Firefox is better than IE because its not a microsoft product..
While that seems like a joke and in a way is, I'm also serious. The source code has leaked for IE several times, allowing malicious people to do stuff to your computer through IE that they shouldn't be able to.
Also, Firefox naturally fights spyware and malware from being used to record what you do on the internet. There are literally thousands of programs that attach to IE that read anything and everything you write. Mozilla Firefox prevents that, along with viruses and other bad stuff.
Firefox is also just as fast as IE, sometimes faster. All of Mozillas updates are done without a restart of the computer (just a browser restart). And Mozilla is superior in ad blocking.
Simply, its more secure, just as fast, and not a product of them communist Microsoft people.
2006-08-15 17:51:44
answer #1
answered by ryan b 3
Firefox Myths:
2006-08-15 17:58:36
answer #2
answered by jibberjabbar 6
Firefox is More Safer and Faster than IE, Anti Pop-ups, Anti-spyware and tabbed Browsing.
Here you can download Firefox1.5 with Google Toolbar for Free:
Good Luck to You.
2006-08-17 05:37:40
answer #3
answered by mr_cool_jw 4
The biggest feature, besides being faster is that firefox does not use ActiveX Controls, and it is harder to infect or hack, if you go to a website that is infected, IE will sit there like a dumb_ _ _ and firefox will auto close... Best of Luck to ya!
2006-08-15 17:50:23
answer #4
answered by Devil Dog 6
There is nothing better about it, its a matter of most people infecting their browser by going places they shouldnt have. Their Internet Explorer browsers are infected and they are too dumb to realize it. They then download firefox and its clean, henceforth it runs better. In a few months tho they will have it just as infested and then blame it on the software!
2006-08-15 17:54:52
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Firefox allows no popups, has no memory of your searches or visited pages, accepts no viruses, and isn't a microsoft product. And it's free and constantly updated quickly.
2006-08-15 17:50:17
answer #6
answered by cubs_woo_cubs_woo 3
It is less used particularly by businesses and therefore there is little money to be made from hacking them, as they become more widely known, this will change.
For the moment, I would rate it better because it doesn't attract the spyware, spamware, and malware that is all solidly trained on IE.
2006-08-15 17:49:34
answer #7
answered by Norton N 5
Firefox blocked viruses,spyware and pop-ups.
2006-08-15 17:51:20
answer #8
answered by Hime 2
where did ya get the idea that firefox isnt a pain in the ***?
2006-08-15 17:52:50
answer #9
answered by NONAME 3
More secure, no pop-ups, no redirects, customizable. I won't ever be going back to IE.
2006-08-15 17:49:59
answer #10
answered by Anonymous