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looking for enlightenment and ideas

2006-08-18 14:40:36 · 78 answers · asked by sarkyastic31 4 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

78 answers

NONE! religions are made to supress your ideas and keep you in the dark.

2006-08-21 11:12:17 · answer #1 · answered by Pablo 6 · 3 3

There are core spiritual truths common to all faiths, and wrapped around those core truths is the onionskin of their other beliefs. Your spiritual faith begins in you: what do you believe? I don't mean "I believe in Islam, or Christianity", I mean what's important to *you*, as a person?

You may think, on the beginning of a spiritual journey, that you don't *know* what you believe: after all, you're searching for something to believe in, right? But your inner, core beliefs are with you right now. And when you read something - be it a Bible, the Qu'Ran, the Torah, The Tibetan Book of Living And Dying, The Road Less Travelled, whatever - you'll read something that *resonates* with your core beliefs.

Now, with some people, that will be an organised and recognised religion. And with other people, that will be bits and pieces of organised religion with some other stuff thrown in that they've picked up along the way.

But the core spiritual values, if you live a spiritual life, will be the same, whatever religion you choose to follow: be *nice*... I sometimes think that's all God (or the Goddess, or Buddha etc) is really saying: "play nicely, children!"

Of course, you're always going to get the playground bullies - the fundamentalists - and they are in *all* religions. I do believe that they're the most *frightened* of religious people, and ironically the least secure in their religion: there's an element of OCD in their behaviour, so desperate are they to go to their version of Heaven when they die, so desperately frightened that they won't. It makes them not-nice people. And since the basic tenet is "be nice", they've created a self-fulfilling prophecy, there. They want everyone to believe the same thing that they do, so that their belief system is *validated* by other people.

But your spiritual belief is your own: you don't need anyone else to validate what your beliefs are. Your relationship with a Deity is your own relationship, it is personal to that Deity.

And there is a distinction between "religion" and "spirituality". I personally believe that the world religions exist for a purpose: everyone is at a different stage of spiritual evolution and so have different needs: you wouldn't put a six-year-old in University, they need to go to primary school first, work their way up. I think spirituality is a bit like that. Because it's all a learning process, and it never stops.

I hope you find what you're looking for: listen to what other people say and how they behave. An old Amish proverb says "When you talk, you say things you already know; when you listen, you learn something new".

2006-08-18 22:52:42 · answer #2 · answered by indi_girl 1 · 0 0

I am Catholic. I was raised in a Protestant church, and I changed two years after I married a Catholic man (34 years ago).

I found the basic beliefs to be very much the same, but in the Catholic church, the Mass and Eucharist were so much more meaningful, sincere and beautiful. The devout faith that this is the real presence of the body and blood of Jesus Christ, is truly
a spiritually enlightening experience. And that is what essentially defines a Catholic.

Other factors in my decision to change:
In the Protestant churches, it seemed like people were there to see who was there, almost like a little social club. When somebody new came in, they were seized and encouraged to come back. Trying too hard; too much high pressure. The fact that Protestant churches are all different bothered me, too: Even in the same sect, vast differences from one community to another. People come and go a lot; there is often very little commitment or education necessary to be a member there.

Catholic churches, on the other hand, are universal (that's what the word "catholic" means). You attend Mass in any city of the country, and it will be the same scripture, same liturgy, etc. And people don't pester you. Anybody can come to a Catholic mass, do as they wish, participate or don't participate, nobody asks you who you are, questions you about if you're new, or anything. It's totally between you and God there. And that's very spiritual. Not something for people to dabble in. If you want to be a Catholic, you must learn and convert. It doesn't happen easily, and it is considered a lifetime commitment. We are serious about our faith.

2006-08-18 15:16:57 · answer #3 · answered by mia2kl2002 7 · 0 0

Religion won't get you anywhere, seriously. Do you know what enlightenment is? It is not a high, it is awareness that there is no separation from anything else.
Read: Power vs. Force and the other books by Dr. David R Hawkins
Spiritual Enlightenment by Jed McKenna and his 2nd

Those are really the 5 books to get you to the heart of it.
Also, I am That by maharaj Nisargatta (though it is a bit confusing and lots of Guru speak, but still helpful to get beyond duality)

2006-08-18 17:25:27 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I was raised in the christen faith but I believe that God in his wisdom has put the true faith in all religions and it is our job to find the thread between them. We would have been allot better off not having religions that man can make up his own rules. The thread is the answer and at the end I wonder how many people get it. I guess we will all know sooner or later. Keep your mind open and look for the good which I believe is the true path.

