I made a Yahoo group dedicated to them http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/Danity_Kane_MTB3/ if you are a fan please join!
21 answers
asked by
Angelica G
Entertainment & Music
➔ Celebrities
Danity Kane is the band from the MTV show Making the Band 3.... the name comes from......
"The name comes from a character drawn by group member Dawn, who says,
We were in the studio and I actually draw anime, and Diddy had been throwing some names at us - Courage, Trust, Beauty - but we want our name to mean something. Diddy looked at the superhero that was the anime that I drew and he was like, 'What's the name of that character?' I was like, 'Danity Kane,' and he was, like, 'Yo, that's dope, you guys can be five superheroes; five girls representing courage, representing all those things in one. " SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danity_Kane
11:36:12 ·
update #1