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2006-08-17 09:44:49 · 13 answers · asked by bluepizzaeagle 2 in Science & Mathematics Other - Science

oops, I mispelled interesting, sorry.

2006-08-17 09:45:25 · update #1

13 answers

Below is a condensed overview and re-dress of the much overlooked and downplayed issue of how the Father's name was changed. About the errors and substitutes used and the changed that were made in English Bibles and what most reliable scholars say about ancient text and the form you read in regards to the Name of the Father and the Son. More later brother., Peace.
Eminent French historian, scholar, and archaeologist Ernest Renan acknowledges that

the Savior was never in His lifetime called "Jesus." In his book, The Life of Jesus,

Renan doubts that the Savior even spoke Greek (p.90). 'Greek' was mostly the language

of business and commerce in cosmopolitan circles.

As for the Father’s Name, the hybrid "Jehovah" came into existence through the

ignorance of Christian writers who did not understand the Old Testament Hebrew.

Credit for the error is given to Petrus Galatinus, confessor to Pope Leo X in the 16th


Modern scholarship recognizes "Yahshua" as the best rendition for the Name of the

Savior, while "Yahweh" is the closest transliteration for the Name of the Creator as

found in ancient Scriptural manuscripts. In returning as nearly as we can to the Bibles’

original language and meaning, we come to a deeper and more accurate understanding

of the truths contained within it.

As we will learn, the Father and Son’s revealed, personal Names are the foundation on

which other vital, salvation truths rest. It was not without reason that Yahweh

established the foundation of the Ten Commandments with the clear declaration of His

sacred Name: "I, Yahweh, am your Elohim…" Exodus 20:2. Our Savior, as well,

opened His Model Prayer with the words, "hallowed be Thy Name."

Yahweh devoted the Third Commandment to warn of the sin of taking His Name in

vain (a meaning that includes bringing His Name to uselessness, as has been done for

centuries), Exodus 20:2, 7. Our Redeemer’s Name is critically important as well, or

else our Creator would not have inspired the writer of Acts to proclaim, "Neither is

there salvation in any other. For there is none other name under heaven, given among

men whereby we must be saved," Acts 4:12.


Back to the Basic Truths of the Bible

It should be evident to anyone that through time and tradition, observances change, are

added to, and also lose some of what they first had. This is especially true of the

worship originally practiced in the Bible. Our primary goal as True Worshipers should

be to return to fundamental truths, like His true Name, once known and taught by the

early Assembly but that have been neglected or ignored through the centuries.

Shouldn’t this be the desire of every sincere Bible believer—to worship in ALL truth?

Why go only halfway, or put another way, why continue worshiping partly in error?

Jude 3 speaks directly to us: "Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of

the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that you

should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." This

original faith as practiced in the early New Testament Assembly is being restored now,

just before the Savior Yahshua returns to earth. Acts 3:21 say the heaven must receive

the Savior until the time of restitution of all things. "Restitution" is the Greek

apokatastasis and means re-establish from a state of ruin (Write for the explanatory

ministudy, This Is the EliYah Message.)

Foundational to this original truth being restored by Yahweh’s New Covenant

Assembly is the identity of the One we worship. Nothing in existence is more holy

than the Father and His personal, revealed Name Yahweh. Paul wrote that Yahweh has

given His Son a Name that is above every name, Philippians 2:9. The prophet Malachi

tells us that if we will not give glory unto Yahweh’s Name that He would send a curse

upon us (2:2).

With a sense of gravity of the sacred Name, let’s examine why any substitute name

employing the letter J is erroneous. We will look at the facts and the

overwhelming evidence and carefully evaluate our findings, using numerous sources

revealing the truth. Much of the information we cite here is readily available in your

public library, or found in references you may even have at home. We urge you to look

into this important issue and prove it for yourself.

The ‘J’: A Letter Come Lately

Among the many reasons that both "Jesus" and "Jehovah" are erroneous is the simple

fact that they begin with the letter J, the most recent letter added to our English

alphabet. The Savior’s name could not begin with the letter J because it did not exist

when He was born –not even a thousand years later! All good dictionaries and

encyclopedias show that the letter J and its sound are of late origin.

A chart on both the Hebrew and Greek alphabet is found on page 48 in this booklet.

