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When he is in his crib he is up almost every hour. He has learned how to pull himself up and cannot get back down yet on his own, so he screams until I pick him up. He is a restless sleeper. I thought more solids would help, but is not helping. I take him to another room to nurse or rock he back to sleep, because he cannot fall back to sleep on his own. After I put him back down, he sometimes is up again 20 minutes later. He is not happy unless he is between mommy and daddy in our bed. There he sleeps great. I am not getting enough sleep and I have a 2 year old too who I get frustrated with because I am so sleep deprived.
I would like anyones input. I have tried ferberizing that is not really working. He will cry for hours if I let him. I can't listen to him cry for that long. We want to move him into his brothers room soon and I am afraid he is going to mess up my 2 year olds sleep schedule which is wonderful.
Please help any advice would great!

2006-08-18 05:08:29 · 26 answers · asked by \ 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

I didn't mean I literally let him cry for hours, my goodness! I am not a monster! He is in our room. At nap times I go in the room every 5-10 mins and check him and tell him it's okay lay him back down and leave the room. But Like I said he is pulling up and gets stuck there and I am afraid his is going to fall and hit his head or something. He also is a rocker. He is on all fours rocking himself into the railing. He has been crawling since 5 months.

2006-08-18 05:51:18 · update #1

26 answers

My doctor told me put my daughter in her crib in her room and close the door and go to sleep. It took a week but she learned and my husband and I finally got some sleep and play time for us.

2006-08-18 05:14:25 · answer #1 · answered by sane_nut 3 · 0 1

if he's pulling himself up, he can get back down; the laws of physics do apply to babies too- it's called falling. While I know how upsetting it can be to listen to our babies cry, sometimes that's whats best for the baby. After all a family that isn't sleeping well will not be a happy family. Try not taking him to another room to nurse in the middle of this night because he needs to learn that night time is for sleeping and not getting up and doing things we do during the day. One of my sons had the same problem. This is what we did; I hope if you try it it works for you and remember these things do take time. I started a new routine at night. About an hour before bed, I give my son a quick, warm bath. After his bath we'd get his PJ's on then sit in a rocking chair and hum or listen to soothing quiet music; the room should be dark or very dimly lit. I would nurse him until he fell asleep, then sit and rock him on my shoulder for at least five minutes so he wouldn't have gas. When you know in your mind that hes full, clean,and warm (but not too warm), put him in his crib, close the door and let him go to sleep. By now when he gets up at night it's not because he's hungry, it's because this has become routine.

2006-08-18 05:33:17 · answer #2 · answered by kealey 3 · 0 0

I just nursed him to sleep and then nudged my husband and he would bring him and lay him in the crib. Some nights if I was feeling cuddly I'd have him stay with me. If you're planning on nursing for a while it's not that terrible to nurse them to sleep routinely. When my son was older.. around 6-8 months, he started being able to go to sleep more on his own. Now at 11 months if I lay him in his crib sleepy but awake he will lay down, find his bear and cuddle him and turn on his side. I walk out of the room and he lays there a minute and falls asleep. Don't expect them to be able to do it overnight though. For us it was a slow transition. I really never pushed him much... I let him do what he was ready for and things just kind of went there, happily! Your baby is still a month old (almost 2! goes so fast!).. don't rush things. It gets better as they get older & he will grow up too fast.. promise!

2016-03-16 23:40:12 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time! I can only suggest persistence. If you are certain that nothing else is bothering him - sore tummy at night, too much sleep during the day then give yourself two weeks (they say it takes that long to change a behaviour) and keep to your strategy. If it was dangerous for him to sleep in your bed then you wouldn't let him, so stick to your guns. I would do everything in the same room where he sleeps - he might be freaking out at being put to sleep in one room and waking up in another. I would also be tempted to move him into your 2 year olds' room now - new room new rules. When he wakes up, give him quite a few minutes before you go in and each time he cries leave him a little longer before you go in, then go in without turning on a light just to check he doesn't need anything. Don't pick him up - just tuck him back in and leave. I think it's just persistence and he'll finally learn that you are in control and aren't giving in and yelling at you won't change your mind. Good luck.

2006-08-18 05:25:17 · answer #4 · answered by Sunshine 2 · 0 0

Six months is a time where your baby is hitting a lot of milestones. Take this into account when you change the rules of the game on him. Babies have very little concept of 'mommy will be back soon' until around 18 months and when you're gone, they believe that you're gone forever.

If he can stand up, but not get back down on his own at night and this is what keeps him awake, take some time during the day and practice getting down from the standing up position.

A resource that is much gentler is the No Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley.

