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Me and 2 friends, are starting a band. One of my friends has an electric guitar and she's also gonna be the lead singer. My other friend (the guy) has a bass guitar. And ME, I'm SUPPOSE to get drums and learn... and I might sing, too... So.. Look at the title, and PLEASE HELP!

2006-08-17 17:55:40 · 11 answers · asked by Babii Girl 1 in Entertainment & Music Music

11 answers

A2Z Singing Tips
By Vocal Coach Yvonne DeBandi
A = Airflow. Never hold your breath while singing. The airflow is what creates and carries your vocal tone, so keep it flowing. Avoid Clavicular Breathing and Belly Breathing -- instead, learn the proper way to breathe for singing, called diaphragmatic breathing. Fill the lower portion of your lungs as if you had an inner tube around your waist that you were evenly filling.Singing Tip A.
B = Breathing properly for singing requires the shoulders to remain down and relaxed, not rise with the breath intake. A singer will gain power to their voice by strengthening the muscles in their ribcage and back. Singing Tip B
C = Communicate the music's message. During performance it is very important to communicate the message of the song. If you make a "mistake" don't point it out to your audience. It is most likely they did not even notice. Singing Tip C
D = Diaphragmatic Support. Develop the strength and coordination of the diaphragm and become a pro at controlling the speed of the airflow released, the quantity of the airflow released and the consistency of the airflow released.
E = Elasticity of the Vocal Folds. The vocal tone is created as airflow bursts through the cleft of the vocal cords causing them to vibrate/oscillate. The vocal folds can lose elasticity due to misuse, lack of use and/or increase of age. Be sure to train your voice with vocal exercises on a regular basis to keep your voice in shape. Singing Tip E
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F = Free your natural voice. Don't be a slave to any music style -- even your favorite one. Learn to sing with your full and natural voice by developing your vocal strength and coordination. Then add stylistic nuances to achieve any singing style you desire. Singing Tip F
G = Guessing Games. Never guess the pitch you are about to sing. Hear the note in your head before you open your mouth. Singing Tip G
H = High notes require consistent and steady airflow. Many students tend to hold their breath as they sing higher. Let the air flow. Try increasing your airflow and gauge your result. Singing Tip H
I = Increase your breathing capacity and control by doing breathing exercises every day. Be sure to avoid patterned breathing. Singers must negotiate phrase lengths of all different sizes, so it is important to be versatile. Singing Tip I

J = Jumping Jacks. If you are having trouble getting your body completely involved with singing, try doing some cardiovascular activities, like jumping jacks, for a few minutes before getting started again. Sometimes your instrument simply needs an airflow wake-up call. Singing Tip J
K = Know your limits. Don't sing too high or too low. Don't sing to the point of vocal fatigue. Never strain or push your voice. Doing so will not result in a higher or lower singing range, or a stronger voice, only a voice that has suffered undue stress. Singing Tip K
L = Low notes are often sung with too much airflow. Try decreasing your airflow to achieve a more natural, more relaxed tone.Singing Tip L
M = Mirror. Training in front of a mirror can help a singer discover many things about their instrument, as well as confirm that other actions are being done correctly. Be sure to rely on a mirror during vocal training, but be able to leave the mirror to face an audience. Singing Tip M
N = Never sing if it hurts to swallow. Singing Tip N

