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the electrical system in my old buick is overcharging. I have manuals to test the rely but no knowlege of how to use the multimeter. any help?

2006-08-17 12:46:42 · 3 answers · asked by 52 buick 1 in Cars & Transportation Maintenance & Repairs

3 answers

go to a google search for the owners manuel for the specific type of meter u have. (u need to know analog or digital etc...)

2006-08-17 12:52:34 · answer #1 · answered by likes2bmbm 2 · 0 0

ohms, amps and volts. ohms measure electrical resistance between 2 points in a electrical circuit (a value that is usually given) if the resistance doesn't agree, then that component in your circuit is bad. But mostly this function of the meter is to find open circuits, no conductivity, like what you would get putting your probes on each end of a blown fuse. Amps and volts, amperage refers to the actual amount of electrons that are going through the circuit. Set the meter to the amp setting and stick your probes into a common household circuit and it should read 15 or 20 amps depending on the circuit breaker. Voltage refers to the strength of the electrical "push" that is moving the electrons going through the circuit. Put your probes in the same outlet and set to volts and you should get around 110-120 volts. To imagine the difference between amps, volts and ohms. Imagine a river, the electrons or amps is the water flowing down the river, incline the river and the force of the water (electrons) flowing is increased (voltage) think of stones as partial resistance to the flow and a beaver dam would be a big resistance. If the rivers incline was steep enough and there was enough water moving down the river. The water will burst the dam. Which means a lot of unhappy beavers!

2006-08-17 20:14:57 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

V~ means a/c voltage V plain is D/C voltage Mil.Amp and Amp is current reading meter as part of the circuit.. U upside down is Ohms. resistance reading that should never be used when the battery is hooked up or what we call circuits that are not live. Tester to V or D.C. voltage red to pos of the battery and black to negative. That is battery voltage now start the car & check charging volts. Battery should be slightly higher than 12 volts at rest and between 13.8 and 14.8 volts engine running. Load test by turning on every thing in the car the voltage should stay above 12.0 volts at idle and rev up the engine the alternator should put out 13.8 volts still with everything turned on.

2006-08-17 20:04:34 · answer #3 · answered by John Paul 7 · 0 0

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