The truth we will never know!
2006-08-17 15:51:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The world has been duped into believing it was terrorists that caused this.
Did you know that no plane wreckage was found at the Pentagon crash site? Why weren't the engines found? Did you know that it was actually a small Korean War era fighter plane modified to fly remotely and was loaded with missles? Look at the photos available and ask how a 757 can punch a nearly perfect round hole in the FIRST FLOOR level? And that the area of the Pentagon that was hit was the least used and least significant area of the entire building? And how did the perfectly manicured lawn remain untouched by a huge jumbo jet skimming across it. The air pressure alone from the jet would have trashed it!! Also, there were several garbage cans that were billowing black smoke with the idea that the crash smoke wasn't massive enough.
Did you know that the same large piece of fuselage was placed in different areas around the Pentagon. Photographic evidence exists on this. That object isn't even from a 757! Why are there no video clips from the surviellance cameras placed every 100 feet around the Pentagon?
Did you know that passenger voices were clearly heard on the COCKPIT VOICE RECORDER from Flight 93 which crashed in Pennsylvania? Also, why did the passenger who made a cell phone call to his mother say "Hi mom, this is Mark Bingham" on that same flight?
It seems the many phone calls on these planes made were scripted by those who weren't even on them. It was just an elaborate operation involving many sound bites and voice samples.
The Twin Towers fell too easily. There's no way a plane can level a massive concrete and steel buliding. The fuel on the plane doesn't burn hot enough to melt the metal the beams were made of.
There is so much inconsistancy going on that the truth may never be told.
2006-08-17 15:56:19
answer #2
answered by viewAskew 5
Terrorist scum bags from the Middle East hijacked several passenger jets and crashed them into strategic buildings across the United States' east coast.
Save for one, Flight 93, which went down in Pennsylvania. It is assumed that it was bound for the White house, but the passengers managed to break into the cockpit in an effort to retake the plane. It later crashed in a field. All aboard were killed.
Two planes hit the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. Destroying both planes - and the human lives onboard. Many more people died in the twin towers when they collapsed.
Another plane smashed into the Pentagon. Killing all aboard the aircraft and several people inside the building.
Don't believe the other crap that is circulating around the Internet. The World Trade Center was attacked, not demolitioned. An airliner actually struck the Pentagon - not a missle. There really is an airliner still buried in that field in Pennsylvania. Many people are still missing from that day. They always will be too; their bodies were probably disentigrated in the attacks.
God bless the families of those who lost loved ones that day. My heart and prayers still go out to you every day and night.
2006-08-17 15:57:35
answer #3
answered by Oklahoman 6
Terrorists (perhaps funded by Alchaida) hijacked 4 airplanes
and crashed 2 into the World Trade Center in New York, one
into the Pentagon and one (which was destined to hit the White
House) was re-taken by the passengers but the aircraft crashed
in Pennsylvania.
Approximately 3000 people (both on the hijacked airplanes
and on the ground) died. Most were American, but there
many other countries represented.
All air traffic was grounded that day.
There was a really cool book published about it called
the "9/11 Report". Ok, its a little dry, but its got everything in it!
2006-08-17 15:53:33
answer #4
answered by Elana 7
Were you in jail for the last five years? You're sitting in front of a computer. Go to Google, type in September 11, 2001, and start reading. Take a lot of time off from work because the internet is chock full of information on the topic and you're going to need another five years to read it all.
2006-08-17 15:54:02
answer #5
answered by Mr. Grudge 5
Well I believe that there has been enough news since then but a few facts for you.
1-two plans took out the twin towers while another went to the congress building
2-United States had a wake-up call on terrorism that day
3-Many families realized the value of the family unit while others lost theirs
4-People came together to help each otherwhile others took advantage of their loss
2006-08-17 15:53:23
answer #6
answered by Stevie 2
on september 11, 2001 2 planes crash into the world trade center n it was a terriost act it was all over da news. i was 7 years old then but in a country of guyanna
2006-08-17 16:08:35
answer #7
answered by Nekee 1
A terrorist attack by osama bin laden. He took 4 planes 2 of which went into the twin towers or world trace center 1 hit the pentegon but didnt completly distroy it and 1 aimed for the white house but because of the brave people on the plane landed in the woods in PA. The twin towers came down killing thousands of people. Many familes were in and still are in mourning because of this fateful day. Today osama bin laden is still in hiding and alive, many terroristic attempts have been made and failed but me and my family belive these are all just decoys to the real thing. Also in 2003 bush declared war or went to Iraq because he thought there was WOMD( weapons of mass destruction) well the US took out saddam hussein and he is currently on trial for murder today iaq is working on its government trying to fix it out troops are still there and get killed everyday trying to keep and eye on things it turns out there were no WOMDs . well hope that fills you in.
2006-08-17 15:59:52
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Okay, even if you were in jail that day, they talk about it almost daily...How the hell can you not know what happened. Read the 9/11 commisions report for a detailed overview! lol
2006-08-17 15:56:07
answer #9
answered by L♥G 5
even in jail, you would have heard the news as the guards would have talked about it, not to mention everyday, there is some special or a movie coming out about the twin towers attack by terrorists. unless you are a hermit in the mountains, everyone around the world knows about it.
2006-08-17 15:54:06
answer #10
answered by 5
The world shocked America on her own soil - and we became like all other countries - aware that we are mortal beings - and all it did was increase our need to be extremely more self-centered and racist and unkind - when it should have made us kinder, more loving, seeking God for peace in our souls, and neighbors to all. We got reality - and we still don't know what to do with it.
2006-08-17 15:53:49
answer #11
answered by dph_40 6