we love you too.... we just hate your propaganda.. peace.....lol..
2006-08-18 06:08:35
answer #1
answered by Ms Fortune 7
I can only assume you hate America and everything it stajnds for. Your liberal Rhetoric is frightening, if Prescott Bush did deal with the Nazi's back before WW2 and it wasn't considered illegal then he was a businessman. I do not condone what the Nazi's did, actually it was and still is sick, but are you bashing Bush, he wasn't even born then. I don't see you posting anti nazi stuff on here blasting them for what they did, just what Bush's grandfather did.
Mr John Trent, posting a link to the Guardian ( a paper from the Uk ) to prove your point is so stupid i cannot belive you fell for it! As a British woman I can clearly state that paper is in on the opposite end politically from Bush, so yeah they are going to paint him in a good light. Has anybody stopped to think why Mr Tony Blair is standing united with Mr George Bush, traditionally and politically they would be adversaries, but yet he stands alongside Bush and the USA. Could it be he really does see a threat from the Arabic countries????
As a liberal democrat in my own country I have spent the last 2 years listening to the complete stupidity of American liberals, can someone please explain the tiny gas pump thing? Or prehaps the so called spending cuts, everyone is getting more money than the year before just less of an percentage increase on the former year. And why oh why can't we say MERRY CHRISTMAS for fear of offending some PC person? But Jewish Hanooka and the african version is ok, what's wrong with this picture? This is a Christian country, founded Christian actually with the immigrants from the MAYFLOWER. Thats why i am glad to call myself a moderate republican in the USA, we need to start looking out for ourselves and protexcting ourselves.
While bringing up 9/11, did anyone notice how BT said there was lots clues, you're right there should have been, but lets see, didn't the former president (Clinton a guy I admire as a great speaker) cut budgets on intelligence and ignore information that got in his way of blowjobs from Monica?
And while we're dragging up the past, there once was a little french man called Nostrodamas, he predicted a huge war a few years ago, led by a man called HISTLER, could that be mistaken for Hitler? Scary part is he's also predicited the world will end with a war that started in the east.
MR BT, your ideas are not only Anti American, but also dangerous, if you hate what America has become and who runs it, i would suggest you go live in one of those countries you so admire and try voicing your opinions there, i'm sure they will let you act on your right of free speech and will treat you with all your civil liberties just like America does.
2006-08-18 07:05:47
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Two wrongs don't make a right.
Like Brand X says "Just because I might believe your first 2 claims, do you require me to believe in the third one? That's a bit too much for me".
Intelligent people know this. Actually it was Bush Senior's predecessors Reagan and Carter who started the policy of arming and supporting Saddam to fight Islamicist Iran, and Bin Laden, the Mujahadeen and the Taliban to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan from 1979 based on the simplistic theory of "my enemy's enemy is my friend".
In hindsight we can see this policy was a huge political strategic and tactical mistake for American and Western foreign policy. Communism was collapsing anyway. All we did was help to create another monster and tyranny - Islamic Fascism and Terrorism - in place of one before.
I was always against this short-sighted and stupid policy. But we are where we are.
The invasion of Iraq to remove tyrant and despot Saddam Hussein was done for the right reasons, but the wrong motive. The motives weren't pure, and started to look Machiavellian. For example, using the WMD rationale before the war, and then saying this wasn't the case afterwards.
Most Americans don't support Bush now, but what is the alternative at the moment - with Democrats going mad and turning their backs on Al Gore and Joe Lieberman because they support the War on Terror - when faced with the biggest threat to the West since Hitler and Stalin?
I can also tell you, to fuel your Conspiracy theories even more that IBM was doing a roaring business with Nazi Germany and supplied the tabulating machines to organise the Holocaust.
Henry Ford and Walt Disney were Anti-Semites sympathetic to Hitler. Henry Ford was especially hateful, working with his sidekick Father Charles Coughlin, a radio preacher, condemning "the Jews" and reprinting that favorite Nazi forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in his newspaper.
And the German American Bund under Fifth Columnist Fritz Kuhn - taking orders from Hitler - was plotting to take over America or at least neutralize the USA.
All True, but you can't change History.
You have gone down the road of stupid Conspiracy theories that help no one. Where exactly is this taking you?
It is much more constructive to do something positive. There are enough problems and confusion in the world as it is.
American and Western foreign policy will only suceed if it is conducted with a pure motive, with a transparency that renders it above accusation from opponents such as Islamic Terrorists.
2006-08-18 07:10:26
answer #3
answered by Hebrew Hammer 3
Whatever about your first 2 points, I find it difficult to believe that you or anyone else seriously believes that Bush staged 9/11. We watched it happen on TV. The investigation results pinpoint the persons, [including names, activities, financing] involved in the hijacking and destruction of 9/11. Bin Laden claimed credit for al Quaida.When not spreading ludicrous conspiracy theories, supporters of terrorism are publicly proclaiming 9/11 as a victory over the US. American Presidents, whatever their faults, have a maximum of 8 years in office. No amount of "staged" terrorist acts can create a dictatorship. For any American President , however wrong his policies, to stage 9/11 is one conspiracy theory too far.
2006-08-18 06:31:47
answer #4
answered by Fred R 2
Prescott sat on the board of a bank where a man who at the time had no ties to Hitler had his money.
That's hardly a connection dear.
Saddam and Binny Boy were useful tools when we needed them, sometimes tools get rusty and it's time to throw them out.
I could go about 1 million rounds with you how and why 9/11 was not faked. Stop by my blog and try it sometime. I'll be happy to correct you.
By the way, Hitler died a long time ago, Bush is just a man. There is no comparison. Get over it.
2006-08-18 06:11:15
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
sources please!
staged 911? before you start laying the law down about how the bush family were supporting nazis just remember that its the islamic fundamentalists that are the modern day nazis. They hate the civilised world's ability to tolerate other cultures and ideas.
maybe the bush family arent angels but if everyone was forced to convert to islam then you wouldnt have had the freedom of speech to post your question.
im not defending him by any means, i think he's motivated by oil profits, but given the choice between him and dan quayle i know who i'd have voted for if i was american.
2006-08-18 06:16:09
answer #6
answered by KEV D 3
so did Joseph Kennedy....so what? that does not mean a thing about what Kennedy or Bush is like....and for the his dad.....it goes with the saying of.....the enemy of my enemy is my friend......and actually, it was Reagan and Carter that made Bin Laden so strong..not Bush...and the Brits helped also....but lets not go into that......we would hate to bring up all the sore points in life
2006-08-18 06:14:00
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I see prescotts got in there as well, is there no limit to this man ability to get in the act. Yes thats right most people in uk love the Americans but what your saying do they endorse that. I have never heard any of that before and its interesting
2006-08-18 06:18:23
answer #8
answered by srracvuee 7
"...director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany." That can be said of many investors in many circumstances and proves nothing. Sorry, but you're grasping at straws with this kind of logic.
2006-08-18 06:11:20
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
That may be true but there is enough historical finger pointing to go around.
If your family arrived in this country before the abolition of slavery, you and your ancestors supported slavery in fashion, or another. Hell, some of my ancestors were slaveholders, we just never profited from it!
2006-08-18 06:13:48
answer #10
answered by mediahoney 6
sounds a little far-fetched.
But I do know and believe that Bush Sr. did profit from Hitler's Germany.
But I don't think this was staged. They just could have stopped it and they didn't because.... well they're either too lazy or they wanted it to happen. They had hundreds of clues in the preceding months before 9/11.
2006-08-18 06:10:27
answer #11
answered by greekgirl424 2