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15 answers

THAT IS A GOOD QUESTION, In fact it is a MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION that deserves a Million dollar answer. We are hated by them(other countries) AND THEY WANT WHAT WE HAVE AND THEY WANT TO TAKE OVER. We are free country they are welcome to what we have some of them can get from our country what we ourselves those of us who are FROM here can't get. Yet they come over and betray us Example: 9/11. When you find out the answer due share with me.

2006-08-18 11:49:17 · answer #1 · answered by sweettoni37 4 · 1 2

Coleen there are a lot of reasons that other people hate Americans. A lot of it is our religious beliefs. God made this world filled with positive and negatives, good and evil. I don't really understand this, but even in physics they say there is matter and ant-matter. In fact they say that in one raisin and one anti-matter raisin's destruction there is enough energy released to power New York for a day.

But getting away from all of that, America has wealth and a lot of other country's don't. This is compounded by the fact that America's big corporation use their money to control competition. It is like you setting up a used trailer in front of Wal-Mart and trying to put them out of business. We have to do a lot to give these other people a chance to have things without giving them all of ours.

I wish that we could get our act together as a Nation but we have unfocused leadership and a bunch of Liberals that hate everything that is Christian. The Liberals are a greater threat to our country than the Muslims. This does not mean that I do not support Bush, I do. But he wavers in his commitment, He should have stood up and openly called the Liberal War Protesters traitors. We do not have time to dally with them while our women and children are dieing at home and overseas. Pray for America, our President, and that God will open the eyes of the common people and let us see what a snow job that the Liberals are pulling off on us.

2006-08-19 11:44:59 · answer #2 · answered by Gritney Guy 2 · 1 0

i am not from America, and i have to say that people where i live do not like what America does on foreign soil. it is not that the people who live in America deserve hate, (by the way hate is a very strong word) everyone is different and stereotyping a whole country for a poor foreign policy is not on. But your government needs to stop hurting countries. So please don't mistake our anger and frustration as hatred, i bet your a cool person, and i refuse to hate anyone i have never met. P.s. not everyone in my country dislikes what your government does, just no one i know.

2006-08-18 18:51:26 · answer #3 · answered by SivGiger78 2 · 2 0

Hey dear, i dont hate the americans but the fact is i hate the way yr politicians interferes in everything. they seem to be the cops of this world.

i work with american people. i cant hate them. im in a call centre and i actually love to talk to them when i get the chance. if u want the world to adore your politicians should mind their own business.

2006-08-18 18:55:51 · answer #4 · answered by Sid Wilson 2 · 2 0

I believe that it is because of the way that the American government takes it upon itself to be the world police. No-one likes cops....

2006-08-18 18:50:26 · answer #5 · answered by twiztedted 1 · 1 0

Who hates Americans, are they crazy?
I Corinthians 13;8a, Love never fails!!!!!

2006-08-19 06:02:32 · answer #6 · answered by ? 7 · 1 0

because american keeps interference other country business or problems..they always want to be part of it..stay away from other country problems!!

2006-08-19 03:52:53 · answer #7 · answered by c'est moi 2 · 1 0

Has it not occured to you that it might be because you have invaded many countries, and keep doing so, killing thousands of innocent civilians in the process of pursuing obscure objectives in the name of your so-called desire to install "democracy" and freedom??

2006-08-18 18:44:54 · answer #8 · answered by Francisco C 2 · 3 0

I think other countries are mad because we Americans dont work hard

2006-08-18 18:43:26 · answer #9 · answered by madchiman 3 · 1 1

Fear is the root of all hatred. They hate us because they fear us. They fear us because they know deep inside that depite all our faults our way of life is superior to anything they can offer as an alternative.

2006-08-18 22:26:24 · answer #10 · answered by caesar x 3 · 1 1

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