Take special note that there is no letter equivalent to J in either Hebrew or Greek even

today. Here are what major references tell us about the J and its development:


The Encyclopedia Americana contains the following on the J:

"The form of J was unknown in any alphabet until the 14th century. Either

symbol (J, I) used initially generally had the consonantal sound of Y as in year.

Gradually, the two symbols (J, I) were differentiated, the J usually acquiring

consonantal force and thus becoming regarded as a consonant, and the I becoming a

vowel. It was not until 1630 that the differentiation became general in England."

The New Book of Knowledge reads:

"J, the tenth letter of the English alphabet, is the youngest of the 26 letters. It is

a descendant of the letter I and was not generally considered a separate letter until the

17th century. The early history of the letter J is the same as the history of the letter I. I

is a descendant of the ancient Phoenician and Hebrew letter yod and the Greek letter

iota" (Vol. 10, 1992 ed.)

The Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th Edition, under "J," offers additional information:

"J, a letter of the alphabet which, as far as form is concerned, is only a

modification of the Latin I and dates back with a separate value only to the 15th

century. In many cases initial i had the consonantal value of

the English y in iugum (yoke), &c., the symbol came to be used for the value of y, a

value which it still retains in German: Ja! Jung, & c. Initially it is pronounced in

English as an affricate dzh. The great majority of English words beginning with j are

of foreign (mostly French) origin, as ‘jaundice,’ ‘judge’"…(p.103).

Not until the middle of the 17th century did this usage become

universal in English books; in the King James Bible of 1611, for example, the words

Jesus and judge are invariably Iesus and iudge. Long after the invention of printing, j

thus became more than a mere calligraphic variation of i (which in Latin could be either

vowel or semi-vowel), and, j became restricted to a consonantal function.

Webster’s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary confirms how the J developed

from the I and became a consonant only a few centuries ago:

"J, j (ja), n. 1. The tenth letter of the English alphabet: formerly a variant of I, i,

in the seventeenth century it became established as a consonant only, as in Julius,

originally spelled Iulius."

The letter J was often used instead of the letter I, especially at the beginning of

a word. This became common in the 1600s (World Book Encyclopedia, Vol. 2, 1995

ed). Medieval scribes added a tail to the second I when two I’s appeared together.

Because a beginning I almost always has a consonant sound, the long form, J, came to

be used generally for the consonant sound of the letter (New Book of Knowledge).

It became necessary to distinguish between the J and the I when the dictionary

came into being. In the seventeenth century, the dictionary’s appearance forced a

consistent spelling. Using either I or J became mandatory to ensure proper alphabetical

positioning. Owing to this close kinship with I, J was inserted immediately following I

in our English alphabet.

the letter J to I:

The separation of these two letters is of comparatively recent date, being brought about

through the influence of the Dutch printers."

First Letter of the Sacred Name is Y

The Hebrew yothe (), which is the first letter of Yahweh’s Name (, YHWH, known as the

Tetragrammaton or "four letters"; Hebrew is read from right to left). It is also the first letter of Yahshua’s Name.

The letter I (yothe or yod) in Hebrew carries the sound of "ee" as in "police."

The King James Version and other Bibles employ the Latinized-Greek "Jesus."

But the facts of etymology prove that this cannot be His true name. If the King James

and other Bibles are in error in calling the Savior "Jesus," how did the error come

about? And how can we determine exactly what that precious Name is?

The fact is, the first copies of the 1611 King James Bible did not use the letter J. "Not until the

middle of the 17th century did this usage become universal in English books; in the King James

Bible of 1611 for example, the words Jesus and judge are invariably Iesus and iudge."

Oscar Ogg’s books, The 26 Letters, which gives a history of each letter of the

English alphabet, explains how the J, along with the U and W, were the last to be

added to the alphabet:

"The three missing letters, J, U and W, were not used by the Romans at all. U

and W developed from V about a thousand years ago, and J developed from the letter I

about five hundred years ago," p. 106.

As already confirmed, most of our American vocabulary employing the letter J

stems from the French. Nearly all words containing the letter J in English are

pronounced as in French, such as journal or major, although French has a considerably

softer pronunciation of J than English. In Spanish the J is more of an h aspirate as in

"San Jose."

After development of the letter J, the Savior’s Name was changed by the

translators to Jesus, but continued to be pronounced much like the letter Y. However,

the pronunciation of the J soon changed completely from its former "yee" sound to our

present "juh" through French influence.

