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I want to insert this menu button I made with the flash extension into my web page. How?

2006-08-17 01:58:33 · 3 answers · asked by Frances 2 in Computers & Internet Internet

3 answers


2006-08-17 02:03:51 · answer #1 · answered by Yoi_55 7 · 0 0


Create your Swish movie
Go to the File menu in Swish and select Export, then HTML
When the dialog box comes up, navigate to the location of your FP Web on your hard drive and give your page a name and place it in the root directory of your FP Web.
Open FP and you will see your new page listed in your Folder List on the left (if you don't see your Folder List, go to the View menu and click on Folder List)
You will also see another file with the same name, but with a .swf extension. This is your movie which has been inserted at the top of your new page
Double click on the file with the .html extension to see your page.
You can now add anything else to this page just like you do with any other FP page, including a theme, navigation structure, shared borders, etc. You can even add more text or graphics.
If you want to change any of the attributes of the movie (size, number of loops, etc.), simply right click on the movie itself and select ActiveX Control Properties.

Create your Swish movie
Go to the File menu in Swish and select Export, then HTML
When the dialog box comes up, select a location to store the file temporarily.
Open FP and open the page you want to add the movie to.
Go to the File menu and select Import, then click on the Add File button and navigate to the temporary location where you have stored your Swish file and select the .swf file (NOT the HTML file) and click on Open, then click OK.
This will add your Swish movie to your Folder List (if you don't see your Folder List, go to the View menu and click on Folder List)
Open Windows Explorer or My Computer and find the .html file you temporarily stored in Swish and double click on it. When the file opens in your browser, RIGHT click on it (not on the movie itself, but on a blank area outside of the movie) and select View Source.
In here, you will see the html code used to view your movie. Look through it and you will see tags that say and toward the bottom you will see another tag that says .
Highlight everything between these two tags (but not including them) and right click within this highlighted area and select "Copy".
Go back into FP and place your cursor within the page where you want the movie to be placed
Click on the tab at the bottom of your page that says HTML.
You will see your cursor blinking within your html code. Right click right there and select "Paste" and the code for your movie will be added to your page's code.
Click on the tab at the bottom that says Normal and you will switch back to the normal view of your page and your movie will be inserted where you want it.
Now, you can go back into Windows Explorer or My Computer and delete the .html and .swf files that you stored there temporarily

2006-08-17 02:08:09 · answer #2 · answered by dewman_byju 4 · 0 0


2006-08-17 02:05:03 · answer #3 · answered by malung786 4 · 0 0

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