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any suggestions? brand, price range, etc.

and receivers too.

2006-08-16 05:50:00 · 3 answers · asked by Henry X 1 in Entertainment & Music Music

3 answers

Your question is a bit limiting.

You don't have to spend a lot to get good sound.
For example, the Infinity Primus 160, according to specs, would have decent all around response. But, if you buy a sub woofer, you don't need to worry about the total frequency response of the bookshelfs, particularly if they will just be used for surround sound while watching movies.

I assume you only want a pair of bookshelf speakers as your only set, so the above mentioned would fit that bill the best.

Receivers would also depend on what you want it for.

If you just want a stereo to drive a pair of bookshelf speakers for decent sound quality, check out the Onkyo TX-8222. It comes with an iPod interface, and is basically a stereo receiver.

If you want surround for a home theater, you are talking a whole different animal

2006-08-16 06:04:59 · answer #1 · answered by Gonzo 4 · 0 0

For bookshelf speakers, I have B&W 601's. For midrange and high end, they're awesome! As they are bookshelf speakers, they lack a little in the low end, but they are a "ported" design, so you can still hear the bass okay. I bought the pair on eBay for $400 (an excellent value). I think list price is close to $700.

For receivers, all the major brands are good. Get the most power you can afford.

2006-08-16 06:02:20 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Denon receivers are great but pricey: $2000+

2006-08-16 05:56:27 · answer #3 · answered by BrownTown 5 · 0 0

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