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are we really the only ones and why?
give me your most inventive answer you can think of.

2006-08-15 16:42:26 · 20 answers · asked by emily b 2 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

20 answers

First of all it's more than clear that we don't even now 1% of everything there is to know about our solar system much less about the full reasons it is the way it is. if you take a close look at what the rest of the planets do in our solar system (their function in a very loose sense) you'll see that they protect Earth in a way. we wouldn't even be around if at least one of them were gone. Earth seems to have the perfect alignment with the other planets, it's at a perfect distance from the sun, it has an optimum size moon that allows us to remain stable on our ax. So we seem to have the perfect conditions to sustain life and we seem to be the only ones in our solar system to be able to do that. The way I see it it's like you have a very precious flower and you put it in a garden with a bunch of dogs to guard it. So it seems like every part of our solar system guards Earth in some way. As far as being the only ones is concerned...well...let's just say that since we haven't even gone to the edges of our galaxy we can't really know. there could be several life forms somewhere in the universe and just because we haven't met any it doesn't mean there not out there somewhere. what puzzles my is why do we always think that we as humans are alone just because there is no palpable proof that alien life has ever visited us....who says that other forms of life in the Galaxy or universe have to be more advanced than us? on the other hand if they are much more advanced than us and know about us .....why would they care to share their existence? if we look at an ant farm...we just study it...we don't try to mingle...so if they are much more advanced...why would they pay attention to our wanting to know if they are there or not?

2006-08-15 18:55:04 · answer #1 · answered by Scooby 6 · 0 1

In this solar system ours is the one that is in the most favorable position to solidify and receive to right amount of Solar light to develop and sustain life as we know it.
According to some theories we were first made on mars and moved here as the sun cooled and we used up the resources of the mars planet. The next move will be to Venus as the sun cools further and the surface cools far enough down to have a fairly stable surface to live on and we ruin this planet also.
on the universal scale there seems to be a fairly set distance from any sun where the conditions might be right for use or something like us to have been made.
In the whole of the universe using the distances that we can observe there seems to be a ring of about the same ratio where suns and planets could have been made and have life already. That's about from where ever the center of the Universe is to make things clearer.
If Jupiter ever becomes the sun it is capable of becoming then its satellites may be able to sustain some form of life eventually.
Who says the Planets themselves are not alive with souls of there own?We at least used to think of our planet as having its own soul .
The asteroid belt between us and mars may have been a Planet that was destroyed either in a meteor shower in the past of was torn apart by a passing asteroid the tore its half formed shell apart.

2006-08-17 00:03:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, if there were "NO other planets in our solar system that can NOT sustain life", then this planet cannot sustain life, and we're all not really here. Which, now that I consider it, may well be the case.

Assuming that you meant the opposite, says who that no other planets in our solar system can sustain life? None of them seems to have a healthy environment for the likes of thee and me, but what little demi-god claims that life as it exists on this planet is the required form for all life in the universe?

Scientists once, and recently, assumed that no life could exist deep in our oceans, without light for photosynthesis, under extreme pressure, in extreme cold (or heat), in the presence of poisonous gases. Read on to find out just how wrong they were!

2006-08-15 23:53:18 · answer #3 · answered by dragonwych 5 · 0 0

Actually, if you recall, a while back, they did discover some sort of bacteria-like organism on Mars. Although it's not a current thriving species, it once may have been. As far as the other planets go, all I have to say is this, look at it this way, if Mars is our closest planet, and we as a species have only just found proof of former life forms on Mars, then imagine what'll happen in about a hundred years. All of our great grandkids will say, "How come you guys didn't know that there was life on such, and such planet?"

2006-08-15 23:54:33 · answer #4 · answered by lilfireyballofhate 3 · 0 0

Aliens from the planet Bloragh XII use Earth as an intergalactic rest stop on their way to the pleasure planet of Hellokittyius IX. It is only because they dumped a bunch of water here that intergalactically edible creatures can grow and reproduce unaided. There is a Bloragh cruise ship scheduled to make a stop here in about 12 years and let me tell you, they are really going to be pissed off that we've been using up all their congealed dinosaur corpses / oil.

2006-08-16 00:58:37 · answer #5 · answered by Nerdly Stud 5 · 0 0

There are other galaxies and solar systems. We as finite beings do not have the capacity to know what lies out there. I believe that if God wanted us to know what was in outer space, he would have shown us how to travel to other places. There would then be suitable climates, food, clothing and shelter to carry us through, but this has not occurred so far. If you read Bill Clinton's book "My Life", even he indicates a disbelief in some of this space business. I personally have always wondered how much of this space saga could actually be true. I will stick with the Lord. "The Lord daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation." Selah. - Psalm 68:19. I daily ask the Lord to guide me so that no amount of nonsense will stay with me. This is why I read Psalm 35 to (Plead My Cause). It is long-winded but it is so worthwhile. Remember this, "If God be for us, who can be against us." - Romans 8:31. Peace and God Bless.

2006-08-15 23:56:56 · answer #6 · answered by In God We Trust 7 · 0 0

Do you think it is an accident that this is the only planet that could sustain human life??? Is it possible that it is part of the grand plan?? Maybe God did that to show that he is devine and that he put in to place all of what we call the laws of nature and physics.. The reall answer? Becuse God designed it that way

2006-08-15 23:50:06 · answer #7 · answered by memorris900 5 · 0 0

Well if you mean intelligent life, I agree. I doubt any planet in the solar system can contain it :)

Apart from that, theres the organisms on mars, and also possibly on two of Jupiter's moons. Callisto and Europa, and even possibly on the moon itself

2006-08-16 07:43:47 · answer #8 · answered by guhralfromhell 4 · 0 0

We have only just begun to explore our solar system. Plus, we are judging to criteria by our type planet. Who is to say there are not different, but just as intelligent, if not more so, beings out there somewhere. And personally, I believe whole-heartily that there is other life out there, but they are too intelligent to let us find them or to have anything to do with us because we are still too immature to appreciate/understand/tolerate "other life".

2006-08-15 23:51:18 · answer #9 · answered by jiminycricket 3 · 1 0

You mean life as we understand it here on earth. We can't be absolutely certain that there are not other life forms within our solar system. And what about other solar systems?

2006-08-16 01:10:36 · answer #10 · answered by Richard B 7 · 1 0

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