Wow! It seems you have done it all. I used Front-line for three months on my cat Ebony, and for 13 years now he never had flees. We lived in a townhouse and the dog next door always had flees. We sprayed the outside, especially the sandy area, the window sills, walkways and doorways with a flee spray we bought at the supermarket. There was also another spray which you connect to your garden hose and wet the area around the house. I can't remember the name of the product, but it should be in the area for pet supplies.
2006-08-17 02:40:15
answer #1
answered by Jill Jackson 1
Fleas are really hard to get rid of. You got to clean and clean your house plus have a couple of flea bombs or have people come out to get rid of them if you have the money. While you are taking care of that have the cat at the vet give them a bath and there's a pill that is suppose to kill all fleas and ticks. Also it would be good to spray some of that stuff outside that kills fleas and ticks. Its alot of work. Every year we seem to get them around here. It really sucks cause i got 3 cats and a dog. Good luck and i hope you get rid of them. Fleas aren't easy to get rid of.
2006-08-17 02:43:18
answer #2
answered by ? 4
Frontline Plus
2006-08-17 02:57:55
answer #3
answered by ParaUnNormal 3
First, does your pet actually have fleas and ticks? Try taking your cat to the vet for confirmation of the problem and ask your vet for help first. Then call a licensed exterminator to treat the inside and outside of your home.
2006-08-17 02:28:56
answer #4
answered by tkltafoya 4
they have flea and tick stuff to put on you yard you should get some and do that because just getting rid of them in the house wont work we you go out side they get on you and then they get back in the house when you go in so you see if you don't take care of them outside and in you will not get ride of them
2006-08-17 04:35:57
answer #5
answered by angelasamat14 2
You can use a herb called Flea Bane. It helps animals and homes.
2006-08-17 02:45:22
answer #6
answered by mjtsimmons 1
I use Advantage on my pets with good results.
As far as the house, good luck. I wish I could help more on that, but bomb, bomb, bomb.
2006-08-17 03:19:00
answer #7
answered by My world 6
Give your cat Revolution, it kills any type of insect, parasite, mite, mange, you name it! that will keep them off your cat atleast...i dont know what to tell you about the house
2006-08-17 02:57:28
answer #8
answered by sassy2sloppy 2
I tried tryed everything, then i got revolution, it works wonderful!
2006-08-17 04:06:22
answer #9
answered by :) 1