Underage pregnancy kills me, It freaking kills me. Do your life a favor and have an abortion or put it up for adoption. You're just a kid! Once you're a mom, You're a mom for life. Remember that. No going out to parties, no college, no boys (because they will be turned off), no money because you are uneducated and young. Seriously, you have your whole life in front of you. Do something smart with it!
2006-08-17 05:29:45
answer #1
answered by someDumbAmerican 4
Im sorry to say this but your parents must have crap *** jobs. As long as your in their house eatin up there food they can claim you as a dependant. The only thing they may loose on you is your medical benefits if your not in school, but even though your having a child you are still a child. Your parents can actually get more money by claiming you and the baby. You just may want to sign up for some county benefits. And if you just have to get on welfare get into the program that helps you either go to school or find a job. Theyll even help with rides to your interviews. By the way your parents DONT WANT to afford you cuz really they can. They must be young too...
Some advice would be to get a job, Mcdonalds is always hiring...dont knock it till you try it
2006-08-23 19:52:09
answer #2
answered by LILMAMAZ 1
Look I'm 16 and 6 months pregnant and i thought my mom was gonna kick me out i have no job and i go to school but it is a computer school. it is all free. they give you a free computer free everything. have your parents check into that google it on the interent. I'm in Treca digital Academy but it might be called something different were you live. Try making a wic appointment. i am on that too. They buy some food for you, like eggs, milk, peanut butter, cereal etc. That helps my mom a lot!!! Your parents can try to get food stamps!!!!!! Those help a lot!! Are you with the father of the baby? I hope the best for you really. It is hard being pregnant at 16. Oh yea you can also try to get a hold of some clinics maybe there is a women's center where you live. The women's centers help teen pregnancy they can put you on a plan were you can get free baby things like carseat, highchair etc. Those places you can look on the interent too, just tell them whats happening and they are all ears to listen and help you in any type of way. Do you have insurance? If you really do need to talk Write me an email so we can i was going though somethings to. Its hard!! Good luck hope I hear from you!!!! Do you have insurance?
2006-08-22 07:03:59
answer #3
answered by me 1
Dont let anyone tell you what to do with your unborn child. A baby is a gift from god and should be treated as such. Im sure at your age, that you didnt intentionally get pregnant. Things are going to go from worse to better though, before that baby is grown, because of narrow minded idiots like the one that answered your question. I work for the state with handicapped adults so I pretty well know the system. In most states they are going to count your parents income against you for most any available aid to you. Im sure that you are already getting wic, and medicaid so you should be covered there. In some states you can be eligible before the birth of your baby for Aid to Families (welfare). My best advise is for you to apply the worst they can say is no. After your baby is born the state that you live in usually have some kind of self sufficient economics where they will pay for your education, and child care. I dont see why your parents are saying that they cant afford to keep you, that is what really worries me, if the feel that way about you , how are they going to deal with a grandchild. I wish you all the luck in the world and a healthy baby.
2006-08-24 15:48:05
answer #4
answered by iamahotty36 2
First of all, have you looked at all your options? Think long and hard before making a decision, whichever one you choose it will stay with you for life. Make sure its the right option for you. If you decide to keep the baby then I wish you all the best.
If you're in the UK then child benefit is only about £16/week so I'm not sure why your parents can't keep you. However if they insist you must move out then you are entitled to benefits in your own right, a baby grant of £500 and also help with finding a flat etc. Go to your local social services department and they can tell you everything you are entitled to. If you're not in the UK then I'm sorry but I don't what you're entitled to.
Wherever you are good luck and stay strong.
2006-08-24 21:16:36
answer #5
answered by cg1209 2
I'm not sure what the rules are on Jobseekers Allowance and Income Support for 16 year olds, you may need to check this out at your local DSS. If there is a reason you cannot go back to college (ie your pregnancy) then you may well be entitled to something. Your parents may be able to claim for you. You and your family really need to go to the local DSS office and talk this through.
You wouldn't get Statutory Maternity Pay or Maternity Allowance as you have to have been working to claim these.
You may be able to get free milk tokens (ask your midwife fore the form). If you or your family are on Income Support or Jobseekers Allowance, you can get a Sure Start Maternity Grant of £500 to buy things for the baby.
The best place to go would be the DSS.
EDIT: The same people who go on about teenage mums being irresponsible are the same ones who would be calling you a murderer if you had an abortion so don't worry about them.
2006-08-19 10:32:09
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
They way you're phrasing things makes me think that you live out of the USA which is what i'm familiar with.
However, being that you're only 16 years old, you are still a minor. It would be in your best interest to go back to school in september as you will only be another month along. You can go to school up until you're full term or a bit less if you're not feeling well but can continue ur schooling by taking work home. Maybe your parents dont want youto have to live off of them and have them take care of your mistake. You'll need to go to court and get child support from this baby's father and also get a job for after school. Prove to them you're going to be more responsible from now on and i'm sure they'll change their tune.
