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Its a strange one when you have strict muslims who want to enforce sharia law globally - stone woman to death in the street, cut of peoples hands for shop lifting. yet the white liberal elite are all for womans rights (a good thing ), gay rights and job creation schemes for societys under achievers ( who otherwise are unemployable) as long as you are not a white straight male. George Galloway and Ken Livingstone are two of the worst examples of this, they try to appease muslim fundamentalism yet at the same time are for gay rights in a big way. People like this are hypocrites and totally clueless regarding what society is all about, know wonder the average native british person is so disenchanted with the toilet this country will become.

2006-08-16 00:03:43 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in News & Events Other - News & Events

21 answers

Have you ever actually read the Quran? Have you actually ever studied Islam? Have you ever actually sat down with a true follower of what are the actual tenements of the Muslim faith and asked them questions from a place of education (not television and not what this person or that person has told you, but from a place of true learning and self initiated study)? If you had then you would know that everything that you describe as being "everything Muslims stand for" is wrong. Islam is actually a very peaceful and merciful faith. It is, admittedly, strict in certain areas, but those things that you are describing are not tenements of the faith. There are a few radicals (who unfortunately through their actions generate more press and draw more attention) who abuse the faith. Newsflash, there are radicals of ALL faiths that commit atrocities in the name of their specific gods. You can't single out Muslims and the Islamic faith.
By the way, this is coming from a Christian who realizes that blood has been shed in the name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit for centuries. Look at North Ireland.

2006-08-16 00:14:54 · answer #1 · answered by zaffaris 5 · 0 4

Yes! there is a contradiction between their positive zeal for things like 'womens and minorities rights', but an apparent acceptance of some of the more brutal aspects of Islamic Law. Of course, they don't accept it, but are afraid to say so. It is almost as though they have ridden the same bandwagon, together with the lefties, for so long that they don't want to get off.

Promoting minority groups was simply a way of controlling the majority, by setting them against each other. I think that the Human Rights Act is a complete disaster.

The people you speak of are more interested in pursuing their radical, if not revolutionery, ideaology. This is far more important to them than the nation state, which is of secondary importance. They don't believe in standing up to people, so their only option is appeasement.

2006-08-17 05:58:53 · answer #2 · answered by Veritas 7 · 1 0

I think you should address this question to your future local MP, the Rt. Honorable Mr. Patel who is a member of the government lead by Prime Minister Mr Bin Laden...But seriously, these are politicians, they want to appeal to everybody...Remember a lot of muslims are british citizens and are allowed to vote. The problem is that it is IMPOSSIBLE to please everyone at the same time and there will always be people who loose out on things, hence your dilemma of the fact that you can't benefit from all the arrangements because you are a white british straight guy...There'll be one day when your interests will be represented, you just have to wait a good few years. Your time will come!!!

2006-08-16 00:24:03 · answer #3 · answered by Luvfactory 5 · 1 0

I don't get it either. They would never wantto live in a country in which women could be stoned for adultery or arrested for not wearing a burka.

I beleive they just feel they have to "support the underdog" and those poor muslims are "the underdog". They tend to forget that there are plenty of poor white people who work hard and get sod all back from the government who could also do with some support.

I guess its just trendy and politically corect. Sad, and yes, hypocritcal.

2006-08-17 08:02:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

can't wait to leave this confused country. jokes are made about christians, jews, jehova's witnesses etc and they are supposed to take it, but no one dares take the rise out of the muslims, or they risk all sorts of nasty threats. it is one rule for the muslims and another for any other religion.
Those who want to live under Sharia law should have the right to do so, but not in a christian country. by christian country, I mean that the uk is a Church of England country as the head of state is a christian, it is the regonised religion, the uk is very tolerant and accepting of all but somehow, by doing this the uk seems to have lost it's own religious identity.
i'm only glad that I was allowed to find my own way with regards to religion, and having looked into different aspects, I chose to be an aetheist.

2006-08-16 00:26:58 · answer #5 · answered by rami #1 4 · 1 0

You are right about the hand cuttings... this was brought to world wide attention when 2 of the victims were brought to the USA for prosthesis and ended up at the oval office. Apparently someone doesn't listsen to or see the news reports.

2006-08-19 11:38:47 · answer #6 · answered by mrcricket1932 6 · 1 0

Why, indeed? Liberals have always been hypocrites and probably always will be. They live in an idealistic world. I know... I spent my teens, twenties, and early thirties as a liberal. Fortunately, reality set in toward the end of my thirties, and I began seeing the light of day. They want to do good for folks, but don't seem to get some of the basic facts of life. They're too permissive and don't seem to get the idea that tough love (or learning from the school of hard knocks) is far more effective than the coddling that they are famous for. Of course, this is just one of many examples of where their idealistic nature is just plain wrong.

Winston must be rolling over in his grave along with Thomas Jefferson.

'nuff said?

2006-08-16 00:20:02 · answer #7 · answered by Mr. Peachy® 7 · 4 2

Yes they are hypocritical. And the reason for it is because they try to please everyone(can't be done) and they are strong and powerful when we the people are weak. So they have no desire for us to succeed. Hence their need for us to lose this war against terror. Pretty sick if you ask me. Makes you wonder though if they are for women's rights why are they upset about the regime change in Iraq & Afganistan that is giving those women a better life, supporting the religion of these terrorist also goes against the stand they take here for the gay lifestyle, etc.

2006-08-16 00:14:25 · answer #8 · answered by knightslady97 2 · 4 0

What's the white liberals apologist excuse also for the fact that the uk was fighting FOR the kosovan and bosnian muslims when no-one else would, while muslim 'brothers' were plotting terrorist acts in britain? As for Galloway and Livingstone they would welcome even David Icke's lizards if it meant staying in power.

2006-08-16 00:18:03 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have been wondering about that for years. The best I can figure is that Muslims and liberals have this one thing in common - they hate Bush! Senator Lieberman's primary loss shows that liberals don't care about much else.

2006-08-16 02:14:46 · answer #10 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

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