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I was recently trying to reach my task manager by pressing ctrl+alt+delete but a little message popped out sayingtask manager has been disabled by your administrator. WTF? is that? please help me if you know about this.

2006-08-15 14:57:03 · 5 answers · asked by peeweenano 3 in Computers & Internet Internet

5 answers

If you are not on an administrator account on your computer, you may not be able to access CTRL - ALT - DEL due to restrictions set by your administrator. This is because people can use CTRL-ALT-DEL to abuse the network/computer system and bypass certain restrictions.

For example, you can use CTRL-ATL-DEL to end the task of a program that controls what websites you go to.

2006-08-15 15:03:03 · answer #1 · answered by Leon Wu 4 · 2 0

Hmmm...I think that your computer admin. (aka the one who is mostly in charge of your PC, could be a family member) maybe accidentally messed with the ctrl-alt-del thingy. You are most likely on a limited account. Limited account people can't really have the power to play around with things such as the task manager. On the Windows XP front page (the one with the names of all the members who use the PC), it usually indicates who's the computer admin. and who has a limited account. Tell the computer admin. personally that something's wrong with the task manager. Go to Start=>Help>type in 'task manager' in the search bar=>simply click on any items under where it says "To start using Task Manager, do any of the following". Hope I helped!

2006-08-15 22:15:30 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you aren't on a company network with a domain, someone mucked with your local security policies. Go to start/programs/administrative tools and go to local security policies and you can re-enable task manager in there. Go thru all the settings til you find it and set it to 'not configured'

2006-08-15 22:03:14 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Have you made recent changes to the admin acct? Recommend making a NEW Admin acct, delete previous. If problem goes away, RENAME existing account to previous name.

2006-08-15 22:16:00 · answer #4 · answered by quantummaxq 1 · 0 0


2006-08-15 22:03:00 · answer #5 · answered by nighthawk_842003 6 · 0 0

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