If he doesn't want to date you then he's obviously not perfect for you. Move on.
2006-08-18 09:44:02
answer #1
answered by Not Allie 6
You can't because you are too needy. Now if you want to get him try this.. just be a friend and see what he is really like over a long period of time. If it is meant to be it will naturally evolve. If you push it, you will be so very sorry in the end (or he will).. remember: If it isn't right for both of you then it isn't right for either of you! I wasn't ready for a relationship through the majority of my 20's and then was pushed into marriage by people I shouldn't have listened to. Never ever ever force something to happen!!!! Repeat.. never ever ever force something to happen because it is false, fake and won't last. Stay calm, really take time to enjoy him! Enjoy him as a friend. Get to know him and be happy with that. Time may come when you can say, "hey.. do you wanna try a relationship with me?" and he may say yes or no, but at least you will have built up this great friendship that will never die so that in reality you will never lose him. He will always be your friend. If you push him, you won't even have a chance to have him for a friend.
2006-08-18 16:52:42
answer #2
answered by starshine 2
The best you can do is be yourself and tell him how you really feel. If you get no results after wards then it's time to move on. It's his lost! Remember the hard part about relationships and dating is trying to be to make some one like you in a certain way! It's not worth all the pain you'll get from being hurt because this person doesn't like you! There are a ton of great guys out there. If he doesn't want u then move on sweetie! Either a person likes u or not!
2006-08-18 16:47:02
answer #3
answered by Vesdog! 3
Watch football with him and drink beer. Then tell him you want to go to a strip club....he will definitely want you then. Guys say that they don't want a girlfriend because all they have had was lame-A$$ ones in the past. Guys want a girl that is cool, that he can bring around his friends and not worry about staying by your side all night long. If he will bring you out to a bar/club with him...not just trying to get into your pants...then that means he really likes you. Good luck.
2006-08-18 16:48:55
answer #4
answered by Wes 2
Have you tried hitting him over the head with a frying pan? Us guys really like that. Otherwise, you might just try stalking, but watch out if he gets a restraining order.
2006-08-18 16:46:02
answer #5
answered by nuclear_science 3
2006-08-18 16:44:14
answer #6
answered by Justlookin 3
the best thing to do right now is be his friend. maybe he'll change his mind once he gets to know you. suggest going out w/him along w/other friends so that you can see more of him. good luck to you.
2006-08-18 16:45:02
answer #7
answered by Ruth R 3
When he isn't looking, then turns around lay one on him.
2006-08-18 16:45:10
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
try being his friend then see where it goes from there
2006-08-18 16:45:51
answer #9
answered by ♥*♥Bahamian Gal♥*♥ 7