It is definitely too early to take a pregnancy test. The earliest a pregnancy test can be taken with accurate results is 4 days before your next period is due but even sometimes that is too early. The best thing to do is to wait until the day your next period is due and then test. It takes 6 to 12 days for a fertilized egg to travel to the uterus and attach to the lining. Then it takes another day or two for the egg to release the pregnancy hormone, HCG. HCG is what is detected in urine by the pregnancy test.
It sounds too early to have symptoms as well however some women have claimed to have symptoms right after conception. It is unlikely but not impossible.
2006-08-18 03:43:16
answer #1
answered by Pink Princess 6
Tough situation. It is not IMPOSSIBLE to be feeling morning sickness already. If you are pregnant your body recognizes almost immediately that there is something "different". A friend of mine acutually started getting sick the day after she became pregnant and it never stopped throughout the pregnancy (but that is a whole different issue ). As for the test, yes you can take one now. They have tests out on the market that can test a lot earlier than the old "day after your missed period" tests. However they may not be very accurate. Your body produces a hormone called HCG when you are pregnant. Each day you gain more HGC hormones. The pregnancy tests detect the HCG hormone. So of course the longer you wait, the more hormones you have, the more likely you are for an accurate result. If you do decide to take the test now.....I'll pass along a bit of information that a nurse told me....THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A FALSE POSSITIVE. If that stick says you are pregnant then you are. Where the problem lies is if you take one now and it says you aren't pregnant, you could be pregnant but you don't have enought HCG for the test to pick up. Good luck. Hope it all works out for you!!!!
2006-08-18 03:47:27
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Wait to see if you miss your period. Or atleast wait 5 days before your missed period or the money will be a waste. It has been said that for some women "morning sickness" has been detected immediatly after conception. But, to answer your question yes it is too early if you were pregnant your bodies production of the pregnancy hormone HCG would not be strong enough to detect in a home pregnancy test. Wait a little, try and relax and soon you will know........................... Best wishes............
2006-08-18 04:06:29
answer #3
answered by Mommy2Be 3
Yes, you will have to wait. The earliest you could test (although it is better to wait until you are actually late) is 4 days before your period is due. The sickness could be the tail end of whatever you were on antibiotics for. I wouldn't stress out if I were you. Just relax (I know, easier said than done), and wait for another few weeks. If your period starts, yeah, no worries. If not, take a home test, or go see your doctor.
2006-08-18 03:48:25
answer #4
answered by majinsgal 2
sorry! its to early to tell. its not to early to have symptoms though. there are such things as false pregnancy symptoms. thats where you are having real symptoms but its brought on by the stress and worrying that you are pregnant. i'm not going to tell you to calm down - you won't. just wait another two weeks (and yes they will be long) and then take a test. sometimes even then they don't work so you may have to wait for a missed period. don't forget though that stress can make you miss your period too. if a couple of tests come back negative then they are probably acurate and you worrying brought it on. don't let people tell you its all in your head - its just brought on by your head sometimes!! good luck either way!
2006-08-18 03:51:50
answer #5
answered by kirkskitti 2
Believe me it is never to early for morning sickness-I was seventeen, had sex for the first time and got pregnant and had morning sickness within the first week. Of course you could be making yourself sick thinking that you are pregnant.
There are pregnancy tests that can work immediately- Make sure you read the directions carefully and buy the right one. Better yet go to your Doctor, they can tell you for sure. Good luck!!!
2006-08-18 03:46:00
answer #6
answered by ? 3
Yes you should wait...I think the earliest test out there is about 19 days after your period. Try in about two weeks...even then you might have a false negative.
2006-08-18 03:41:26
answer #7
answered by maddy_girl2000 2
I agree with everyone else, it's too early. I recommend buying the HPT that can detect 5 days before your missed period.
2006-08-18 04:13:04
answer #8
answered by dks64 3
2006-08-18 03:44:40
answer #9
answered by guineasomelove 5
I would wait a little longer. I had symptoms at 2 weeks.
2006-08-18 03:45:32
answer #10
answered by Anonymous