O = Open your mouth wider. Nine times out of ten this will help you achieve a stronger, more defined vocal tone. Singing Tip O
P = Prepare your instrument before singing. Singers are very much like athletes. Take care of your body/instrument by stretching out the vocal muscles and relieving the body of unnecessary tension before singing. Singing Tip P
Q = Quit smoking. Quit talking too loudly. Quit talking too much. Singing Tip Q
R = Raise the Soft Palate. Creating a larger space inside your mouth by raising the soft palate, or fleshy part of the back of our throat, helps achieve a deeper more well rounded singing tone. Singing Tip R
S = Sing through the vocal breaks. If you do not teach the muscles the necessary actions to sing through the trouble spots, success will never be achieved. Sing through it, sing through it again, and again.... Singing Tip S
T = Tone Placement. Learning the facts about tone placement and resonance make a huge difference in the abilities of a singer. In simple terms, a singer has numerous body cavities (nasal cavity, chest cavity, etc.) and amplifiers (bones, ligaments, etc.) that act as resonators. Focusing the vocal tone through the proper resonating chamber with the proper support is important with regard to controlling and developing your personal sound. Singing Tip T
U = Unique Voice Under Construction. Remember that your voice has its own unique fingerprint and is constantly changing with our actions, environment, health habits, etc. With this in mind, listen to your own voice often and use vocal training tools to keep your voice on the right track. Singing Tip U
V = Vibrato. Vibrato is a natural or forced fluctuation of a singing tone. Do not concentrate on learning how to sing with vibrato. Instead, concentrate on the basic foundations of singing, breathing and support. When the proper coordination is achieved, vibrato will occur naturally. Singing Tip V
W = Water. Water. Water. Drink room temperature water as often as you can to keep your voice organ hydrated. If you only have cold or hot water available, swish it around in your mouth for a moment. This action will keep your voice organ from being startled or stressed by different temperatures. Singing Tip W

Y = You Can Sing with Impact! Exercise your voice daily with contemporary voice lesson products. Don't Just Sing when You Can Sing with Impact!
Singing Tip Y
Z = Zzzzzzzz. Be sure to get your rest. If you are tired, your voice will show it. A tired body/instrument will not allow you to produce your best possible sound.

2006-08-17 18:00:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

How To Become A Singer like all your favorite famous singers? The Superior Singing Method is the course ou need! It's the perfect course for anyone that love singing, it has been bought from thousands of people with great results! check it here http://improvesinging.keysolve.net The Superior Singing Method is like having a personal vocal instructor showing you exactly how your voice works, and how to work with each muscle group in your voice to get the results you want. Discover how to become a Better Singer in just days: http://improvesinging.keysolve.net In just 5 minutes a day, You could start singing with incredible control, power, pitch, and more freedom than you ever imagined.

2014-10-03 23:18:44 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you want to become a better singer and you can't afford expensive lessons with vocal coaches you should really try online programs. This one:


in my opinion is the best online step-by-step system designed to improve your singing voice.

Whether you are a beginner or you have some singing skills, this tool can help you gain amazing vocal control, develop excellent pitch, unlock great tone, improve your vocal power, gain precise vocal agility, increase your vocal range and learn advanced signing techniques.

I used it and I saw great results. That's why I recommend it.

2014-09-24 15:12:28 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Learn to play chords. Look for guitar tabs on the Internet. Most important about most music are chords and rhythm. Just start playing some easy songs. Try some punk rock, it's the easiest to play. Hope this tips will get you started.

2006-08-25 05:54:04 · answer #4 · answered by bwet 2 · 0 0

Well I'm great at singing.I don't know much about drums, but I'll tell you what I know!!!!!!!!

If you want to sing you must have Patience with your self and the people around you. You need to concentrate and stay focus and keep your mind set to the goal!!!!!!!!

To drum you need to practice patting your tummy, rubbing your head and tapping your feet at the same time. You need to do this because when your drumming you must use those parts of the body at the same time sometimes.


GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!

2006-08-18 01:12:21 · answer #5 · answered by Cookiemonster 2 · 0 0

Drums are a very hard instrument, however I have mastered them... It took me probably a year or two to be fluid, but after about 7, I cast the flow. Don't expect to learn in like a day, because drums are very hard, inless you're extremely coordinated already. Singing and drums might not be as easy as you think, unless you're playing pop or something dumb.

2006-08-18 01:01:10 · answer #6 · answered by Harsh Noise Wall 4 · 0 2

Thats great to see that you are starting!! Just don't get frustrated or quit for any reason!! Playing music takes alot of time and aquired talent, but you really need to feel it in your heart the whole way thru!! And you must have fun too!!!

2006-08-18 01:02:41 · answer #7 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

Check out Brandon Saller from Atreyu. Very co-ordinated.

2006-08-18 01:02:24 · answer #8 · answered by Naked 5 · 0 1

you have to learn to sing solo so low they cant hear you lol just kidding if your serious take voice and music lessens and most important have fun with it

2006-08-18 01:03:45 · answer #9 · answered by know it all 2 · 0 0


2006-08-18 01:07:33 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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