He didn't test you, because home pregnancy tests are as accurate now as GP tests would be. In fact - in hospital, they test you with Clear Blue.
Pretty soon, you'll have a "booking in" appointment with the midwife, and she'll be able to reassure you that you are actually pregnant.
Your first scan will be either at 12 or 18 weeks - I forget now.
Good luck and CONGRATULATIONS!!.
2006-08-17 01:51:29
answer #1
answered by Hello Dave 6
You'll definitely be having a scan at around 20 weeks, by which time you may have felt the baby move already.
Some health authorities offer scans at around 12 weeks. This may be something you'll need to ask about though - they're not always offered as routine. When I had my baby, 12-week scans were only given to 'high-risk' women, but if I was to get pregnant now I could have both the 12- and 20-week scans.
While you're waiting for your letter to come through about the scan, you should be having regular appointments with the midwife. Your should be able to book those in the normal way at your surgery. If you feel it's easier, make another appointment with your doctor and ask him who you should be seeing and how often. If not, the receptionists are usually very good and should be able to give you some sort of help.
As for the test - when I had my child, the doctor said to me that the home tests are pretty much the same thing as you'd get in the surgery, so if it was a definite positive, you may not need another test.
If, however, you're in any doubt, which you really seem to be since you say you won't believe it until the scan, you should ask for another test anyway. Your doctor shouldn't be able to refuse to do one for you.
2006-08-17 01:57:17
answer #2
answered by plainoldnanny 3
I found that Pregnancy testing kits are more sensitive and give an earlier and more reliable result than the cheap gravendex test that the GP uses. If he felt your pelvic area he can most probably tell from the size of your uterus, depending on how far you are into the pregnancy. The scans themselves don't take long and have improved greatly since I had mine over 18 years ago. Just remember, when they say a full bladder they mean it, you get a much better result. Good luck with the pregnancy hope all goes well for you.
2006-08-17 02:00:58
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
first of all, you should be getting an appointment to see a midwife for a 'booking in'. this goes through all of your details, medical history etc. this usually happens between 8 - 12 weeks.
you will also get a seperate appoimntment for your scan. usually, you will get to see the midwife before the scan - it depends on which appointment is available at the hospital for a scan. the scan is usually done at 12 weeks.
the over-the-counter pregnancy tests are 99.9% accurate, which is why the doctor didn't test again. you also probably displayed some of the usual symptoms too i.e no period, nausea, sore boobs etc.
it is only natural to feel the way you do. i had the same thing happen to me. i didn't believe i was pregnant until i saw the 1st scan! but in the meantime and, of course, throughout - look after yourself - that is very important - for both of you...
good luck and take care..
2006-08-17 01:57:27
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Pregnancy tests are 90% correct, that is the reason the doctor did
not examine you. A scan is a good measure since it does not hurt
you nor your child. At an earlier stage, the doctors examination
would certainly by uncomfortable and unnecessary.
2006-08-17 01:53:39
answer #5
answered by Ricky 6
Although I agree with most of the comments here, if you used a new test called "Confirm Clearly", there is a high chance of a false positive (1 in 6).
Most other established brands are very accurate, however, so I wouldn't stress out about it, and congratulations.
2006-08-17 02:21:18
answer #6
answered by majinsgal 2
I was the same. I couldn't believe it was real until I saw my baby moving on the screen. Its fantastic.
I had my 1st scan at 12 weeks, your usually already 5 or 6 weeks pregnant before you find out. Hold on, not too long to go.
You should get your scan date within a couple of weeks.
Congratulations on being pregnant!!!
2006-08-17 01:52:57
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
How many weeks pregnant are you? You should have your first scan at 12/13 weeks. If the test said you were pregnant, then you're definitely pregnant! I was like you and didn't believe it until I had my scan.
Jolly Congrats!
2006-08-17 01:49:26
answer #8
answered by Away With The Fairies 7
The tests that you buy in shops are as acurate as the doctors test. If you want to do more tests then that it up to you (I did four!) but, again, there's not much point.
Just accept that you are pregnant and enjoy the excitment. Good luck honey
2006-08-17 01:52:19
answer #9
answered by angelina.rose 4
you will have wait till your 3 months pregnant first i wouldt worry safe to say u r cus the results of a home prgnancy r just as good os the docters thats why they dont do tests at the docters no more my sister went throw that now her kid is 1
2006-08-20 05:41:28
answer #10
answered by Anonymous