You have some of your facts wrong. I am not trying to be rude or patronize you in any way.
If you try to research the facts, you will find that 1956 war was initiated by (England, France, and Israel) after Nasser of Egypt took back the Sinai.
The 1967 war was started by Israel and the proof that their air force destroyed every single Egyptian and Syrian fighter without killing any pilots. Do you know why? (Because those fighter jets were in their barracks and not attacking anybody.
In 1973 Egypt did start the war against Israel only to try and take back a land lost in 1967 war and occupied by Israel.
In 1968 (The unmentioned war) Israel invaded Jordan in an attempt to destroy the Palestinian presence there only retreated after failing to advance.
In 1978 Israel invaded Lebanon pursuing the destruction of the Palestinian groups inside the Palestinian refugee camps.
If those were not good enough reasons for some nations to hate Israel, I don't really know what would be a good valid excuse.
Do you think people of the Middle East have nothing better to do than hating Israel for no good reason and out of pure racism?
It is hard for us (Americans) to understand that because we only see one side of the story about that conflict and we never get to hear what those people suffered on the hands of the victims of the Europeans.
2006-08-18 14:27:02
answer #1
answered by Z-Man 2
Not exactly Muslims in particular but it is on holy muslim land.
For hundreds and hundreds of years Arab nationswere reppressed and dictated by the mighty european powers.
Israel is the very sign of what has happened and what is STILL happening to the middle east.
For example, look at Iran's nuclear row.
Iran has every single and LEGAL right to build its own power station. WHO IS THE WEST to say they cannot have one?
America has hundreds of them!
The west still dictates the middle east in many ways and actually DOES control some middle eastern countries.
You have no idea the pain middle easterns have suuffered because of the wealthy.
Israel is a horrible and clear sign of this. The west is always backing Israel up as it slaughters and reppresses the innocent everyday.
And you know what? I'm Irish and a Christian and I hate Israel aswell for this. You don't have to be a muslim arab to stand up for the reppressed innocent. They have the knowledge of what really goes on there and their right to hate the country and everything it stands for!
2006-08-18 06:59:08
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
There's a lot you either don't know or don't cite.
There are generations of conflict between Jews and Arabs, dating back to Biblical times (as in, Old Testament times!). Combine that with the fact that at the end of WWII, the geographical nation of Israel was created by the UN - not the willful cooperation of the Arab nations that PREVIOUSLY POSSESSED THE LAND THAT IS NOW ISRAEL.
Factor that into the equation, do the math, and the ongoing hatred and conflict makes a lot more sense.
2006-08-18 06:51:13
answer #3
answered by Timothy W 5
This conflict has been around for thousands of years. There is resentment towards the U.N. giving them Israel after WWII
There is holy land in Israel for three religions. Judaism, Christianity, and Mohamed.
Before the U.N. gave the land to the Jews, the Palestinians were also living on the land. The Israelis took no time seizing the property, and throwing them off their land.
The fact is, however, that the land now belongs to the Jews/ Israelis. The world must respect that, and many do not. If theydo not, we have a responsibility to protect fellow states.
2006-08-18 06:54:25
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
This has been going on for a few thousand years. Apparently, way back when, various prophets decided it was a great time to introduce the concept of God(s). In reality, they were really trying to introduce plumbing, but that's another story.
Anyway, they ended up with the old "My God's better than your God" situation and, to show how enlightened they were about the new teachings of peace and love and tolerance they decided to kill each other. It was an important decision at the time, almost as important as deciding the earth was flat.
Thus religion was born.
2006-08-18 06:57:49
answer #5
answered by szydkids 5
If you read "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)" by Robert Spencer, it will make a WHOLE lot more sense.
It's all because of the religion. Muslims believe that to serve God, they may fight violently (jihad) to gain area for Islam. They won't 'force' their religion on anyone, but they will force Islamic political theory on other people. They will let you live with your own religion, but only ifyou pay a 'jizya' which is a tax, that is both impoverishing and humiliating to those paying it. If you will not convert or pay the jizya, they will kill you. They don't 'force' you to convert, but they may kill you if you don't.... Muslim logic. not kidding.
Ok, so they spread their land. Muslims will kill a muslim who converts, it's illegal. Same with the land; they believe that once a land has been ruled over by Islam, it must ALWAYS be ruled over by Islam.
They took over the Middle East in the centuries before the Crusades, killing anyone who stood in their paths. Their logic was that; "We are serving God to take this land, we have this land, these people are now attacking us (to get their rightful land back), and so now we can fight them 'defensively'." See how weird it is? But it's true.
So Isreal was land invaded and taken over by Muslims before the crusades, and then the Western world came along in 1948 and gave this land to Isreal, which is NOT a muslim state. And so the Muslims feel that this is not allowable because 1) It was Muslim at one time and must be returned to that or else, and 2) They feel it was their land that was given away without their permission.
Basically, they believe the whole world is rightfully theirs. Scary. And this is not the views of just a few fanatical muslims; it is the view espoused in the Qur'an, and in the numerous volumes of the Hadith. It is the view of Sunni Muslims.... the sect that makes up 85 percent of Islam around the world (most Muslims are not Arabic). So... hope that helps.
If they had the resources, they would also be going after Spain, just like that Islamic leader threatened a few weeks ago, it was all over the news, I can't remember his name. :) I seriously wish we'd quit buying oil from them.
Communism ended up killing so many people because Communism was the ultimate good, and doing anything to further it's cause was permissible and good, even killing billions. Islam is very similar, according to the Qur'an. Lying is allowed to infidels, killing, etc.
