I was emailed pictures of the so called "Muslim Peace March in England signs of hatred and terror, planning attacks. and claiming to make that country their's.? They claim the will takeover and make England Islamic controlled . IsAmerica Next?The News media refused to show these pictures. America was built ONE Nation Under God? Or are we going to be One Nation under Islam. Their BIBLE the Coran says it is ok to kill if a person who rejects their god the 3rd time (cut their heads off) What are we going to do sit back and let them take over control our country, disrespect our faiths and beliefs,kill our people because we refuse to accept their lifestyle and god? Disturbed to see the hatred and threats of terror shown on signs in pictures.Our President and VP interest - oil well's and getting richer while we sacrifice our boys isn't their any concern .Iraq did not attack us-Arabs were the ones arrested wasn't they? Rich get richer. common people sacrifice...how sad.
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