In his book, Story of the Letters and Figures, Hubert M. Skinner provides an

excellent summation of the discordant transformation inflicted on the Savior’s Name:

"In some way, various modern peoples who received the J from the Romans

have lost the original sound, and have substituted something very different. We retain

the former sound in our word ‘hallelujah,’ but we generally give the letter the

disagreeable soft sound of G. Yod is the initial of the name Jesus. It is unfortunate that

a name so dear and so sacred is pronounced in a manner so different from that of the

original word. The latter sounded very much as if it were Yashoo-ah, and was

agreeable to the ear. Our sounds of J and hard S are the most disagreeable in our

language, and they are both found in our pronunciation of this short name, although

they did not exist in its original," pp. 122-123.

‘Jesus’: A Word Out of Place and Time

The Bible clearly reveals that salvation is available in only one name: "Neither is there

salvation in any other: for there is none other Name under heaven given among men,

whereby we must be saved" (Acts 4:12). The name the angel gave to Hebrew-speaking


Mary and Joseph was Yahshua, meaning "Salvation of Yah."

This original Name has been made a hybrid by translators and changed to the Latinized,

Grecianized name Jesus – a name that came into our language about the time of

Christopher Columbus. (For a detailed explanation, request the revealing ministudy,

How the Savior’s Name Was Changed.)

The following Biblical study references clearly explain that "Jesus," used in place of

the Savior’s true Name Yahshua, is erroneous. (Some of these references correctly

show the Y or I superior to the Mistaken J.)

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature: "Import of the

Name. –There can be no doubt that Jesus is the Greek form of a Hebrew name…Its

original and full form is Jehoshua (Num. 13:16). By contraction it became Joshua, or

Jeshua; and when transferred into Greek, by taking the termination characteristics of

that language, it assumed the form Jesus" (vol. 4, pp. 873-874).

The International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia: "Jesus (Iesous) is the Greek

equivalent of the Hebrew ‘Joshua’ ( , Yehoshua) meaning ‘Jehovah is salvation.’

It stands therefore in the LXX and Apoc for ‘Joshua,’ and in Acts 7:45 and Heb. 4:8

In Strange Facts About the Bible, author Garrison notes on page 81: "In its

English form, ‘Jesus’ goes back to church Latin Iesus which is a transliteration of the

Greek Iesous. But in its original Hebrew form it was Y’hoshua (‘Yahweh saves’),

frequently abbreviated to Joshua…"

All of these authorities and scholars agree. His name is not the Latinized

Grecianized name "Jesus," but reflects His Hebrew heritage and the mission He was

given to save His people through the Name of the Heavenly Father Yahweh.

So how did He end up with the name so many erroneously call on today?

Greek Not the Original New Testament Language

Very early in history, even before the Messiah, Greek had become a world language.

Alexander the Great conquered the lands east and south of Greece, establishing

Hellenistic culture and society as far as the Indus River and south into Egypt.

The koine or common Greek dialect prevailed, becoming dominant in the wake of

Alexander’s exploits. Greek survived the ravages of Roman persecution, as well as the

crusades, and continued to be spoken up to the time of the Muslim conquest of the

Mediterranean area.

Following the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 C.E., Rome crushed the Bar Kochba

rebellion in 135 C.E. The Roman army destroyed anything Jewish, especially religious

scrolls and books, including their Torah. This was followed by the Catholic

inquisitions in Europe, eradicating anything Jewish. The crusaders made fair game of

the Jews, ruthlessly destroying any vestiges of Hebrew writings.

Thus, between the suppression carried out by the Romans and the later Crusades, any

Hebrew copies of both Old and New Testament writings were lost. Only Greek copies

survived. Neither are there any original Hebrew Old Testaments manuscripts, only

copies of copies of copies.

An increasing number of competent Bible scholars now agree with scholar Charles

Cutler Torrey (Documents of the Primitive Church) that the New Testament in whole

or part was first written in Hebrew and only later translated into Greek.