2006-08-25 15:54:17 · answer #5 · answered by going_ec 2 · 0 0

well it is totally against what the experts say,but if we look at families in other countries especially more poverty stricken countries then what do we see? babies always sleep with their mothers.First of all they feel the security of mom,and mom has the convinience of just rolling over to nurse.....my last three never even went into a crib and at one point they just wanted their own space.They are almost teens now and turned out just fine.One thing is you both (mom and dad) have to be in agreement to having him in your bed ,otherwise this won't be good.
I am not saying you should let him sleep in your bed that is up to you.
You could also try and put a mattress on the floor and once he falls asleep you can crawl in your own bed.Maybe he rolls around in his crib and he doesn't have enough room and that is what wakes him up.That is what happened to my oldest.Very fussy sleeper.
There are so many options to try.Just because they sell cribs doesn't mean they have to sleep in them.

2006-08-18 05:23:18 · answer #6 · answered by tahitisweetie1 2 · 2 0

my 3 yrs was so bad at this gosh is just barely sleeping in his own bed but all i did is let him fall asleep in my bed the when i new he was out enough i would put him in his bed and keep doing it even if they cry my 9 mo old is the same way he hates it in a crib but i put like maybe 2 to 3 blankets on the mattress and cover it with the sheet and he thinks hes in my bed cuz its not so
hard any more i mean them crib mattress aren't so comfortable when u just buy them so u have to make them soft so they like it also u can try music put the baby in the crib turn the music up and let him calm down to it and he should go to sleep after 20 mins or so i don't thank its mean to let the baby cry some times its good for them so they don't think you just come eveytime they cry makes them spoiled and lets them no you will drop everything and run to them thats how you never get the time to get things done its okay to let them cry i have three boys and all the both cry all day but i dont let them no im going to give them there way right then and i love them both but if u hold them every min and come when they cry every min then they will never let u put them down thell always want u and this makes it hard to cook ,clean and do what needs to be done

2006-08-22 08:34:36 · answer #7 · answered by ta69692000 2 · 0 0

Is there a reason you don't want to let your babe just sleep with you? Despite what the AAP may say (and they're sponsored by crib manufacturers, note) there's no real evidence that sleeping with your babe is unsafe, given that you follow certain guidelines.

I really like sleeping, and cosleeping has been a godsend for me. And don't worry- your babe will leave your bed when he's ready. My girl has recently transitioned to her own bed (at a year) peacefully and with no crying, and I know several people who have had the same experience.

Unless it bothers you inherently, there's no reason why you can't do the easy way out, and just leave your babe in the bed!

PS: matrimonial relations are no problem here... we just put a mattress in the "nursery"!

2006-08-18 06:05:40 · answer #8 · answered by kalirush 3 · 2 0

I have a 15 month old and me and my wife had a similar issue with ours. She didn't want to sleep in our bed, She just didn't want to go to sleep. we did the let her cry thing as well, doesn't work. I have been singing her to sleep since the day she was born and that became something she needed. So I still sing her to sleep, but if she isn't down by the first three songs I let her burn off some energy by crying for 15 mintues. Then I go back in and sing to her. She is usually asleep by the second round. I know other people who have had your problem and it's seems to be a tough one to break. This is just a suggestion, but here's what i'd do. I would let him fall asleep between you and you husband intially and after say 30 mintues I would move him to his crib. They say the first 15 mintues are when they are most likley to wake up. If he wakes up again let him burn off a little energy for say 10-15 mintues. Then go in calm him down, either by rocking patting, singing whatever works. Remember he/she does want to sleep as they are tired. When he/she falls asleep put them back in the crib. This way they learn this is were they sleep and become comfortable with it. It took awhile to get my daughter used to the whole Idea of Bedtime and going to sleep. But now she knows what bedtime is ( she calls it nigh nigh) and usually is out by the second song. Oh and don't worry about your singing voice they don't care just hearing the voice of there parent is very comforting for them. Hope this helps.

2006-08-18 05:26:40 · answer #9 · answered by mike t 1 · 0 0

Darlin', it is not healthy for a child to be sleeping in the matrimonial bed at that age. Certainly can't be helping you bedroom life if you know what I mean. One suggestion I can give you and it's not by any means an easy one but ... buy some ear plugs and let him cry. Eventually he will go back to sleep. If he is anything like my children were he has a great set of lungs on him. This will actually strengthen his lungs and make them healthier. One thing for sure is that you can not keep giving into him. Should this fail , maybe he just doesn't like being alone in his room and it might actually help him if you do put him in with your two year old. Btw is he sleeping in your room? If he is this last solution may not be of any use.Main thing is to stick to your guns. Don't give in or else he will be sleeping with you till he's well into his teens!!!! Be strong and stay the course!!!!

2006-08-18 05:33:21 · answer #10 · answered by poohbearjunkie 1 · 0 2

I feel for you. I just started putting my 4mth old in his crib because he is starting to go all over the place. At first I though it was going to be hard to get him use to his crib but thank god, his great. He still sleeps the same as if he was on our bed or bassinet. I guess, I am the few that get lucky. Try a mobile that plays soft music. Do you have a night light in his room? I have a lamp that dims so he is not in complete darkness in case he wakes up. Good luck.

2006-08-18 05:26:52 · answer #11 · answered by Strawberry 2 · 0 0

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