Around 4 months is the average.
It all depends on how you are carrying the baby....where the baby is positioned....some are more toward the mama's back so they don't feel them as much until they're further along (consequently giving the mama a lot of back pain)...some are more toward the front of mama's belly and therefore the mama can feel them a lot more and sooner.
At least that's what my doctor told me when I was pregnant with my son.
You probably did feel're around the 4th month.
Congrats on the new addition! I'm so happy for you. I can't wait to have another one!
2006-08-17 02:15:38
answer #1
answered by mistiaya 3
By 3 or 4 months you should be able to feel the baby move. It sometimes may feel like a "butterfly". That is always a great experience to feel the baby move for the first time. Good luck with the rest of your preganancy!
2006-08-17 09:06:33
answer #2
answered by Jules 2
It is usually around eighteen weeks that you feel the baby move, but if you have already had two children it is possible to feel it before 18 weeks, so I would say that you have felt your first movement. Congratulations. All the best.
2006-08-17 09:11:18
answer #3
answered by maddmummy 2
It is different for everyone, I was between 20 and 22 weeks the first time I felt mine move
2006-08-17 09:32:27
answer #4
answered by Marie 4
You are probably already feeling them since you've had kids before.
Usually between 16 and 22 weeks is when you can feel the first flutters. To me, it felt like little bubbles popping in my belly.
2006-08-17 12:06:30
answer #5
answered by braks_gurl 3
18 to 20 weeks
2006-08-17 09:07:02
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I didnt start feeling my baby move till about 22 weeks. It varies from person to person. Congratulations
2006-08-17 09:05:51
answer #7
answered by kimmiekim85 2
I think it can be any time from 16 weeks, why don't you ask your midwife if you are worrying about it ? There are also many excellent books, which you can borrow from libraries on the subject of pregnancy. Good luck.
2006-08-17 09:58:18
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
It varies in every pregnancy. They say that the more pregnancies u have, the quicker you can feel the baby moving but i'm not sure its true or not...all of mine have been around 18weeks
2006-08-17 11:26:10
answer #9
answered by Tracey R 1
Its nature, there is no calender or clock. If your doctor says the baby is ok, then it is.
2006-08-17 09:09:08
answer #10
answered by tjnstlouismo 7