2006-08-17 05:33:36
answer #7
answered by camoprincess32 4
You can still go back to school in September. This is 2006 and, like it or not, teens are pregnant. The school you attend should be able to accommodate you.
As for parenting. Seek counsel on whether you truly want to be a parent and the impact on the quality of life for the child. Parenting is a difficult job even when you are in an established stable partnership. At 16 this is unlikely.
Making an adoption for your child may be a good answer, but ultimately the answer is yours. I am extremely pro-choice but I would never counsel a girl I did not know (and who did not ask) to have an abortion.
Don't stop attending school. You need to focus on being the most educated, strongest person that you can be.
Good Luck.
P.S. I am the mother of 2 girls (one adopted at birth and one bio) I became a mom at 31 because a woman was not able to fulfill her commitment to her baby. I am one of the luckiest and happiest people I know.
2006-08-25 04:42:31
answer #8
answered by anirbas 4
You have had some good & bad answers so far. My advice is a mixture of both.
Why do you feel you can't get a job? Your pregnant not severely disabled.
As you will be a mum soon & your parents can't afford to "keep you" your going to need to get a job & get somewhere to live. What is the father doing? How is he helping?
Go back to college!!! Get a qualification that you can keep until your child is in school then you can get a good job.
Go to your job centre, see what they suggest. Plenty of teenagers go through college/school whilst pregnant & come out of it a lot wiser & worldier. Don't paln your life around benefits, that's morally and socially not recommended. Have some self respect.
This is your life & your responsibility - use it wisely.
Good luckk :-}
2006-08-23 21:35:48
answer #9
answered by MISS B.ITCH 5
Have a word with your midwife, she should give you a pack telling you what your parents can claim for you and what you can claim yourself.
Some people make me laugh! If they read your question properly you want to know what you can claim, not their views on you being 16 and pregnant!
You must be in the UK, since you said about child benefit-you should get your Surestart £500 maternity payment but that isn't until your around 28 weeks pregnant.
Your parents can claim for you, then once the baby is born, you claim for youeself and the baby and if you continue living at your parents i think u should get ova £100 a week?
If you send me your email address i will find out exactly what you are entitled to...she was 16 in june and her baby is due in about 2 weeks, so she has all the details and people for you to go to.
Also, if you smoke, you cant get nicorete patches and chewing gum free from the midwife.
My nieces midwife takes her to a teenage mums and toddlers group, you'll be shocked at the stuff that is done to support people of your age throught out and after there pregnancy.
Being pregnant at 16 is not the end of the world...not like it used to be! Congatulations!!!
Like i said, send me your email addy and i'll email u all the details?
2006-08-17 17:58:40
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I'm not sure what type of benefits you are referring to....
While you are pregnant you can receive WIC and medicaid through your local Social Services office. You may also qualify for Workfirst which is a very tiny extremely small monthly cash supplement. Then after the child is born, you can get medicaid and wic for the child and a childcare voucher.
Also, look into local non-profit organizations that can assist with food/diapers, etc. Like catholic charities. Or better yet, from a landline phone (like your home phone), dial 211. That will connect you with your local United Way and they will tell you what programs/services you qualify for.
Listen, I am 36 y.o. and am a single mom to a 2 y.o. daughter. My pregnancy was unplanned and the father chose not to be involved. Having a baby is not easy. It will eventually be rewarding and the love receive in return will be amazing. But please prepare yourself mentally for the struggle to come. Have a plan for when you come home from the hospital (like who will help you). As soon as possible, get your child on a schedule. Read, read, read as much as you can on what to expect in the first year. You will get a lot of unsolicited advice, nod your head and do what's best for you and your baby. Consider what type of child want to raise... respectful, responsible, independent and parent deliberately. By that I mean, read to your child, sing to your child, play with him/her. Talk to him/her while doing chores. But most of all YOU BE THE person you want your child to be and hopefully he/she will emulate that.
You make no mention of the father. If he's not involved, just keep it moving. Don't bad mouth him to your child. Just be as open as possible to the father and make it easy for him to see or spend time with the child if he so desires but let him know that he can't be a revolving door dad. He should set a schedule and stick to it. If he can't visit regularly then he shouldn't visit at all because it confuses kids. Anyway, that's in the future.
I know I'm being long winded but teen pregnancy scares the hell out of me! You're barely grown yourself and you have so much living yet to do. I will pray (seriously, pray) that you are mature, responsible and have a strong support system. God bless you and your unborn child.
I've listed some websites below that you may find useful.
2006-08-17 05:50:51
answer #11
answered by treasures320 3