That's just how babies are
2006-08-17 16:48:46
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Know how you feel and i can really sympathise with you.My little one.s 6 months old now and is into a routine,he,ll go to bed about 8pm and wake up between 7 and 7:30am.
When he were first born i were shattered he slept all day like yours and were awake all night feeding.Most of the time he,d scream for his bottle then have 1 or 2 ounces then go back to sleep.But then as soon as i put him back down he,d start again.I spoke to the midwife and she told me it were cluster feeding and it,d soon settle down once he got into his routine.I carried on untill he were 3 months old absolutley shattered.I were crying all the time and got really ratty with everybody. They all say sleep during the day when the baby sleeps but you,ll probably agree that it,s impossible cos then all the washing and cleaning needs doing and bottles need making and all the rest.Don,t do what i did though and think you can do everthing on your own you,ll end up a walking zombie.Ask your mum or a close friend to have the baby for a bit, even if it,s just downstairs while you grab an hours sleep.It really helps GOOD LUCK
2006-08-22 20:53:50
answer #2
answered by leese 3
I would try and play with her for a while and take her out on walkes. Talking to her would help her stay awake and get her a baby play gym. Even though she can not reach thing toys she can look at them. Only let her sleep for a few hours through the day. Say she woke up at 7am then let her sleep again and 8.30am till 9.30 awake again till 11am - 12 and so on let her sleep for an hour and then wake for a hour or so and see how the night goes. my son was the same and he is now 11 months old and only started sleeping though at 10 months but only since he has one sleep a day but you cant do that to your little one. Just do things to make her stay awake for a few hours and then sleep. I go hope I have helped you in some way. Also there is a website called babycenter and they have good info on there. Good luck
2006-08-18 01:48:11
answer #3
answered by Pinkflower 5
Does she cry or wants to play? Try feeding her a little more to carry her through the night. How much she eats usually depends on the way you ate w/ her inside. Can you really sleep when you're hungry. If she eats only enough to satisfy the hunger, then 2 minutes later she will be hungry again. Newborns tend to eat a lot b/c their not getting the nutrients from your body anymore. Do you feed her every two hours? Therefore, she may stay up all night b/c of hunger or she wants to play, then she's tired during the day. It's the same with older children and adults. Actually, babies grow at a rapid rate, it's even more essential for them. Play w/ her more doing the day, feed her a little more at night, sit her up talking or reading to her to let the food settle, then lay w/ her rocking her on your chest for about an hour (the rocking soothes her and the food gets her sleepy). Babies like to lay on the mom's breast. It sounds like work, but it doesn't hurt to try. She'll get used of it, and it will become a routine.
2006-08-17 17:14:08
answer #4
answered by blacksilk79 2
Welcome to being a parent, my son was the same, although he had colic severly, we gave him infacol and settling him at night could take hours, took 6 weeks of hard work until he only woke every 4 hours, its not easy be remain calm. If you feel you cant cope then put the baby somewhere safe and walk away for a few min, have a breather, relax calm yourself and go back. I dont know if you have a partner, i didnt and i found this was the best way. Dont feel guilty, all mothers struggle at one time or another. Try and rest lots in the day and maybe play with baby a bit more keep her up so shes tired, but obviously not to much as overtired babies tend to scream too! Shes 11 days old, it takes time to work out routines etc, you'll get there, you'll be ok, just relax :)
2006-08-18 06:29:22
answer #5
answered by emma b 4
I know exactly how you feel, My daughter was just the same (she's five now) and I know how exhausted you are. I was lucky in that I lived with my mum and dad at that time so I had lots of help.
I think the only thing you can do is try to keep her awake as much as you can through the day, this will be a pain as it means you will have to be with her a lot but once you get her out of the routine she's gotten in to it will be OK. It is still early days for her so it shouldn't take too long to change her ways. If you have any help that would be the best thing for you.
2006-08-18 06:25:14
answer #6
answered by koolkatt 4
Shes still young but you could try starting a routine to distinguish between night and day so she will eventually catch on. When she sleeps through the day keep the room light and dont tiptoe around her, hoover, sing whatever but make it noisy. Consider letting her sleep in her pram or a different room to her bedroom or your room (if she doesnt already) At bed time, bath her, feed her and put her down in a her room and keep it dark, dont play or stimulate her. Wind down towards bedtime so keep everything calm and quiet, try some baby bath with lavender in (Johnsons do one i think) During the night whilst she is awake stay in her room and keep it calm, quiet and fairly dark. It might not work straight away but its worth starting now so she learns whilst she is still young. You cant stop a baby so young from sleeping but you can keep her very active so she is very tired at bedtime, swimming is great for stimulating and wearing them out, long walks, just do as much as you can with her until she has made the switch and got into a more sociable routine!! Its no fun i know but make sure you look after yourself, is there anyone who can take her for a while so you can sleep? It wont last forever, good luck xx
2006-08-18 03:18:38
answer #7
answered by ducky 2
Before you snap plz read this. I have been there every one has their special trick that worked for them...well your kid ain't theirs and don't snap trying to make their way work. most kids don't sleep through the night until 3 mo. just make sure you are in charge. schedule naps during the day. every three hrs. for an hour with one that's a few hours is average. after the last nap until bed time do stimulating activities... sound toys... a lot of tummy time... change baby's environment a bit(sound light appearance smell) every now and then . when its about bed time, do a bed time routine of a least three steps ex. bath book bottle rocking 5 min.s/burping then bed. Don't feel guilty about letting baby cry. they actually need to it improves their lung health. and refuse to feed until 4hrs has passed then baby will actually be hungry not just bored and lonely. most kids like a constant dull noise like a fan. and remember this wont last long and when their 18 and your up at 3 am wondering where they are you'll miss the 3 am's when you knew they were in the next room exercising their lungs and your patience.
2006-08-21 16:29:38
answer #8
answered by old me... past sucks 3
11 day olds rarely sleep through the night. She's hungry. While babies that age tend to spend most of the day and night sleeping, they do have active periods and as tired as you are, hers might be at night right now.
The question is, is there anyone at home who can help you out?
If not, you need to sleep during the day when she does and at night, when she does. She's only 11 days old and she's still figuring things out, too, just like you are. Hang in there, things will get better.
2006-08-25 03:12:12
answer #9
answered by pynkbyrd 6
Newborns are oblivious to day and night. don't worry, I had the same problem. See if you can try to wake her often during the day, although newborns need a lot of sleep, try to keep her up as much as you can through out the day, sleep when she sleeps, it will help you get through the nights a little easier. When it's time for nite nite, of course make sure she's fed and burped and changed, but you may also want to try a chamomile bedtime bath (as long as her cord is off) if not try the bedtime lotion with lavender and chamomile in it. That will help soothe her and make her sleepy. It may take a couple of days or even weeks to get her adjusted to your schedule, so be patient, also taking naps during the day with her when you can will help you with your rest level as well as keeping you from becoming to frusterated. I hope this helps. Good luck
2006-08-24 05:13:33
answer #10
answered by bmoreangi2005 1
Well apparently babies dont recognise the difference between day & night until they r 6 months old but at night u could try keeping the room dark and try not 2 take the baby down stairs, try a bath in a lavinder scented bath wash (supposed 2 help sleep) before bedtime. i have 2 kids, 1's nearly 3yrs old and i also have a 7month old baby. my first child was exactly the same as u describe and it was really hard, i had 2 take him 4 a drive at 3am 2 try 2 get him 2 sleep. but it does eventually get easier so stick with it, try the things i've said about and good luck.
2006-08-17 20:48:27
answer #11
answered by Anonymous