHEN IT COMES DOWN TO IT I GUESS..
2006-08-22 22:44:11
answer #2
answered by LDN Chica 1
she sing very good in spanish, you can't tell that spanish isn't her real language, but she can't really talk in spanish, if you want to sing in spanish you can practice and do it very good, but she doesn't really speak in spanish. However, her dad is from Ecuador a country that is from latinamerica, so she have some latin roots.
2006-08-19 20:53:26
answer #3
answered by jno60 2
Yes she is ,just like Cameron Dias is
and Eva Mendez
There is no question about how talented she is that girl can sing and why shouldn't she? all those freaking Mexicans are capitalizing from having their freaking network own by Mexican and they are not even talented.
2006-08-19 20:51:30
answer #4
answered by ny_lollippop 2
Yep she can definately talk spanish shes got the accent and all that. Its an old song though its not actually hers.
2006-08-19 20:50:27
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
ok she may not be born in ecuador but shes got latin blood. yes she speaks spanish im colombian . she is lovely i love her she is my favorite singer. im latin i truly am proud to say she is lol :P
2006-08-19 20:51:04
answer #6
answered by lkolka 3
Sure whatever pays the bills and for her huge fake boobs. She is a good singer but don't like her image.
2006-08-19 20:48:14
answer #7
answered by ? 4
other ppl are on here to not just latinos
2006-08-19 20:48:45
answer #8
answered by ♥OHIO*HONEY♥ 4
she's so not latin!
2006-08-19 20:46:23
answer #9
answered by Tu Amor 2
she's half puertorican and some other race.
2006-08-19 20:53:47
answer #10
answered by BoRiQuA_MaMi 5