I really dont understand American politics, you'll try to impeach a President who cheated on his wife while in office, but when Bush keeps sending troops to their death in iraq for a war nobody is quite sure is nessacary (except for oil). He has kept Americans in a constant State of fear since he was voted in. I dont know how it works down there politicaly speaking. I love America and Americans, but that just dont seem right to me?? (Im from Canada btw) How is Bush still in power?
2006-08-17 02:01:43
answer #1
answered by Metallicat 3
What are you thinking? The President did not commit treason! Where do you come up with that?
Lied about WMD's? No! No! No! If you do your homework you will see that in the 90's many Democrats (including Bill Clinton, John Kerry, et. al.) and Republicans believed that Saddam had them. He actually used them (talk to the Kurds). The quantity might not have been extensive, but he did have some available for use.
He also deliberately tried to deceive UN weapons inspectors as they attempted to conduct searches for the devices or the materials to develop them!
Did he do it for the oil? The last time I checked the USA did not have control of the oil fields and if we did the media would have been all over it with myriad questions.
Revenge for Saddam putting out a contract on Bush Sr.? Have heard this argument many times, but it seems that no one wishes to provide any hard evidence of such an attempt.
No, it's not a "given" unless you are so filled with unreasoning hatred that you will take any unsubstantiated charge to attack him.
Making charges against the intelligence community? While there were problems you might wish to recall that Janie Gorelick, who for some strange reason was on the 9/11 Commission instead of testifying before it, was one of the architects of the separation of the FBI and CIA that prevented them from sharing information - information by the way that would have shown some obvious links in the 9/11 terrorist chain (this strange policy was initiated during the term(s) of William Jefferson Clinton).
How about sharing your specific thoughts/charges against President Bush instead of the same tired old argments.
Oh, and Doc, just humor me: How would you have handled the situation? HMMM?
2006-08-17 09:06:51
answer #2
answered by Charles C 3
I don't see it as a given, and general accusations will not lead to charges or convictions. If actual crimes of treason are proved, and charges brought those convicted will be held legally accountable.
In the court of public opinion there are those that will continue to defend and those , such as you , that will impugn the policy decisions of the administration. History in the end will be the judge, and as we all know history is written by the victors.
2006-08-17 08:56:30
answer #3
answered by Brian B 3
This article is ridiculous. Al Qaeda has been dismantled. Osama is hiding in a cage somewhere hooked up to a dialysis machine and most of his 1st line officers are sitting in Guantanamo Bay. Lets talk about aiding the enemy. What about all your liberal friends that keep accusing our military of over abusive interrogation of Al Qaeda prisoners in Guantanamo Bay? Your just another Bush hater. Your not worth the energy it would take to discuss anything with.
2006-08-17 09:08:16
answer #4
answered by Conservative 3
Another California or New York resident crying.
Lets wake up.
It's also a given that your a joke. Thank you for the laughs
2006-08-17 10:50:00
answer #5
answered by John 3
You're doing this backwards. There may be members of his admin that should be held accountable for their actions, but anytime the repub party makes a decision, Bush is the scapegoat, and all the Dems immediately blame him.
2006-08-17 08:52:39
answer #6
answered by realsimonrulz 2
LOL! It's a "given" that he's "committed treason"? That's a simpleminded and dishonest crock of manure.
Why don't you people give cogency, logic, truth and reality a chance? You might find you like them!
2006-08-17 09:13:35
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
An actual argument would be nice, rather then bluster on your part.
Why don't we try Clinton for Chinagate while we're at it too?
2006-08-17 16:36:58
answer #8
answered by B C 4
first off, and most importantly, he has not committed treason...you ought to know what it is before you accuse
trea·son ( P ) Pronunciation Key (trzn)
Violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one's country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.
2006-08-17 08:54:18
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
OK, Mr. Persecutor.
What are the specific charges? What is the proof?
Please, no references to an anarchist or left-wing web site.
2006-08-17 08:58:43
answer #10
answered by SPLATT 7