the snake was a pale yellow with darker yellow rings. it had a small head and was about 2 ft -2 1/2 ft long. it did not have any red or black on it. i was walking across my cattle guard & it stuck it's head up & of course i couldn't move fast enough to get off the cattle guard. i then started banging on the cattle guard to try to get him out from under there. then the snake took off & i watched him leave and got a very good look at it. it was a very skinny and long. it did not seem aggressive or mean, just very scary!!
8 answers
asked by
➔ Reptiles
i live in south east texas, near corpus
03:20:00 ·
update #1
I am pretty sure whay you saw was a The yellow rat snake, also known as the chicken snake, is non-venomous; however, it does not hesitate to strike at an aggressor and, if it makes contact, will hang on and chew. These snakes generally measure 40 to 70 inches in length. They are excellent tree climbers, spending a lot of time in trees, where they feed on birds and their eggs, rodents, lizards, and frogs. Rat snakes are constrictors and kill their prey by slowly squeezing them until they no longer can breathe.
As implied by their name, yellow rat snakes are usually yellow to olive in color, with four brown lateral stripes. Some individuals may have faint blotches across their back. The belly is light yellow or cream colored. Their tongue is black. Juveniles have light brown blotches and the four stripes are very faint.
They are about two feet in length. They are found in Texas and in the Corpus Christi area as well.
2006-08-17 05:39:06
answer #1
answered by reptilehunter33647 2
Your snake is not poisonous, so leave him be, I understand wanting to identify him though. I did a little research and there are 115 species of snakes in Texas and 15 of them are poisonous.
By being long and skinny in the USA, that means non-poisonous.
I live in Georgia, if he were here, I would say a rat snake, chicken snake, oak snake, king snake, or pine snake.
Don't try to handle him, they are tricky critters and I know from personal experience that rat snakes have a bad attitude and will bite you, even though they are not poisonous, they are famous for their bacteria and when they bite you will be infected.
2006-08-17 03:35:43
answer #2
answered by Sheila 4
I am located in Southern Maryland. The yellow, blotchy, striped snake is skinny and long. It is just sitting on my property. What does that mean?
2016-04-26 03:53:41
answer #3
answered by Domanique 1
You didn't say where you are ... that would help identify the snake. From what I've read it sounds like some sort of corn snake. I hope this is of some help.
2006-08-17 02:38:06
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It sounds like it may have been a rat snake or a garter snake.
2006-08-17 02:38:06
answer #5
answered by morowolfspirit 2
Sounds like a gopher snake. Totally harmless, if that's what it was. They are common in that area.
2006-08-17 04:56:10
answer #6
answered by preacher55 6
If you could be more specific about which country and region you live in (click additional details), I might be able to help.
2006-08-17 02:33:29
answer #7
answered by corpuscollossus 3
If you could give a location it might help with identifying it.
2006-08-17 02:38:30
answer #8
answered by stevehart53 6