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So,I'm only 15 and wanting my permitt and then I turn 16 later this year. I want to drive but the thought of wrecks freak me out.Also,I'm short and probably wouldn't be able to see over the striring wheel(seriously!).

2006-08-18 16:17:50 · 15 answers · asked by *G 3 in Cars & Transportation Other - Cars & Transportation

15 answers

girl the first thing you need to do is don't think about those things.If you keep thinking about it you will get nervous and will probably get into a wreck.Take it easy ,learn the basics of the car then drive in an empty parking lot then drive on lone street all with someone you are comfortable with and then keep building up your skills remember .slow and steady wins the race so what if you get your license till next year.oh put cushion in your seat to help boost you up

2006-08-18 16:26:34 · answer #1 · answered by Lola 1 · 0 0

Yes I was like that too but of course, I feel better when my parents were present. I just sat there and wait for them to order me to do something. Always trust them.

I sat and turned the ignition. I waited till the motor was running smoothly. And I gained confidence from there. Then I pressed against the brakes and switched gear to D. Start by driving forward. Just ask one of your parent to guide you. You'll be fine.

Also the wreck thing.. I was in a bad car accident. My mom ran through red light! I didn't wear seat belt and ended up with a bloody face but no broken nose. Thank god. Airbags helped. So if you feel you want a safe car, tell your mother you want a car with airbags. Wear seatbelt. Follow road rules.

My mother always placed an angel pin on the ceiling and said it eases her driving. Oh yeah, never drive when you're pissed.

There are many many reasons to be in accidents. It happens. It could be because of weather, the rush hour, environmental obstacles, or a misunderstanding between two drivers, many other things. You have to be accepting of these things that are bound to happen before operating any human made mechanics. (That's life!) It's a matter of risk and safety.

2006-08-18 23:34:19 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why would you want a permit to do something you are afraid to do? Status, perhaps. Don't think you have to get a permit as soon as possible just because everyone else is getting one. Relax, wait until you are a little older ( and maybe even a little taller). Driving is something you need to be comfortable doing to be safe. But not too comfortable, there is nothing scarier than seeing some crazed 16 year old trying to show off for his buddies!

2006-08-18 23:26:35 · answer #3 · answered by Larry T 5 · 0 0

Put something under you so you'll be taller. You have to find some way to get over your fear.I'd say the chances of you getting into an accident are slim as long as you are a good driver and WEAR YOUR SEATBELT. Getting your permit is like the best thing to happen to a teen so go for it and have fun!

2006-08-18 23:26:04 · answer #4 · answered by NiseyG 3 · 0 0

then bus it everywhere
BTW if you finally get the courage to drive you wan to consider a car with a disable air bag switch, as you'll probaly be too close to the steering wheel and in an accident small and petite women have been killed by the airbag as they are usally closer to the reccomended distance for proper airbag deployment

2006-08-18 23:23:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You can't be nervous, keep practicing where their isn't a lot of cars and gradually get into more traffic. You never worry about other people, just concentrate on what your doing, it's not hard you'll get used to it. I'm also short, you will be fine use your mirrors

2006-08-18 23:26:27 · answer #6 · answered by Allison 1 · 0 0

Sweety face your fear it is hard to face your fears just be strong and just believe in yourself believe in your heart and believe what you can accomplish and you can beat your fear. it is scary behind the wheel i know i only tried driving once i kept stepping on the gas and almost hit a tree and my sister was laughing and i never learned to drive again.

2006-08-18 23:24:57 · answer #7 · answered by mamas_grandmasboy06 6 · 1 0

Most Auto Enthusiasts Learn early on that learning how to drive a car is not necessarily a fun experience. It is like learning to ride a bicycle all over again. It can be a two edged sword. It can bring you so much joy and freedom and turn you into auto enthusiasts for the rest of your life. It can take you to such things as mundane as a grocery store or far away places with sand, surf, and a beach. It is one of the great necessities of life and requires only that one get over any phobia of learning how to drive. It's is also fast, and a much more dangerous machine than your bike.

When most of us get past the phobia of learning how to drive and then start to learn to drive, we quickly learn what screeching brakes sound like, due to our tremendous paranoia; the paranoia that we might crash, and wreck the car into a pile of twisted junk... killing ourselves in the process.

When it comes to "learning how to do this thing", not one other thing we do seems to be as vital to us as a drivers education to get our drivers license. Learning begins with learning safety as a pedestrian, and progresses through bicycle safety. Then, before you know it, you have a teen, someone in the family, or someone you know, who wants to earn a drivers license and drive a car in traffic! at night! during bad weather! Oh No!! it can't be true, another kindred soul has joined our little band of auto enthusiasts.

In order to ensure that a beginning driver begins to understand the responsibilities that go with driving, this website will bring you the best drivers education information, skills awareness, and drivers ed products, such as recreational vehicles, to overcome any phobia of leraning how to drive, and will absolutely increase your margin of safety better than any other web site on the Internet... you can count on it!

The information and products on this web site will get the point across from the comfort of your own home, on your own DVD or VCR player and at your own pace. Our information and content addresses the requirements of all states, the material covered is what every parent wants to know, what they want their child to know, their senior parents to know, and their friends to know before they take off in their car or the family car, so we offer life saving information and products to parents, teens, seniors, and all auto enthusiasts alike on this web site.

A multitude of driver training awareness sites exist but the program on this web site is developed and pattered after the experiences gained from a lifetime of training over 1 MILLION drivers when my staff and I were working for TOP Driver in the 80's and 90's. Our "Hands-On" experience is now available on this web site and we believe the site will become a God Send for you and yours.

Let's keep it safe and sane on the highways...family and friends are the most precious thing we have in this life...and deserve our time, attention, and experience when it comes to driving an automobile. As parents or adults, we can make a difference and this is what this web site is all about. It serves auto enthusiasts, instructors, beginners, foreign nationals, mature adults, and most of all YOU!

2006-08-18 23:36:19 · answer #8 · answered by JAME 3 · 0 0

you've got time to grow. start with a smaller car like a VW. You're better off being afraid you'll wreck than thinking your'e a NASCAR/F1 driver.

2006-08-18 23:23:07 · answer #9 · answered by sethsdadiam 5 · 0 0

Don't drive until you want to. If something happens, you will be rendered scared for a very long, long time. Maybe becoming a phobia.

2006-08-18 23:24:51 · answer #10 · answered by will 2 · 0 0

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