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i thought i was pregnant all last week(i was natious,cranky,tired, irritable..the whole9yards) now i have a super heavy flow and i am so moody and on edge but i have no cramps and usually i have baaad back pain and stomach cramps.

2006-08-17 01:53:02 · 16 answers · asked by ky8 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

what does that mean ? "i have a test nob"

2006-08-17 02:02:24 · update #1

16 answers

It is conceivable you were pregnant but suffered an early miscarriage. Without a positive pregnancy test, it's difficult to say. Another possibility with a heavy flow is that you have a ovarian cyst (an egg that does not fully emerge) which can cause hormonal oddities that lead to delayed then heavy periods. Or it just could be a flukey period. So sorry, but the odds are very great that you are not currently pregnant. Check with your doctor if the period does not taper off quickly. You may want to start taking iron supplements to build up your iron reserves in preparation for a future pregnancy. (I suffered from heavy periods for a while which left me very anemic.)

2006-08-17 02:08:29 · answer #1 · answered by just♪wondering 7 · 0 0

sahboyle is right.... Unfortunately this happening to me right now - I am 5 weeks pregnant and it appears I am miscarrying. There is nothing that can be done to change it. I do have some minor pressure/cramping in my stomach and lower back that is accompanying my heavy bleeding though... since you never took a PG test, you are unlikley to ever know (unless you get a blood test ASAP to look at your HCG level and see if there is still any elevation which would mean PG.). SAve yourself the emotional rollercoaster...I would just tell yourself you never were. Not sure if you desired being pregnant but for me, being PG and then finding out a few days later I am miscarrying is very upsetting and depressing.

2006-08-17 09:30:49 · answer #2 · answered by smiley_girl 3 · 0 0

Your not pregnant. You were just having PMS (pre-menstral cramps) PMS normally starts a week before you period comes. Alot of people get sick, cranky, tired, and irritable when its time for there period. Maybe this period is different with the back pain and stomach cramps. But if you don't trust my answer take a HPT that is a way to find out.

2006-08-17 09:07:02 · answer #3 · answered by tgrider1121 2 · 0 0

You may have just been having PMS last week. There is no way of knowing if you were pregnant but it doesn't sound like you are now.

If you were pregnant then it sounds like you may have miscarried. An early miscarriage presents itself as a heavy period. The embryo will be minute - just a cluster of cells or a small clot at most so you wont see anything. Many people miscarry in early prenancy and dont even know about it.

2006-08-17 09:06:45 · answer #4 · answered by sahboyle 2 · 1 0

i'm in a similar situation to you but have now had 2 urine tests done - both neg but something is still not right. I still have all those symptoms and have done for the past 3 weeks. The incredibly tender nipples are worst with me and the tiredness.

i'm due tonight/tomorrow so will be waiting to see what happens.

my doc says i could still bleed but be expecting so i have to take another test once the "period" is over - if it comes at all!

i'd go see your doctor - mine was pretty ace! before i was feeling like i may have been over-reacting but she explained that its very possible to bleed during pregancy.

hope this helps,

keep smiling x

2006-08-18 05:44:24 · answer #5 · answered by peartree1402 2 · 0 0

yeah u could be,,, but iv had two kids but I'm feeling the same as you this month so i could be as well give it time like a week and then to a test,,, oh and one more thing u can have periods all the way though ya pregnancy as my mate did,,

2006-08-17 10:32:14 · answer #6 · answered by jayne843 1 · 0 0

It my have been that you was pregnant but now have lost the baby sorry to say but go see you doctor and talk to them just to make sure

2006-08-17 15:26:02 · answer #7 · answered by pixi_kitten2006 2 · 0 0

u aint pregnant how can we tell u have a test nob

2006-08-17 08:57:36 · answer #8 · answered by LOUISE P 2 · 0 0

ur not pregnat then cos u dont have a period when u r pregnant didnt u know that! seek help

2006-08-17 09:38:16 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

heavy flow get it checked by doc

2006-08-17 09:03:49 · answer #10 · answered by nuclear farter 3 · 1 0

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