You've probably been in school all of a week or two now? Your roommate may be a loser, but you can always seek friends out so that you have a place to go. Then if the roommate situation isn't working out still, you can explore options such as single rooms or move in with someone else you know. As for the privacy angle, well, that's always a problem in a dorm. My roommates and I kept very different schedules which presented a problem for us. Finally, I gave up, and paid extra for a single room. Then, I found an apartment off campus which was great. You might play nicely with others, but that doesn't mean you will want to play nicely with someone sharing the tiny space of a dorm room.
2006-08-18 14:44:08
answer #1
answered by Freddie 3
I never adjusted. It was awful, and just as you said-no privacy. I didn't get along with my roommates, the most incompetent creatures on earth with no consideration to others sharing the room, and the most disgusting habits I've ever seen. Sometimes things get better. For me, they never got better. I just lived in the room, spent no time with my roommates, and didn't even talk to them. Things are always awkward for the first few weeks with your roommate, but give him a chance. You may end up becoming good friends. Even if you continue to feel as though this guy's a douchebag... Don't go home-you'll regret it. Try and suck it up or switch with another roommate.
2006-08-18 14:44:49
answer #2
answered by Rexy 3
Yes. I shared a suite with the 4 biggest whores at UC Davis. They even posted a sign outside our suite that read "House of the Whores". Living with those bitches was the most miserable time of my entire life. The last half of the year I made arrangments with university housing to switch to a single dorm room down the hall from my suite and they botched my paperwork up and gave the single room to some girl that tried commiting suicide after 2 weeks of living there. My advice- try switching rooms asap!
2006-08-18 15:03:28
answer #3
answered by ms mystery 3
It sucks at times, but having a roommate can be a good thing too.
My roommate made fun of me, he was older, and thought he should tell me what to do, like I was his little brother or something. On the good side, he was kind of looking out for me, even though he overshot his boundaries sometimes.
Also, I liked having a roommate because he would have a lot of general information about the school (because he was a JR. when I was a frosh.) Plus he just stayed aware of crap like that.
Overall, it might be nice to have a different roommate or none altogether, but there's probably some things you're going to miss out on. I say tough it out, because you're probably going to have to face these kinds of things in your life at sometime. I did ok my first semester at school, then withdrew near the end of my second semester, to not get the credits. i can't say it was because of my roommate... looking back, it was my fault too.
2006-08-18 14:47:03
answer #4
answered by Paul 7
I feel your pain. When I was in college and still in the dorm system I had one roommate who SNORED. She denied she had a severe snoring problem and got all pissy at me.
I was a very light sleeper and the least little sound in or outside my room would wake me.
I only had one roommate that I really got along with. I eventually moved to a dorm with little single rooms and was so much happier, and I eventually ended up in an off campus studio apartment, got to cook my own food, and was happy.
If your roommie has incompatible habbits, talk to the head resident or the floor RA to discuss solutions.
2006-08-18 14:43:34
answer #5
answered by WhatAmI? 7
It gets better --I promise!You could always request a room change. I had to one semester and it worked out okay. That semester I spent a lot of time in the library and computer lab. Good luck to ya !
2006-08-18 14:42:31
answer #6
answered by jiffypop88 4
well if its that bad then go and get a room change. or you can try and get along. as long as he showers regularly and isnt mean then whats the big deal. maybe his friends are cooler than he is and that may make it better. or you can hang out in the floor common room and meet other people to hang out with. nothing keeping you in your room but you.
2006-08-18 14:40:47
answer #7
answered by gsschulte 6
You can ask for a change of room assignments. If you get together with another student who you like, who feels the same, it might even be possible.
2006-08-18 14:41:03
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
My roommate always used to **** off at night and I had to pretend I was asleep or like get up as he was jackin and leave the room. So disgusting.
2006-08-18 14:41:00
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I did, so I found somebody else that was having the same problem and I figured would be easier to live with and we talked my roommate into moving in with hers and she moved in with me. Worked out much better.
2006-08-18 14:40:38
answer #10
answered by ktb 2