Read the Qur'an for yourself.... and learn more about how Islams have traditionally interpreted it, that is important as well.
2006-08-18 06:57:45
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
when I read a question like this,there is only 2 meanings for it :
1- either the "questioner" is playing silly, or
2- he has been living in "cave" or in a different world for the past 30 - 40 years !!!!
I mean - for God's sake - what kind of a question is this ???
A war just finished in Lebanon, where Israel has "SLAUGHTERED" over 1200 civilians,60% of them were women and children,based on the "excuse" of the kidnapped 2 Israeli Soldiers !!! Come on !!! and you talk about hatred ??
Lets go back a little bit, and have a look at what they do to the Palestinians in Gaza,or the west bank in general,how many dead ones ? how many prisoners ? Even women give birth to their babies in prison, and the babies grow up "IN PRISON" !!! what have they done to deserve that ???
Yet you talk about hatred ???
how many Palestinians were "kicked out" of their land in 1948 and 1967 and had to go and cross the river to Jordan, and live - since that time - in little wooden houses, under rough conditions ??? OK the Jordanian Govt is not sparing any effort to help them, but if you were in there shoes, what would be your feeling ???
would you blame the suicide bombers for what they do ???
It is a matter to think about my friend right,before you talk about hatred !!!!!
C U next episode !!!
2006-08-18 07:17:56
answer #7
answered by Fadi 2
God had promised Abraham a son, but Abraham and his wife, Sarah were in their nineties. Sarah decided to "help" God with His promise, so she sent her handmaiden, Haggar, into Abraham so he could have a son by her. This son was Ishmael. This wasn't God's plan. Sarah had a son, Isaac, who was the one God intended to be the son of the promise. Sarah convinced Abraham to drive Haggar and her son out of the camp into the desert. God protected them and Ishmael had sons and became the forefather of the Arab people. Isaac had Jacob and Jacob had 12 sons which became the tribes of Israel. Ever since that time, there has been conflict between the descendents of Ishmael and the descendents of Isaac. Moral of the story; when we try to do God's job, we really mess things up for a long time to come.
2006-08-18 06:57:57
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
they r men YA RO7OMAK! and they're not scared,,if u realized there r lots of stuff that show that jew r cowards ,k and lets see y they hate u so much? naah can't find anything,we like it when u invade our lands and kill our ppl and brothers and sisters and capture our mums and dads and make us hate the day we were born and we LOVE IT when u destroy our home and leave 1 country them with america control everything financial in our countries ,,WE LOVE U GUYS!
2016-03-26 20:56:57
answer #9
answered by Amy 4
For your information, Palestinian don't have any soldiers... but israeli got lot's of em'... also the nuclear weapon... i'm just telling the truth.(from someone's research)
2015-04-26 05:34:36
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Jews lived in peace and enjoyed the same rights like any other Arab or Muslim citizens in Arab\Muslim countries through history.Even today there are significant number of Jews live in peace in Muslim and Arab countries despite the attrocities commited by Israel in the occupied territory of Palestine and recently in Lebanon.There is no enimty between Jews and Arabs in fact they are cousins of each other according to history.
Jews were oppressed on hands of some nations espeacially on hands of chritians and Europeans.To put an end of suffering the Zionist movement established by Herzl thought that the only solution would be establishing a homeland for Jews and a quetion raised at that time that where?They discussed many places such Argintena,Uganda,Palestine and the eastern part of Libya.They decided to choose palestine to make their claim has a sense of logic since ancient Jews established a kingdom in Palestine during prophet solomon and David which lasted just 70 years.David kingdom lasted(1010-970 B.C) however ,David's son kigdom lasted(970-950 B.C).
Palestine and the city of Jerusalem was the target of attack and destruction by a number of nations.After destrucion of Jerusalem at the Roman hands,most of Jews left palestine to settle in other parts of the world,like Egypt,syria,northern african countries and crossed to Europe.
From 64 A.D till 1948 A.D the country was wholy Arab in character,history and traditions.Of course there were a jewish minority which constituted just 2% of the community.
In 1917 British government officially promised the Jews to help in establishing Jews homeland in Palestine which was under British mandate.The Jews started to immegrate to Palestine in large numbers.There were clashes between Jews and the Palestinians.In 1948 the Jews declared Israel state in Palestine with the help of USA and Britain.Immediately after Israel declaration were clashes in which the Jews committed mascares killing children,women elderly people.That attrocities made hundreds of thousands of Palestinians flee the country and became refugees.After that was 1976 war in which Israel occupied lands of Egypt,Syria,and the rest of Palestine.
UN passed 242 resolution calling for Israeli withraw from the occupied territories but Israel has not implemented it and it has been occupying Syrian,Palestinian lands since then.
!n 1982 Israel invaded Lebanon and occupied the southern lebanon and it withrew just in 2000 under the pressure of the Lebanese resistance-Hezbollah-and it has been occupying a small lebanese land called Shabba Farms till today.
All world saw the recent Israeli barbaric agression against Lebanon in which more than a thousand of childern,women,elderly people were killed in addition to the complete destruction of the infrastructure.
Israel has been commiting daily attrocities against the innocent palestinians.
The Arab ask for nothing just the Israeli withrawal from the occupied Arab territories but Israel want to keep the occupation forever.
Now what do you think?would you hate and resist Israel if that were in your land and against your nation?
2006-08-18 08:09:31
answer #11
answered by mohamed a 1