answer ?'s, play games, jack off, watch TV, play a sport, go work out, run around in circles screaming gibberish, write a book, listen to music, hang out with friends, play music, learn an instrument, take a shower, take a crap or piss, take a bath, re-arange or room or another room in your house, clean something, look at yourself in the mirror, practice romance in the mirror, if you have a printer, put 100 sheets of paper in and press the button that makes the paper go through it over and over agian, google your name, google other peoples names, google everything else, try to visit every single web site out there, learn a new language, aquire a taste for free-form jazz, start your own band, search cars on eBay, learn to drive or take a drive(if old enough), vacumm something, jump on your bed, hit random stuff with pillows, jump on your couch, learn HTML code, search random things on wikopedia, do some self reflection, talk on the phone, play with your cell phone and go through all the customizable options, throw balls up in the air and catch them, open all the windows in your home then shut them then open them then close them then open them... type the same word over and over again on your computer, form your opinions on major political issues such as the war, abortion, and which car George Bush should drive tomarrow, take something "unbreakable" and break it, see how many times you can rib a piece of paper in two, break a world record, paint stuff, paint your room, do some home improvement, clean behind your toilet, flush your toilet 26 times then do a little dance, think about things that happened last week and laugh about it, watch commercials on TV and write down wat they were about and if you believe them or not, go to and add as a friend, if u dont have one, make a myspace, add codes and pictures to your myspace, add everyone on myspace to see if they add you, organize your plates, sit on your porch and stare at random people as they walk by, sit a room with a view of the street and take a flashlight and shine it on peoples cars as they drive by and see if they notice, make your foot fall asleep and then walk on it and see how funny it feels, turn your air conditioner on and off until you blow a circuit, umm.... you can come up with more... ill edit if i can think of any more.
2006-08-15 16:17:10
answer #1
answered by tolwc123ag 3
Hmm...well you could tell us all a joke. Or maybe ask for funny stories and/or jokes.
Asking Us what you could do is kind of a loaded question. There are a million things we could tell you to do, but I, personally, am feeling nice, so I won't.
2006-08-15 23:13:03
answer #2
answered by Mindi 2