When you feel the contraction begin, start timing. Note how long it lasts. When your next one starts, that's the end of the first one. For example: Contraction starts at 6:00, lasts 1.5 minutes. Next contraction starts at 6:05. Your contractions are 5 minutes apart. :) Was it just one lonely contraction, or are you having them regularly every 4 minutes? You should time yourself for about an hour. When they get down to 5 minutes apart and don't seem to be letting up, get to the hospital!
2006-08-17 14:28:49
answer #1
answered by brevejunkie 7
the best way i can describe it is you feel like you need to go to the bathroom. If that is the case, then I'd say yes, you are probably having contractions. As for timing, start a timer when it ends, stop it when another one begins. You are going for time apart, not how long they last. If they are getting between 3 and 5 minutes, get to the hospital. If you are due tomorrow it won't hurt to go to the hospital, they may send you home, but they may admit you too. You just dont' want to be stuck at home when you have the baby. I thought mine was going to be no problem and they had to do an emergency csection so you just want to be safe. I hope this helps.
2006-08-17 19:01:37
answer #2
answered by jpair01 2
Sounds like labor to me! Time to call your midwife and let her know, or just get comfortable and go for a walk, etc. until you are ready to go to the hospital. You time contractions from the beginning of the cramp until the end- that is the length of the contraction. Then you want to time how far apart they are- that is how long from the biginning of one to the beginning of the next one.
We had our son at home and our midwife came when the contractions were consistently 4 or 5 minutes apart and lasted a minute long. I would say this is a good time to go to the hospital. You want to labor at home as long as you are able to. Early labor can last a really long time so there is no reason to go until it progresses more.
2006-08-17 19:03:11
answer #3
answered by Ellie 3
Its probably braxon hicks contractions, which are called false labor, but this late in the game they stimulate real labor.
A real contract will start in your back and work around to your belly.
You want to time your contractions from end to start. Time the minutes between your contractions. When they get to be about 5 minutes apart you want to head for the doctors.
Its unlikely that you will go into labor right now, if these are the first contractions you have had all along.
You will want to help your body out by staying active. Walk around as much as possible, or better yet, mop your floors on hands and knees. Its a great way to relieve the stress on your muscles, and the position helps the baby move into place for delivery.
2006-08-17 19:00:04
answer #4
answered by amosunknown 7
Take a deep breath! Now. A contraction sometimes feels like a cramp. To time them: Note the time at the start of one contraction. Note the time it stops. This is how long they are lasting. Note the start time of the next contraction. From start to start is how far apart they are. If you aren't sure if you are in labor or not, it's best to go to the hospital or call your midwife. There's no harm in arriving early.
2006-08-17 19:00:04
answer #5
answered by Wendy 3
get a watch the next time you feel a pain see what time exactly and chech when it stops don't worry if it is your first baby you will have plenty of time to get to the hospital and such stuff. If tomorrow is your due date get up and walk around if you are starting to go into labor it will help with the pain don;t want to get to the hospital to soon then you'll feel like it is taking forever for the baby to come. Make sure you have everything packed and in the car just in case never hurts to be prepared.
2006-08-17 19:00:42
answer #6
answered by MISSREBEL 2
You time a contraction from the begining of one to the begining of the next one. And yes they do feel like cramps. If you are scared #1 thats ok and #2 call your doctor and ask. If you are using any type of relaxation techniques keep on or start doing them.
2006-08-17 20:07:27
answer #7
answered by greenoneofoz 1
Don't bother to call your doctor unless your water breaks or until they are coming regularly. Some people have labor for days before delivering. I had 24 hours of labor the 1st time & 36 hours of labor the 2nd time! My sister was in labor for 56 hours. But it wasn't as bad as it sounds. Only the last hour was what I would consider "painful".
Write down exactly what you did: When you have one and then for how minutes. That is what your doctor is going to ask you for when you do call him and s/he will tell you when to come in. Usually regular contractions 5 minutes apart.
Good luck! We're pulling for ya!
2006-08-17 19:07:06
answer #8
answered by communion6 2
Ok what you need to do is from the moment the craps start, Time it from start to end. That will tell you how long your contractions are and time between them. If they get stronger and faster you need to go to the hospital. I would probally time for about an hour just so you know you are in labor and when you call your doctor you can tell them. Also write down the times too.
Good luck and congrats!
2006-08-17 19:02:12
answer #9
answered by browneyegirl 3
What did your doctor tell you about when to come to the hosipital? Early labor can last for a long time, I was in early labor for 8 or 9 hours, before i went to the hosipital, and still was in labor for another 8 hours there. if your contractions are closer than 5 mins, or last longer than 45sec, call your doctor or go to the hospital. if it is false labor or you are not dialated enough they may send you back home. Best of luck!
2006-08-17 19:03:52
answer #10
answered by paganrosemama 3