In the September 12, 1986 issue of The Washington Times, David Bivin notes that

Yahshua, like His contemporaries, most likely spoke Hebrew, Bivin, the director for the

Jerusalem School for the Study of the Gospels, also believes that the original account of

Yahshua’s life was written in Hebrew, not Greek of Aramaic. In addition, he and his

Jerusalem scholars agree that by considering the Evangels Hebraic, many textual

difficulties are cleared up, strongly suggesting that the Evangels were first written in


Even Martin Luther recognized the Hebrew roots of the New Testament. He wrote in

Tischreden, "Although the New Testament was written in Greek, it is full of

Hebraisms and Hebrew expressions. It has therefore been aptly said that the Hebrews

drink from the spring, the Greeks from the stream that flows from it, and the Latins

from the downstream pool" (translated by Pinchas E. Lapide in Hebrew in the

Church, p.10).

Where is the justification for changing the Savior’s Name? Even in a Greek context,

there is no J or J sound in the Koine or in any Greek dialect known. The Greek New

Testament of the Bible provides the basis for our present Latin and English translations.

Obviously the J came from another source, as Greek has no phonetic equivalent of the

letter J in its 24 characters of the alphabet. Neither does Hebrew.

We cannot ignore the fact that there was no letter J in ANY language until around the

15th century, and therefore must conclude that the name "Jesus" never existed before

500 years ago. Let us not forget that we read from a Hebrew Bible. It is the account of


Yahweh’s dealing with His people Israel. Yahweh spoke to a people who understood

Hebrew. Yahweh is the Mighty One of the Hebrews.

Remember also that there was no Jew before the time of Abraham, Isaac or Jacob. So

the Sacred Name is not Jewish.

The seeker of truth must not shy from the Hebrew roots of true Biblical faith, for we are

children of Abraham, a Hebrew (Gen. 14:13). Hebrew means to "cross over," and we

are to "cross over" the falsity and error of this world and join in pure worship of

Yahweh and His Son Yahshua.

The following Bible versions have these footnote explanations on Matthew 1:21, the

verse where the angel tells Joseph (Yowceph) what to name the Redeemer of mankind:

· "’Jesus’ (Hebr. Jehoshua) means ‘Yahweh saves’"—The Jerusalem Bible.

· "’Jesus’ is the Greek form of Joshua, which means ‘the Lord saves’" –New

International Version.

· "’Jesus,’ from the Greek form of a common Hebrew name (Joshua) derived

from yasha, ‘he saves’" –Harper Collins Study Bible

· "She will give birth to a son, and you are to name him Yeshua, [which means

‘Adonai saves’], because he will save his people from their sins" –Jewish New

Testament, David Stern, translator.

· "Heb. Yoshia, reflected in the name Yeshua (Gr. Jesus)" –The Original New

Testament, Hugh J. Schonfield.

· "Jesus: The Greek form of ‘Jeshua’….The full significance of the name

‘Jesus’ is seen in the original ‘Yehoshua,’ which means ‘Jehovah the Savior,’ and not

merely ‘Savior,’ as the word in often explained" –Weymouth’s New Testament in

Modern Speech.

· "Jesus Christ. The name ‘Jesus’ is from the Greek (and Latin) for the

Hebrew ‘Jeshua’ (Joshua), which means ‘the Lord is salvation.’ ‘Christ’ is from the

Greek for the Hebrew ‘Meshiah’ (Messiah), meaning ‘anointed one’"—Ryrie Study


· "Jesus, Yeshua, meaning ‘Jehovah Is Salvation’" –The Kingdom Interlinear

Translation of the Greek Scriptures.

The following commentaries add their observations on the Savior’s Name:

® Matthew Henry’s Commentary (on Matthew 1:21): "Jesus is the same name

with Joshua, the termination only being changed, for the sake of conforming it to the


This must be the greatest conspiracy and decption of all time to so thoroughly and intentionally mis-educate and mis-lead the people. That is why I was complled to share this with you. May you from this point on carry with you a knowledge previously you were unaware of. His Peace be with you*

2006-08-17 10:13:08 · answer #1 · answered by Fathersservant 1 · 0 1

"If it takes so long to even discover that the earth is round, even if high technology wasn't available [most obviously], how would we know if there wasn't a planet inhabitable ALREADY within our reach??? It took Gaileo many years to convince people the solar system was heilocentered, and now we're saying we're going to migrate to where, the moon of Jupiter, within a hundred years? I think not. By the time that we are even able to locate such a planet that we even CAN migrate to, the earth's atmosphere and oceans will have boiled away since the sun will be a red giant. Earth will be reduced to micro-organisms, once again. The circle of life will start all over, with a new star as the center of the solar system, which will look much different. Earth will be so hot that all animals will have special skins, almost like tin foil, to reflect the sun's rays, then people will come along. This time they will be so intelligent, it will make us look like complete idiots! They will soon find the remnants of an old iPod, laptop, DVD player, and scoff at our simpleton ways. Then, in another 954 or whatever billion years, it will happen again. This life form will scoff at remnants left from the past. And again, this cycle will take place. Never ending. Scientists think that we will soon be living with near no atmosphere, but no, not us, we will BURN to death from the harsh rays. The cycle of life will begin soon, within the next 5 billion years; if not sooner. The human race will not survive for ever!"

