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Can someone please translate this song for me from La India -

Solamente una noche

Me estas mirando
y pienso que me quieres provocar
¿Que estas pensando?
ni te imagines que me vas a enamorar
y de momento que no podras tener
para siempre,despues de hoy
voy a borrarte de mi mente
ya lo veras

Solamente una noche y nada màs
solamente una noche,despues te vas
sin que existan promesas
compromisos y amarras
porque soy como el viento que nunca
podras atrapar,estò no durara

No pierdas tiempo
llevame contigo a esè lugar
sè tu nombre,que impota lo digas
o lo que haras,siente mi cuerpo
que ya mañana no estarè,es ahora o nunca
quiero ser tuya,sin reproches ni preguntas
amame ya.

Solamente una noche y nada màs
solamente una noche,despues te vas
sin que existan promesas
compromisos y amarras
porque soy como el viento que nunca
podras atrapar,estò no durara
no durara

2006-08-18 05:06:50 · 5 answers · asked by lucy 3 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay

5 answers

Only One Night

You are watching me
and I think that you want to provoke me
What are you thinking?
Do you imagine that you are going to fall in love with me?
and in a moment you cannot have me for always.
After today I am going to the border of my mind you already see it.

Only one night and nothing more
Only one night after, you will go with no promises and compromises existing.
Beacuase I am like the wind that can never be trapped.
It doesn't last.

There is not enough time
Bring me with you to that place.
I know your name, that you told me
Oh what will you do, feel my body
That tomorrow already will not be, its now or never
I want to be yours, without, questions nor answers.
Love me.

Only one night and nothing more
Only one night after, you will go with no promises and compromises existing.
Beacuase I am like the wind that can never be trapped.
It doesn't last.

This is a pretty loose translation, but it gives you the general idea.
what song is this? At first I thought it was 98 degrees "give me just one night (una noche)"

I hope this helps

2006-08-18 05:23:04 · answer #1 · answered by Brittany MB 3 · 1 0

Solamente una noche y nada màs
solamente una noche,despues te vas
sin que existan promesas
compromisos y amarras
porque soy como el viento que nunca
podras atrapar,estò no durara

Only one more night and nothing else
one more night,and then you'll leave
without existing promises
wrap only on compromises
because i'm like the force you could never trap,
this will not last
(osea,this will end)

2006-08-18 12:18:25 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Only a night

I am looking and I think that you want to me ¿What are you thinking? neither imagine that are
going to court me and for the time being to have for always,
Later today I am going to
erase you frommy mind already

Only a night and nothing more only a night, later you go without promises commitments existing
because I am like the wind that never unknwwn word to trap, this did not last

Didnt you lose time carry me with you to this place sè your name, that impota him to tell or what haras, feels
my body that already tomorrow not , is now or never I want to be yours, without reproaches or questions love me already.

Only a night and nothing more only a night, later you go without promises commitments existing and hitch
because I am like the wind that never unknown word to trap, This did not last he did not last

There are a couple words i could not figure out.

2006-08-18 12:17:46 · answer #3 · answered by serpy 4 · 0 0

Only one night

These watching to me
and I think that you want to me to cause
That these thinking?
nor you imagine that you are going to me to enamor
and at the moment that podras not to have
for always, after today
I go to borrarte of my mind
already the sides

Only one night and nothing màs
only one night, later you go away
without promises exist
commitments and mooring cables
because I am like the wind that never
podras to catch, estò did not last

You do not waste time
llevame with you to esè place
sè your name, that impota you say it
or what haras, feels my body
that or tomorrow not estarè, is now or never
I want to be yours, without reproaches nor questions
amame already.

Only one night and nothing màs
only one night, later you go away
without promises exist
commitments and mooring cables
because I am like the wind that never
podras to catch, estò did not last
it did not last

Maybe this will help with future translations.
Good Luck!

2006-08-18 14:48:38 · answer #4 · answered by SugarByte 2 · 0 0

Brittany MB has the most accurate translation. Everyone else is off the mark! Sorry!

2006-08-19 03:50:03 · answer #5 · answered by Louiesito 2 · 0 0

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