abortion really gets on my nerves.
with all the hundreds of people out here that would die to have a baby and those insinitive B***H's have the nerve to kill one. (specially the moms of teenage daughters who force them to abort just to save face when the girl actually wanted it) its just not right. I dont care about the ones for medical issues i understand them more so.
If you are going to talk the talk you need to walk the walk (if you can lay down and make that baby you need to have that baby)
even if you dont keep it. put it up for adoption so someone else can love it. it didnt ask to be concived. but it does have the right to live. as soon as the egg and sperm unite that is a new life! its human and deserves the chance.
(by the way i wouldnt even get my dog a abortion even thou i didnt need the pups. we found them all good homes with people who whould have other wise had to do with out)
I dont care who or what it is murder is murder and if something has one spark of life in it and you put out that spark you are a murderer!!
my cousin was forced into having a abortion, by her mom and the baby daddy. she still crys over it and still can not get preg again. when she had her sono done it came back that the baby would be deformed and had severe downs. her mom told her to get rid of it and try again to have a healthy baby (she didnt want a grandchild at her age and definitly not one with problems)
they took my cousins baby by enducing labor and letting her have him. then they layed him on the table beside her and she had to sit there and watch him for the next 4 and a half hours while it faught and tryed to live, until he finally died. wheres the humaity in that????????????
my poor cousin was scared emotionally for life by that! what would the harm have been in carring him to full term and helping him live and loving him for the short time he had because of his medical problems.
HE FAUGHT FOR ALMOST 5 HOURS with out support TO LIVE BORN AT 19 WEEKS!! he wanted to live. he should have had the chance to try.
2006-08-18 19:14:03
answer #1
answered by naightengale 3
Here's my two cents worth... where'd you get your statistics from? I've seen the website you posted, but it really doesn't say where they got their information, not to mention that the statistics are kind of old - for the US it said they were from 1996! Also, the 93%, can that be broken down any further, as "social reasons" is a very broad category!
I suspect your statement is intended to shock, however, all I can say is so what? Tell us all something we don't know! I think most people could guess that the majority of abortions are for "social reasons".
Statistics tend to be shallow, they don't allow the viewer to assess the information in any real depth, or get a sense of why the person really got an abortion, not to mention that they can be interpreted any way you want to.
PS to the person above me, what's a bunko party? Just curious!
To Scarlett Rose, if you believe that if it's your body then it's your choice, then how can you believe that being raped would be that easy to get over, particularly if you believe that being forced to be pregnant for 9 months is so bad? Also, not all pro-lifers are religious, and not all religious people are pro-lifers. I know many religious/Christian people who are probably better educated than you, so why don't YOU go get educated!
2006-08-18 19:48:09
answer #2
answered by Bratfeatures 5
Of course I'm going to get a lot of opposition because of what I'm about to say. Before I get into it, though, I will admit I have had to consider what I'd do in this situation and it would not have been an easy decision to make.
Now, on to one of my biggest pet peeves. Busybodies. "Busybodies?" you may say. "What do busybodies have to do with abortion?"
It is NOT YOUR PLACE to tell someone else how to live their life when they choose to live it differently than you think it should be led.
Would it be right for someone to tell you that you couldn't shave your legs because God put hair there for a reason or you couldn't have an ugly (much less potentially or known cancerous) mole removed for the same reason. That's basically what you're saying to a woman seeking an abortion. (And I dare you to comment on how you think I'm demoting human life to that of a mole or hairy legs. Open your mind and keep reading.)
Until you're ready to stop sinning, you have no right to tell her she can't have an abortion any more than I have telling you it's wrong for you to eat those Twinkies or that Big Mac. If destroying a body is wrong, it's wrong in utero or in the drive through. McDonald's is just a slower process.
Furthermore, you're so wrapped up in protecting the unborn yet you forget about the born.
When is the last time you've held a baby trembling from the effects of her mother's drug addiction? What kind of life do you think she will have? If the government allows the baby to stay with her mother (or even with an unwilling, money-hungry relative or foster parent-no disrepect to all of the wonderful foster parents out there), the chances of her being traumatized and abused (mentally, emotionally and very possibly physically and/or sexually) are so great that it's almost a given.
Where will you be then? You fought so hard to force this life upon her but then you go back to your minivans and soccer practices not caring that you are responsible for the hell that this child will grow up in.
And what if the horrible happens and the mother snaps one day and takes the life of this anonymous child? What will you do then? You'll watch it on your big screen TVs and read it in your paid newspaper or magazine subscriptions and feel appalled that something like this could happen. You'll talk about it over a glass of wine at your Bunko parties and wonder why someone didn't catch it earlier.
Well, they tried. Five months after the mother had sex with a man who bribed her with drugs and finding out not only did she get high, she got an STD and got pregnant, she would have had an abortion but couldn't because of you.
Then you had the nerve to turn your nose up at her as she walked out of the grocery store wearing a housedress stretched across her third trimester belly and grayed pink slippers all the while thinking people like that shouldn't be allowed to procreate.
A month later that procreation was lying in the hands of a NICU nurses jerking and fighting for a life she had not asked for and was not prepared for. And who would be?
She manages to torture through to kindergarten where the teacher suspects things aren't as they should be at home but there are SO MANY cases just like this ("Praise God for all of those abortions thwarted," you say.) that it's so easy for her to fall through the cracks.
And then it's too late. Look what you've done. You killed a 5-year-old.
I've read that email listing dozens of people who were born into unfortunate circumstances or to mothers who "miraculously" decided against abortions as they were walking up the steps to the clinic. Stories of how the children they were carrying rose above it all to become something great. But where is the email listing hundreds upon thousands of names of those who didn't and don't.
You have time to get a tan, smoke a cigarette, have a drink, eat a Whopper, and put your makeup on while you drive but you don't have time to write THAT email.
P.S. Bunko is a dice game. Women (and possibly men) form groups and gather periodically to have dinner, usually a drink (or four), and play the game. My ex-husband use to playfully call it Drunko because we rarely actually played the game when we got together.
2006-08-18 19:46:17
answer #3
answered by partyplannerchic525 2
abortion is wrong. it's murder. i can see the 1% and some of the 6% but the 93% is just horrible. no child should be unwanted. someone out there will want them.
2006-08-18 18:56:29
answer #4
answered by Jugglingmidget06 4
Those are very very sad statistics! No baby is unwanted or inconvienient! God gave you that baby because HE wanted you to be pregnant. If you abort, it's a true and honest sin. Why would you do anything against God?
2006-08-18 19:08:44
answer #5
answered by Mom of One in Wisconsin 6
my guess is you need a school paper done and you want all sides of a debate you left nothing really to debate...to some an abortion is wrong to others its not ...to some i guess it could be ok if you were raped or somthing like that, but not to choose...maybe not to do it medicaly..or maybe its ok to do it for that reason but not choose it otherwise what the heck do you want us to debate
2006-08-18 19:09:08
answer #6
answered by mommaof2girls&1onway 3
What the debate about sounds good/right to me Is the debate about abortion itself?
2006-08-18 18:59:20
answer #7
answered by beauty30058 2
I think everyone should have the right to choose what they want to do.
2006-08-18 22:24:10
answer #8
answered by shorty 3
Pro Life
If you do not want babies then do not have sex
2006-08-19 07:18:09
answer #9
answered by Coast2CoastChat.com 5
o.k......... what do you want to debate, the percentages, abortion in general, is it ok to abort if you're raped?
2006-08-18 18:58:54
answer #10
answered by Lindy357 3