2006-08-17 16:50:20 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

In my opinion conspiracy theories are more numerous than real conspiracies. The real ones are those that can damage peoples lives. Are there aliens among us? Maybe, but has anyone been affected by them? Maybe. Why worry about it? No good reason...
For instance.... the destruction of the twin towers in NYC on 09/11/01 may have been ensured and pre-arranged with explosives by people other than who we assume. Could be true, but what goes on around us now, after the fact, is what we can witness with individual confidence. Also we have the personal technology to record events that may legally need another look. Screaming "I saw a Martian!!" don't cut it here in the future... there may well be plenty of bad news going on without our knowledge, but many of us have a wee tiny grasp on it..... think of the company you work for puts toxic waste in the regular garbage... it is up to the individual to expose what we know, not what we convince ourselves of! Ignorance is the enemy!
My eyes and ears are always open. I was taught by my father to always be aware of everything around

2006-08-17 17:36:18 · answer #3 · answered by Dopey E 2 · 0 0

Ok this is stupid, but I always thought there was just something completely wrong with mascara commercials (You know that black crud some girls layer on their eye-lashes). Something just never adds up. You can hardly watch an hour of TV with out seeing a few of these model filled commercials. But is there really a big enough market to pay for all these expensive looking TV spots? I mean the little bottles of stuff only cost a few bucks and forever from what I can tell. Heck I only know a handful of girls that even wear it on a normal office day. So what gives? Is there really a huge market for this somewhere, is the company’s just trying to push their brand name, are there subliminal messages in these commercials, a money write-off attempt, plain stupidity. Anyway, it is rather unimportant, but if you figure it out let me know.

2006-08-17 17:20:20 · answer #4 · answered by whoevermeam 3 · 0 0

Well there is the Kennedy assassination. On November 21,1963 President John F.Kennedy was in Texas,Dallas for a while and was driving to lunch went he was going down the street he was on he got shot in the neck the car stopped and then he was killed with the head shot. During this the Mayor was shot in the shoulder and said they are going to kill us all. When Kennedy got shot with the fatal shot his wife Jackie Kennedy was screaming They've killed him! Also screaming is brain is in my hands. When she tried to get out her guard pushed her back in. The cops thought the shots came from the book depository on the street they found a rusty rifle and some gun shot shells. A few hours later they accused Lee Harvey Oswald. Two days later he was shot going to court by Jack Ruby. Jack Ruby was in night clubs alot and was in with Al Co pone in the 30's he too was taken in by the authorities. It assumed many that this was a conspiracy I think it's conspiracy too. With the magic bullet theory and other laughable stuff but it can be proved a conspiracy.

2006-08-17 17:17:06 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ever hear of the Big Bang Theory (aka M Theory, String Theory)?

2006-08-17 16:53:12 · answer #6 · answered by I want my *old* MTV 6 · 0 1

Do a conspiracy theory about conspiracy theorists.

2006-08-17 17:41:47 · answer #7 · answered by BeC 4 · 0 0

There are so many fat ugly-looking fat perverts posting as a child asking sex questions and some conspiracy theories while doing....

Sound familiar ? :-)

2006-08-17 16:54:36 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Did you heat that NASA lost the tapes from the moon landing. Maybe all those people that say it was faked are right and now that we have the technology to prove the tapes, they convieniently lost them!

2006-08-17 16:52:13 · answer #9 · answered by Barry M 3 · 0 1

the government is secretly hiding alien bodies, spaceships, etc.

2006-08-17 16:51:30 · answer #10 · answered by Miami Star 2 · 0 0

We are all a dream, and when the dreamer awakes.....

2006-08-17 17:13:58 · answer #11 · answered by J 4 · 0 0

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