I would be more afraid of the smaller attacks because I live in a small town.
2006-08-17 01:44:29
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I personally am not afraid either way; however, if I look at the reaction to events such as the DC sniper killings and the TWC attack on 2/26/93, I would say more attention was placed on the DC sniper case, but not much more. If we look at the DC sniper case vs the attacks on 9/11 obviously 9/11 had a far bigger impact. Thus I would conclued that the American public is more defined by fear of a large scale attack.
2006-08-17 01:48:54
answer #2
answered by mymadsky 6
Probably a lot of smaller ones . The repercussions on the muslim communities would be even worse . It was pretty bad after 9-11 , but it will get worse if there is another terror attack on the U.S. Everyone with a dark complexion and black hair would be a target for " RedNecks with Guns ".
2006-08-17 01:50:13
answer #3
answered by rocknrod04 4
I'd be more afraid of the smaller attacks on small towns and cities. Probably because almost all of my family and friends live in small towns.
2006-08-17 01:41:52
answer #4
answered by BookLovr5 5
Smaller attacks... I'm a small town girl
2006-08-17 02:44:34
answer #5
answered by dollface 5
I would say the smaller attacks would scare me more. But of course the big ones are scary too.
2006-08-17 02:06:23
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Believe it or not, I think the terrorists are teaching us how to make the world a safer place. When is the last time you heard of a successful highjacking of an airliner?
2006-08-17 01:53:18
answer #7
answered by No More 7
I think that the terrorists are out to kill all thy can in one blast and make look big to get there point across the bigger it is then the better it looks for them
2006-08-17 01:44:49
answer #8
answered by bigbubba200314 2
a bunch of smaller attacks
2006-08-17 01:41:06
answer #9
answered by Kitty 1
People that believe in 72 virgins and a river of wine in paradise, and the wonderful mothers who help put the bomb belt on their son or daughter, so they can get the $25,000.00 for him doing the deed! Uggahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
2006-08-17 01:45:00
answer #10
answered by Michael 5