2006-08-26 14:01:48 · answer #5 · answered by chancesare45 4 · 0 0

I am Wiccan. I choose this path because I happen to be a natural born witch. There is a lot to this religion but I mostly chose it because I feel the only person/thing/diety that can judge you is the one you see in the mirror every morning. I will not be ruled by a god that wants us to fear him, that isnt love, thats abuse. I also prefer to follow my own path and not be told what i can and cannot do. Having one rule an ye harm none do what ye will works perfectly fine for me :) and no im not a fluff bunny and i dont think im a charmed one and no i dont ride a broom im just like everyone else. I just happen to be born with a little something extra that i choose to develop. Everyone has some sort of 6th sense or power but most are forced to lose it growing up or choose to ignore it when they get older. Btw i have nothing against other religions, I feel its important for everyone to believe what feels right for them. There is nothing wrong with that. And I do believe the christian god exists along with many other gods, i just dont choose to believe in him but others. :) blessed be.

2006-08-18 15:45:34 · answer #6 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

Deist - the same one good God for everyone that wants to believe.
This would stop most wars!


Historical and modern deism (from Latin: deus) is defined by the view that reason and logic, rather than revelation or tradition, should be the basis of belief in God. Deists reject both organized and revealed religion and maintain that reason is the essential element in all knowledge. For a "rational basis for religion" they refer to the cosmological argument (first cause argument), the teleological argument (argument from design), and other aspects of what was called natural religion. Deism has also come to be identified with the classical belief that God created but does not intervene in the world, though this is not a necessary component of deism.

Deism encompasses a wide range of views on the nature of God, particularly on whether God intervenes in the world.

2006-08-25 04:57:29 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Religion is organised faith.The central theme is an allpower God who is the CREATOR of everything.A group of person having a partcular type of God makes a religion.In the beginning man considered Sun,Moon,Ocean ,Fire etc as God.Later on the concept Supreme Power has been recognised as God.There are people who believe that God has some shape or form,These are idol worshippers.Muslims believe in formless God.There is not much difference in basic theme of all religions.All roads take you to the same God.religions are only roads to God.All religions are equal,all are good.Love all,Hate none.!

2006-08-23 00:36:28 · answer #8 · answered by leowin1948 7 · 0 0

I am Wiccan- No I am not evil, No I do not worship the Devil. Wicca is the study and love for nature, the elements(air,water,fire and earth) and karma, You get back what you put in. I worship The Lord and The Lady. There is actually no Devil in the Craft--there is evil and destructive forces but I do not partake in that darkness, I am all about the light and the good road. I am a "White" Witch not a Dark Witch. I read from the Wiccan Bible everyday and I try to learn something about every person I meet--people can teach you alot, I believe everyone can be learned from. I enjoy all things about nature and this earth, I use crystals for healing myself physically and emotionally. I hope this has been a little bit of enlightenment :) Angel

2006-08-18 14:53:39 · answer #9 · answered by angelofdreams19881 3 · 0 2

What? -- Jehovah's Witnesses

Why? -- Because they are the only ones that:
1) Teach the WHOLE truth from God's word, the Bible
2) Don't selfishly keep what they've learned to themselves, but volunteer their time to preach the good news about Jesus to others, showing true (lasting) love to their worldwide neighbors
3) Have no ethnic, racial, or economic differences
4) Will not go to war and murder others
5) Remain separate from the world as much as is possible
6) Use God's name, Jehovah
7) Teach the same thing in every Kingdom Hall (church) no matter where it is located
8) Do not pass around a collection plate

For more info explore this website:
** http://www.watchtower.org/

2006-08-18 15:03:03 · answer #10 · answered by Psalm37-29 6 · 0 0

Roman Catholic. Didn't have a choice - baptized at 6 weeks. I fell out with the Church when my brother couldn't be my son's Godfather because he'd been married in a small, white clapboard church in Vermont three weeks before the date and, therefore, was no longer a "Member in Good Standing." That did it. (Fortunately the Church secretary used an IBM Selectric and the line on the Certificate for Godfather was blank. It's not anymore.)
As I have gotten older, had a couple health problems and just lost my Father - I find myself being reeled back in. I think they put a little chip in your brain or something - or it's in the water they pour on you.
Anyway, I'm not going to Mass - but I do drop in on off hours and say a prayer for my Dad. I have even lit a candle or two...
Once they get you, they've got you. But I still consider myself more of a Christian/Spiritualist/Cafe Catholic more than a nun.

2006-08-18 14:51:52 · answer #11 · answered by 34th B.G. - USAAF 7 · 0 1

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